Just incase anyone missed the program on NTV today in part or completely, the full version is available on their website. https://www.ntv.ru/video/2413962/
Just incase anyone missed the program on NTV today in part or completely, the full version is available on their website. https://www.ntv.ru/video/2413962/
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📹 Россия похожа на большую семью, а в США все воюют, заявил ТАСС работавший на РФ американец Дэниэл Мартиндэйл.
Видео: ТАСС
Видео: ТАСС
"Some things in life are worth fighting for." - John Carr, 2025.
Eyewitness who singlehandedly beat the Pallisaides fire near Los Angeles says that the fire department didn't even try to save his community.
Eyewitness who singlehandedly beat the Pallisaides fire near Los Angeles says that the fire department didn't even try to save his community.
"Americans should do everything they can for their government to stop provoking Russia."
Daniel Martindale for the program "Antifake" on Russia's Channel One calls his fellow countrymen to open their eyes and see that the Ukraine with the west's help has been the real aggressor in the Donbass all these years.
Dan is trying to bring truth to light about what is happening in the Donbass and the west's role in the conflict. For this very purpose the "Reverse" project was initiated, to collect the reports of western journalists about the war in the Donbass starting from 2014. The project's producer, Ekaterina V. gives a more detailed account of the project's mission in the video above.
For the full version of this edition of "Antifake" with Daniel Martindale, see Channel One's website (Russian only)
Daniel Martindale for the program "Antifake" on Russia's Channel One calls his fellow countrymen to open their eyes and see that the Ukraine with the west's help has been the real aggressor in the Donbass all these years.
Dan is trying to bring truth to light about what is happening in the Donbass and the west's role in the conflict. For this very purpose the "Reverse" project was initiated, to collect the reports of western journalists about the war in the Donbass starting from 2014. The project's producer, Ekaterina V. gives a more detailed account of the project's mission in the video above.
For the full version of this edition of "Antifake" with Daniel Martindale, see Channel One's website (Russian only)
Three years ago while I was a guest in Lvov Ukraine, a fundamental change occurred in Russia-Ukraine relations. After more than 14,000 civilian casualties in Donbass and years of ceasefire violations by Ukraine, Russia officially recognized the Donbass republics, DPR and LPR as sovereign nations. What else was there to wait for? For Ukraine to get nuclear weapons? Zelenskiy had hinted at this just days earlier, and refused to abide by the Minsk agreements.
When I heard the news, I told my hosts, "this is a declaration of war". It was obvious to me that Russia was preparing to legally form an alliance with the Donbass republics and step in to save them from Ukrainian invasion. Thank God that Russia did!
Three years ago while I was a guest in Lvov Ukraine, a fundamental change occurred in Russia-Ukraine relations. After more than 14,000 civilian casualties in Donbass and years of ceasefire violations by Ukraine, Russia officially recognized the Donbass republics, DPR and LPR as sovereign nations. What else was there to wait for? For Ukraine to get nuclear weapons? Zelenskiy had hinted at this just days earlier, and refused to abide by the Minsk agreements.
When I heard the news, I told my hosts, "this is a declaration of war". It was obvious to me that Russia was preparing to legally form an alliance with the Donbass republics and step in to save them from Ukrainian invasion. Thank God that Russia did!
Recently, it seems almost every day Russian press is forced to rebut yet another baseless claim by Trump and his diplomats that progress is being made towards a peace agreement in Ukraine. This torrent of tabloid style gossip should make Trump blush, but by now it should be obvious that he has neither tact nor the ability to feel embarrassed. He is simply flooding the airwaves with the idea that he is the peacemaker, while in reality he is setting the stage to do the exact opposite.
Trump serves the exact same masters that Biden did, so he is really only looking for an opportunity to walk away from his promises to make peace in Ukraine. Afterall, his masters' goal is to destroy both Russia and Ukraine! What better way for Trump to get off the hook than to shift the blame? I believe that he will go so far as to claim that Putin already agreed to sign a peace deal informally and had a copy on his desk ready to sign. He could then claim that Putin betrayed him and even his own soldiers by reneging on the deal. He could paint Putin as a bloody, murderous traitor, and claim that Putin left him no choice but to sponsor Zelenskiy ten times as much as Biden did.
Mr. Putin, you're up against a snake!
Recently, it seems almost every day Russian press is forced to rebut yet another baseless claim by Trump and his diplomats that progress is being made towards a peace agreement in Ukraine. This torrent of tabloid style gossip should make Trump blush, but by now it should be obvious that he has neither tact nor the ability to feel embarrassed. He is simply flooding the airwaves with the idea that he is the peacemaker, while in reality he is setting the stage to do the exact opposite.
Trump serves the exact same masters that Biden did, so he is really only looking for an opportunity to walk away from his promises to make peace in Ukraine. Afterall, his masters' goal is to destroy both Russia and Ukraine! What better way for Trump to get off the hook than to shift the blame? I believe that he will go so far as to claim that Putin already agreed to sign a peace deal informally and had a copy on his desk ready to sign. He could then claim that Putin betrayed him and even his own soldiers by reneging on the deal. He could paint Putin as a bloody, murderous traitor, and claim that Putin left him no choice but to sponsor Zelenskiy ten times as much as Biden did.
Mr. Putin, you're up against a snake!
If Trump really thought that there was a danger of him being assassinated by America's deep state's guard dogs, the CIA and Secret Service. He would have declassified JFK's assassination during his previous presidential term. That would have given him a reason to disband the CIA eight years ago.
As it is, he is giving the CIA even more reason to hate him. And all to try and cast himself in the same light as JFK. This has got to be the most shameless and poorly planned PR stunt ever. It should be obvious by now that Trump floats his boat in the very swamp he promises to drain.
If Trump really thought that there was a danger of him being assassinated by America's deep state's guard dogs, the CIA and Secret Service. He would have declassified JFK's assassination during his previous presidential term. That would have given him a reason to disband the CIA eight years ago.
As it is, he is giving the CIA even more reason to hate him. And all to try and cast himself in the same light as JFK. This has got to be the most shameless and poorly planned PR stunt ever. It should be obvious by now that Trump floats his boat in the very swamp he promises to drain.
I think it's safe to say that all of us would like to see peace on earth. Perhaps something will change in 2025. It seems that someone in leadership of the so called free western world should be smart enough and brave enough to end this war(and in Palestine). We feel betrayed by those who seem not to care about all the suffering that they are causing by their actions, and/or inaction. What was it Trump promised...?
I hate to break it to you, but this is the normal state of the world. Our world is filled with greed, murder, hatred, and untrustworthiness. In a world ruled by imperfect people, imperfection is the best we can hope for. It's not right, just, or proper. It's not the way God intended, but it is reality.
Why doesn't God fix the problem? Actually he has done everything that was necessary and more, but we humans often exercise our God given privilege to be our own worst enemy. We don't like to live by God's rules. We aren't ready for God to appear and rule on earth! He would have to throw most of us into outer darkness.
When humanity does finally sell out to satan enmasse, Jesus will appear to judge and then set up His kingdom. Then the devil won't be able to whisper in our ears any longer, tempting us to rebel. Then there will be peace. Until then, ask Jesus to help you love your neighbor as yourself now. He's listening, waiting.
I think it's safe to say that all of us would like to see peace on earth. Perhaps something will change in 2025. It seems that someone in leadership of the so called free western world should be smart enough and brave enough to end this war(and in Palestine). We feel betrayed by those who seem not to care about all the suffering that they are causing by their actions, and/or inaction. What was it Trump promised...?
I hate to break it to you, but this is the normal state of the world. Our world is filled with greed, murder, hatred, and untrustworthiness. In a world ruled by imperfect people, imperfection is the best we can hope for. It's not right, just, or proper. It's not the way God intended, but it is reality.
Why doesn't God fix the problem? Actually he has done everything that was necessary and more, but we humans often exercise our God given privilege to be our own worst enemy. We don't like to live by God's rules. We aren't ready for God to appear and rule on earth! He would have to throw most of us into outer darkness.
When humanity does finally sell out to satan enmasse, Jesus will appear to judge and then set up His kingdom. Then the devil won't be able to whisper in our ears any longer, tempting us to rebel. Then there will be peace. Until then, ask Jesus to help you love your neighbor as yourself now. He's listening, waiting.
Back in early 2023 this Chinese-owned news company visited Bogoyavlenka. I can assure you that Russian intelligence saw their broadcast. It was probably very easy to tell exactly where the Ukrainians were parking their equipment from this footage without any help from me. It wasn't long before they moved their armor to different locations.
Back in early 2023 this Chinese-owned news company visited Bogoyavlenka. I can assure you that Russian intelligence saw their broadcast. It was probably very easy to tell exactly where the Ukrainians were parking their equipment from this footage without any help from me. It wasn't long before they moved their armor to different locations.
Reposted from:

▶️ Трамп втрое ошибся в подсчетах потерь Советского Союза в годы войны, заявил ТАСС Дэниэл Мартиндейл.
Он отметил, что президенту США не мешало бы детальнее изучить историю Второй мировой войны.
Видео: ТАСС
Он отметил, что президенту США не мешало бы детальнее изучить историю Второй мировой войны.
Видео: ТАСС
If I may comment on the fires in southern California; it seems to me that the message is clear. "Your country is being judged for its evil ways"! And what better place to judge than Los Angeles? I'm sure there are good people who are suffering too. I'm no stranger to that personally. But I also understand the necessity of severe measures when there is a severe problem.
I did some firefighting myself over the last year, and I can tell you firsthand that a fire doesn't have to be very big before all household methods of putting it out are useless. With the size of the fires we are seeing around L.A. I have my doubts that they are stoppable by anything except a miracle. But why should God step in to save such a place? I can't imagine why He would.
These fires once again show how in the eyes of America's elite, regular Americans are expendable. Ever since they sacrificed 3000+ on 9/11 to excuse a new war in the middle east, this has been the norm. My parents saw this same disdainful neglect recently in North Carolina.
You could make the argument that Biden should be spending money on prevention of and recovery after natural disasters instead of sending billions to zelenskiy and his goons, but I would point to the fact that in order for him to spend money on anything, he had to steal it from you first! Worst of all being the theft that you don't even notice; inflation. Turning the dollar that you saved away some years ago into 50 cents today. Where did the other 50 cents go? To the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. And who are they? They are the real swamp that Trump will never even whisper about!
I did some firefighting myself over the last year, and I can tell you firsthand that a fire doesn't have to be very big before all household methods of putting it out are useless. With the size of the fires we are seeing around L.A. I have my doubts that they are stoppable by anything except a miracle. But why should God step in to save such a place? I can't imagine why He would.
These fires once again show how in the eyes of America's elite, regular Americans are expendable. Ever since they sacrificed 3000+ on 9/11 to excuse a new war in the middle east, this has been the norm. My parents saw this same disdainful neglect recently in North Carolina.
You could make the argument that Biden should be spending money on prevention of and recovery after natural disasters instead of sending billions to zelenskiy and his goons, but I would point to the fact that in order for him to spend money on anything, he had to steal it from you first! Worst of all being the theft that you don't even notice; inflation. Turning the dollar that you saved away some years ago into 50 cents today. Where did the other 50 cents go? To the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. And who are they? They are the real swamp that Trump will never even whisper about!
To all of my subscribers and even passersby, you have my gratitude for taking the time to let my story take its place in shaping your opinions. I hope all of you will be part of bringing about peace and maintaining it in the future.
My posts have been very sporadic recently in conjunction with preparations I'm making for starting the next chapter of my story. It will be different, but I hope, just as reflective of the beliefs and values that I've shared up until now.
I hope you all are thoroughly enjoying the holidays, and most importantly the family-time it may afford. May this be your best year yet!
To all of my subscribers and even passersby, you have my gratitude for taking the time to let my story take its place in shaping your opinions. I hope all of you will be part of bringing about peace and maintaining it in the future.
My posts have been very sporadic recently in conjunction with preparations I'm making for starting the next chapter of my story. It will be different, but I hope, just as reflective of the beliefs and values that I've shared up until now.
I hope you all are thoroughly enjoying the holidays, and most importantly the family-time it may afford. May this be your best year yet!
Good evening! Tomorrow(Dec. 18th) I'll be on Russian TV again, on channel 1 for the program «Anti-fake» at 13:30 Moscow time, 5:30 for the east coast. https://www.1tv.ru/shows/antifeyk?ysclid=m4te5x6r3275147593
Good evening! Tomorrow(Dec. 18th) I'll be on Russian TV again, on channel 1 for the program «Anti-fake» at 13:30 Moscow time, 5:30 for the east coast. https://www.1tv.ru/shows/antifeyk?ysclid=m4te5x6r3275147593
A long time hack for Zelenskiy, and probably the CIA too, Brett Forrest, has just published his version of my story. He did a good job of twisting reality, but not as good as he did in his reporting about Bucha(link to news agency Meduza - declared an agent of foreign interests in Russia) . Even though he was one of the very first in Bucha, giving him the most untampered view at the evidence, he still managed to turn the matrix inside-out. With that in mind, his semantic gymnastics with the information shared with him by my parents and I is no surprise. What's interesting is the timing. He published his hit piece on me(and Trump BTW) yesterday. Two months after he interviewed me in mid- December.
A long time hack for Zelenskiy, and probably the CIA too, Brett Forrest, has just published his version of my story. He did a good job of twisting reality, but not as good as he did in his reporting about Bucha(link to news agency Meduza - declared an agent of foreign interests in Russia) . Even though he was one of the very first in Bucha, giving him the most untampered view at the evidence, he still managed to turn the matrix inside-out. With that in mind, his semantic gymnastics with the information shared with him by my parents and I is no surprise. What's interesting is the timing. He published his hit piece on me(and Trump BTW) yesterday. Two months after he interviewed me in mid- December.
Reposted from:

▶️ Именно Россия победила нацистскую Германию в Великой Отечественной войне, а не США, заявил ТАСС американец Дэниэл Мартиндейл, два года работавший в украинском тылу на стороне РФ.
Видео: ТАСС
Видео: ТАСС
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When a government prioritizes the interests of another country over those of its own citizens, it is immoral — especially when it happens at the expense of those very citizens. And even more so when the citizens themselves do not support it.
Prolonged neglect of people's needs leads to burnout; everyone knows this. Symbolically, the California wildfires have vividly highlighted the unfairness of the U.S. government's decisions, which have effectively shifted Ukraine's problems onto the shoulders of American citizens.
Journalist Andrew Korybko shared his perspective on the reforms Americans expect in light of this on the Reverse website.
Stat tuned on:
"Americans are burned out over support for Ukraine"
🇬🇧 English version
🇷🇺 Русская версия
Prolonged neglect of people's needs leads to burnout; everyone knows this. Symbolically, the California wildfires have vividly highlighted the unfairness of the U.S. government's decisions, which have effectively shifted Ukraine's problems onto the shoulders of American citizens.
Journalist Andrew Korybko shared his perspective on the reforms Americans expect in light of this on the Reverse website.
Stat tuned on:
"Americans are burned out over support for Ukraine"
🇬🇧 English version
🇷🇺 Русская версия
Reposted from:

«Американцы должны сделать всё, что от них зависит, чтобы правительство США перестало терроризировать Россию»
Дэниел Мартиндейл в программе «Антифейк» на Первом канале обратился к соотечественникам, призывая их раскрыть глаза и осознать, что Украина при поддержке Запада была истинным агрессором в Донбассе все эти годы.
Дэн старается донести до американцев и европейцев правду о событиях в Донбассе и роли Запада в конфликте. Именно для этого был создан проект «Реверс», где собраны истории иностранных журналистов о войне в Донбассе с 2014 года по настоящее время. Подробно о миссии проекта рассказала продюсер Екатерина Ванеева - смотрите в закрепленном видео.
Полная версия программы «Антифейк» с участием Дэниела Мартиндейла на сайте Первого канала.
❤️ Проект "Реверс" реализуется при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив.
Leaving aside who is right/ wrong in a given conflict, all assertions that the bad guys are doing this or that because it's in their blood or genetic – this is nazi ideology! The truth is our genetics and blood are all the same – we are all equally human, disposed to sin! Hatred or even distrust for a certain ethnic group as a whole, puts you very close ideologically to being in the same camp as Hitler and Goebbels. This is not what the world needs.
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