i cannot be TOO upset because at least i’m GETTING appointments and i’m GETTING prescriptions and shit, but i am under no illusion that’s because i’m lucky, i know i am only given this 'courtesy' cause i’m a powder keg of chronic conditions that’s a step away from psychiatric watch. and even THEN they cannot fucking WRITE ME A MESSAGE, like HELLO, hEADS UP, WE CONFIRMED A DIAGNOSIS.
i cannot emphasise enough that despite the amount of asthma references i make daily, that was a secret the spirometry tech told me looking at my tests. it was never told to me in any kind of official capacity, he could be WRONG.
he nudged me to use an inhaler i got for the TEST because it would be better than nothing, but if he didn’t i would just throw it away as instructed. so my main management for months was an acute inhaler i didn’t even get prescribed for acute reasons. as far as the clinic knows, i am not managing my asthma at all. at 70% lung function which is like, levels where everyday life is affected noticeably.