I wonder how many Gardai have penalty points for speeding when off duty vs. how many Gardai are caught but left off the hook? Thus, Gardai are happy to enforce the new speed limits as they won’t affect most of them. The new speed limits are absurd because Ireland ranks 7th lowest in road deaths out of 27 EU countries.
This FFG policy is simply anti-motorists, more nanny state over-the-top control, and more fine profiteering. Just watch how lower speed limits will make little difference to yearly road deaths because there will always be a risk no matter what, because there will always be pedestrians and cyclists who make mistakes, bad drivers, drunk drivers, and drug drivers.
We need better enforcement of existing laws, better driver training, better roads, and better public transport so those who shouldn’t be driving don’t — all government responsibility but failing to do. Also, Ireland's car taxes are ridiculously high, making newer and better cars with more advanced braking and safety features unaffordable — again, the government is part of the problem.