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BC Interior Freedom Fighters avatar

BC Interior Freedom Fighters

A channel dedicated to the interior of British Columbia’s ( North Okanagan, Shuswap, Thompson / Nicola, Cariboo, etc ) ,continuing fight against tyranny and medical apartheid imposed by a corrupt system…
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Папулярныя публікацыі BC Interior Freedom Fighters

Libs to double funding for their propaganda machine in the name of "National Security"...

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Lauren Witzke ✝️🇺🇸 avatar
Lauren Witzke ✝️🇺🇸
Canadian grocery stores are looking a little barren, trying to stick it to America.
Alberta lawyer Jeffrey Rath says a delegate is planning to travel to D.C. to pitch President Trump on Alberta statehood.

“It’s quite evident that we’re being governed by idiots in Ottawa… there’s a number of us in Alberta that have had enough.”

Heavy chemtrails and dimming incoming over what were blue skies in the Okanagan Valley.

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RealCanadianPatriots avatar
Kelowna man frustrated with RCMP response after stolen items tracked to homeless camp https://globalnews.ca/news/11012920/kelowna-gps-stolen-items-homeless-camp/
The Persecution of Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert continues.

Now that they are guests of the Drumheller Institution and have been moved to minimum security, they are entitled to something called a 'PenPack' which is an allotment of personal items they are permitted to have once a year, to a $2000 maximum material value.

One of Tony's advocates arranged for his PenPack to be sent to him, and instead of going to Drumheller, it was diverted to Scarborough, ON, for reasons unknown, and delivered to him many weeks late.

In that PenPack were 3 books gifted to Tony by his friends outside - "Hold The Line" by Tamara Lich, "Unjustified" by Ray McGinnis and "The Freedom Convoy" by Andrew Lawton.

Staff at the Drumheller Institution removed those books from the PenPack, and Olienick was told that it would be "no different than allowing a drug dealer to give you drugs."

So there you have it folks, the Corrections Service of Canada believes that certain books are the equivalent of Narcotics.

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David Avocado Wolfe avatar
David Avocado Wolfe
Entrepreneurs and the Big Money people have fled Canazuela. A collapse is coming. It’s, in fact, imminent.

Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑
CFIA has refused to conduct more testing in Edgewood, BC, and prohibited the farm owners or any independent lab from conducting any form of testing on their 400 birds, eggs, egg yolks under the threat of a $200k fine or 6 months in jail.

This is Where the Horses (and all other animals) Come In…

It signals a broader trend that should concern all animal owners, even those in the equine community. Equestrian Canada, in partnership with EIDAP Inc., has recently launched the Canadian Horse Identification Program (CHIP), a traceability initiative for all equines born and/or domiciled in Canada. This program, to start next month, involves the implantation of microchips in horses, providing each animal with a unique ID number. 

The destruction of the Edgewood ostriches fits neatly into the "One Health" agenda—a global framework that merges human, animal, and environmental health into a single, government controlled system.


Canada, how does this illusion of 'democracy' work for you?

Senate seats top and MP's bottom map. Basically, those two eastern provinces decide the whole country's destiny and always have. WEXIT

B.C. Conservative MLA Dallas Brodie, also a former attorney who now serves as the justice critic, discusses the Kamloops Residential School hoax and the governments lies on the non-existent '215 unmarked graves of children' claim.

Nearly four years after Trudeau's UN propaganda and a number of corrupt Indian Chief's towing the line of the unmarked graves hoax story at the Kamloops Residential School and other similar lies on reservations across Canada, hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars later, no bodies have ever been uncovered. Nor has an excavation ever taken place at the school site.

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Life with Kids avatar
Life with Kids
‘Did you know that the CDC changed the developmental milestones for children? Instead of figuring out why more and more children aren’t meeting standard developmental milestones, they just changed them to make it seem normal.

They took away crawling as a milestone.
Walking from 12-15 months to 18 months.
Rolling from 3-5 months to 6 months.
Talking changed from 12 months to 15 months.’
New bill in South Africa proposes to seize 80% of private property to "reflect racial demographics"

South Africa is the future we are heading to if we don't stop the current trajectory of Western nations.. Communism & corruption bankrupts the nation and then brown politicians will inevitably look for new ways to finance their failing nations using White money & property
Tim Horton's: PT. 2

Some imagery for next time you're at Taj Mahorton's supporting the jeets with your dollara and having a donut...

Crime Minister Trudeau’s cabinet, on his last business day in office, has tacked on another 179 unique gun models to Canada’s list of prohibited firearms. The Trudeau Liberals in December added 324 firearms to the list, provoking an outcry from firearms groups and even the Toronto Police Association. There are now more than 2,000 prohibited firearms on the government’s list of scary guns.

The RCMP union says that this program is a waste of money and that’s only more true with the increased costs of buying back more guns. The federal government needs to listen to the police, cut its losses, and scrap the gun ban and buyback and start addressing the more immediate and growing threat of criminal use of illegal firearms.

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