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Carli • Saved by Grace

Child of God ~ Looking for that Blessed Hope 🕊️
YouTube Link ~ https://youtube.com/@carli.savedbygrace?si=uXCVO4jFPhU5S3aK
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Папулярныя публікацыі Carli • Saved by Grace

Thank you @Njlars for sharing this with me ❤️

Your Word Is A Light

We journey through a fallen world with many dangerous pitfalls, slippery places, and dark foes seeking to destroy our close fellowship with our Lord, but in Psalm 119, we are given a beautiful promise and an eternal truth; that God's Word is a gleaming lamp to our feet that will guide us through the darkness of this fallen world and it is a shining light to brighten the pathway we take.

Not only are there external difficulties and dangers to face in life's journey, but also there are internal failings and weaknesses that lurk deep within our soul which can cause us to walk away from our 'First Love', but God's Word provides a sure foundation upon which to stand in a darkened world that is falling apart.

Scripture is our secure guidebook to return us into a right relationship with the Lord when we abandon the road of righteousness or stray from the path of peace.

The Word of God is an inextinguishable lamp to guide us along the right path, and it is a radiant light that banishes the shadows of uncertainty, by illuminating the next step in this sin~soaked world.

Opening~up of the pages of Scripture will brighten the path we take, re~energise our hope in Christ, and provide understanding to the one who walks humbly before the Lord.

God's Word is the light of truth that is written for our learning to lead us away from each shadowy danger that crosses our path and to strengthen our faith in our Saviour as He gently leads us. It lifts the darkness before us, and straightens every crooked path.

His Word not only brightens our pathway, guards us on our journey through life, and warns us of each lurking danger, but it is a treasure~trove of precious gemstones to be hidden deep within our heart, for it contains words of wisdom to guide our thinking, precious promises to encourage our hearts, godly instruction on how to live as the Lord desires us to live, and it is the perfect pattern for Christian living as well as the qualified adjudicator of our daily conduct.

The Bible is the sure Word of the living God Who has told us the end from the beginning, and all God’s children do well to take heed to its precious pages as unto a light that shines in a dark place.

We would do well to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God, and to guard it within our hearts, for it is a lamp to our feet, a light to our path, and it brightens up every corner of our lives, for it is God's instrument to lead us into holiness and to guide our feet into His way of truth.

God bless you all.

Jesus ~ The Radiance Of God’s Glory

Before He made His humble entrance onto the stage of universal history as the Son of Man, Jesus Christ was and is and ever shall be. From all eternity and into the ages that are to come, Jesus is the dazzling brightness of God's glorious magnificence, the essential blazing radiance of His resplendent glory. He was and is and ever shall be the Son of the most high God.

No man has seen God at any time, for He is the everlasting, self~existent, unapproachable Light of lights, the essence of divine perfection Who resides in deity's unknowable majesty. By the strength of His all~powerful omnipotence, He sustains all the creation that He spoke into being by the authority of His powerful Word, the Word Who was made flesh.

That WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us. That WORD was the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. That WORD was willingly disrobed of the glorious magnificence that He shared with the Father from the dawn of eternity to become a Man, and He was despised and rejected of men. He was a Man of sorrows and aquatinted with grief, and ridiculed and scorned and humiliated beyond measure. He was crucified on a cruel cross to make purification for the sins of the whole world so that whosoever will may come to Him for everlasting life, everlasting light, everlasting hope, everlasting peace, everlasting joy & everlasting salvation.

And now there is a perfect Man, a member of the human race Who is seated on the right hand of the Father, Who sits on the throne of God in the dazzling brightness of God's glorious magnificence and the essential blazing radiance of God's resplendent glory. And in His hands and feet, He bears the scars of the nails that pierced His innocent flesh.

Jesus did all this so that You and I might receive forgiveness of sins by believing on the Name of the only begotten Son of God ~ the Son Who is the radiance of God's glory and the exact expression of His nature Who is sustaining all things by His powerful WORD and Who has made purification for your sins and mine. He is now seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high waiting for the day when He will come again to receive us unto Himself so that where He is, we may be also.

God bless you all.

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