Анатолий Шарий

Україна Сейчас | УС: новини, політика, війна

Всевидящее ОКО: Україна | Новини

Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"


Николаевский Ванёк

Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует

Лачен пише

Инсайдер UA | Україна | Новини

Анатолий Шарий

Україна Сейчас | УС: новини, політика, війна

Всевидящее ОКО: Україна | Новини

Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"


Николаевский Ванёк

Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует

Лачен пише

Инсайдер UA | Україна | Новини

Анатолий Шарий

Україна Сейчас | УС: новини, політика, війна

Всевидящее ОКО: Україна | Новини

JW Mickle
Alberta Dirt Rock
Рэйтынг TGlist
Не вертыфікаваныНадзейнасць
Не надзейныРазмяшчэнне
Дата стварэння каналаDec 29, 2021
Дадана ў TGlist
Feb 23, 2025Рэкорды
0Індэкс цытавання07.03.202501:15
85Ахоп 1 паста08.02.202501:15
85Ахоп рэкламнага паста31.12.202423:59
62.50%ERRПераслаў з:
Jeremy MacKenzie 🇨🇦

DIAGOLON: ROAD RAGE TERROR TOUR - un film magnifique
Coming soon
Coming soon

Early spring cleaning at the DBR..
Redneck shit.
Redneck shit.
Yes I'm keeping score.

Start the day with toxic death.
These are the planes I want to see fall from the sky. All of these traitor pilots can burn in hell.
These are the planes I want to see fall from the sky. All of these traitor pilots can burn in hell.

That was incredibly satisfying.
Enjoy your weekend y'all.
Enjoy your weekend y'all.

I can see the future..

The Can/Amera divide is 100% manufactured. Mainly for small minded Westerners to take the bait as another distraction from replacing us with nons who are destroying both countries in an endless, legal crime spree.
Keep your damn eye on the ball..
The Can/Amera divide is 100% manufactured. Mainly for small minded Westerners to take the bait as another distraction from replacing us with nons who are destroying both countries in an endless, legal crime spree.
Keep your damn eye on the ball..
How many friends and family have to die of strokes, heart attacks and turbo cancers before people go ape shit?
A friend my age all of a sudden has stage 4 lung cancer. He never had stage 1 or 2 or 3. Just turbo cancer all of a sudden.
Yes he got the jab. We tried to talk him out of it. Now his wife and daughter have to go through this betrayal. They will get no sympathy from this corrupt system.
He will die soon as the Dr's say there is nothing they can do...
Government murder.✅
Media complicit.✅
Foreign invasion.✅
Corrupt cops.✅
It's all there, plain as day to see.
A friend my age all of a sudden has stage 4 lung cancer. He never had stage 1 or 2 or 3. Just turbo cancer all of a sudden.
Yes he got the jab. We tried to talk him out of it. Now his wife and daughter have to go through this betrayal. They will get no sympathy from this corrupt system.
He will die soon as the Dr's say there is nothing they can do...
Government murder.✅
Media complicit.✅
Foreign invasion.✅
Corrupt cops.✅
It's all there, plain as day to see.

It's good for ya goys...
Suck in that thick,
toxic metal air..
Suck in that thick,
toxic metal air..
Пераслаў з:
BC Interior Freedom Fighters

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is looking for ostrich killers, and the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) is not happy about it!
An internal CFIA discussion leaked to Universal Ostrich Farms posed the question, “Can we get hunters to kill these birds for us?”
CFIA’s desire to ask third parties to kill 400 ostriches on CFIA’s behalf is corroborated by their appeal of the emergency injunction stopping the slaughter. CFIA asserts that the injunction applies only to the owners of Universal Ostrich Farms, and not to CFIA or agents acting on its behalf.
CFIA performed PCR tests on two dead birds after 16 hours – not by conducting an autopsy or taking tissue samples, the “gold standard” in testing – and used PCR tests to rationalize killing this entire flock of majestic birds.
Hunters are ethical men and women who humanely harvest wildlife to feed their families. They are not contract killers for government agencies.
An internal CFIA discussion leaked to Universal Ostrich Farms posed the question, “Can we get hunters to kill these birds for us?”
CFIA’s desire to ask third parties to kill 400 ostriches on CFIA’s behalf is corroborated by their appeal of the emergency injunction stopping the slaughter. CFIA asserts that the injunction applies only to the owners of Universal Ostrich Farms, and not to CFIA or agents acting on its behalf.
CFIA performed PCR tests on two dead birds after 16 hours – not by conducting an autopsy or taking tissue samples, the “gold standard” in testing – and used PCR tests to rationalize killing this entire flock of majestic birds.
Hunters are ethical men and women who humanely harvest wildlife to feed their families. They are not contract killers for government agencies.
Гісторыя змяненняў канала
Увайдзіце, каб разблакаваць больш функцый.