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Orthodox Temple of Natural Religion


2025 Greek & Roman Pagan Religious Calendar Now Available!

We are overjoyed to announce the publication of our 2025 Greek & Roman Pagan Religious Calendar! Updates to last year's calendar include:
- A few new holidays listed
- New information about the months
- New pictures throughout the calendar
- Improved typography
- New notations for the public holidays and ill-omened days of the Roman religious calendar
- Accurate reckoning of this year's lunar months
- The specific dates and times of the quarter and cross-quarter day events
- Our customary notation of the lunar phases corresponding to the quarter and cross-quarter days, which we call the Temple Lunar Seasonal Celebrations
- And more!

Last year's calendar got rave reviews, and this year's is even better. Get them quickly from our Etsy store while supplies last:

Note: The 2025 Germanic calendar will be available within the next few days.
Let's answer the question: Why is sex a matter of morality? Two reasons: Firstly, it is our moral duty to have goodwill for all people for their own sake (as a matter of respecting the dignity they bear as creations of God, and as a matter of realizing divine perfection by extending goodwill to the world in the same fashion the Good Itself and Zeus the Shaper do). We must have this fundamental goodwill for others rather than approaching them with the selfish/evil mindset of using them for our own selfish gain or pleasure. Even if the act is private (masturbation) or mutual (casual sex), the act is not morally permissible, because it is not okay to foster a mentality of using others. Approaching the opposite sex with this lustful mentality makes one a pervert and prevents us from seeing the person as they truly are, the soul, the person loved by God into existence; it debases us into beasts unworthy of humanity, much less divinity. See, the beast sees and wants the body; the human, a rational being, sees and wants the mind; the purified soul sees the wonderful goodness/loveliness of this particular person as they are; he or she loves the other for their own sake: "To love someone is to know the reason God had to create this person." We cannot have a proper, lawful, orderly, just, responsible civilization if everyone has become corrupted through sexual perversion and has the essentially sociopathic mentality that they can use others for pleasure or self-gain. Such a mentality gives rise to a brutal social state unworthy of humanity: slavery, tyranny, consumerism, godlessness—Everybody becomes coomtarded, treacherous, and brutal. Secondly, we are only free to do what is good; freedom is the capacity to assume responsibility. If one is not prepared to assume responsibility for children, one should not have sex. Therefore, casual sex and masturbation are morally impermissible.

To meet the moral criteria for sex, then, we must focus on a few things.

Firstly, we must combat lust by instead looking past the desired body and seeing the person/soul itself, having pity on that soul for its ignorance, and praying for them. Do you see a desirable woman? Pray for her, that the Gods may excuse her for her immodesty and you for your lust. Having this prayerfulness and reverent regard towards others souls is a powerful tool.
Elder Drákontos's Moderation Advice and Teachings

Q: Hey, Elder, I want to ask you for some advice if possible. I noticed out of the four virtues my weakest is temperance. I am doing my best to fast and meditate to better myself into a more moderate person. Do you have any advice or other practices to help me on this part of my journey.

A: Hi! I think the key is to know when enough is enough, to “Know the Measure.” One thing that helped me from overeating was internalizing the Gita’s message “The sage stops eating when he is satisfied that he has had enough.” Be satisfied with enough, be grateful for your lot, be content with life as it is, and know that our joy and perfection (grace and true freedom) lies in adhering solely to the Good. Observing contentment and grace will go a long way and will slowly perfect your character. Take it upon yourself to style yourself as a yogi or ascetic, and challenge yourself to see how powerful spiritually you can become as you accrue more good karma and purify/augment your spiritual vessel. Make a vow to mimic Odin’s self-sacrifice by observing austerity for 10 days. Exercise and, most of all, nature walks will help a ton.

Making it an act of devotion to a god makes it more likely to succeed. Then, instead of perceiving moderation as a negative, a deprivation, you perceive it as a positive, an enhancement of your life with divine energy.

Ultimately, you have to take more joy in denying the thing than you do in indulging it. You have to see the excess as thoroughly harmful and unappetizing, so that it holds no sway over you. So, you have to see the excess as a negative and the self-denial as a positive. You have to have self-respect and esteem yourself as a higher person, and then you will become that higher person. The continual self-denials will become habit and shape your taste, and then your character will be improved altogether, and these things will hold no sway or appeal to you.

Q: Another question about moderation as well but about sexual moderation. I currently have blockers on my browser for illicit video sites and the such. It is an addiction I gained in my teens. Is your advice for dealing with it similar for moderation related to food or is there something else in particular for this you think might help. Thank you for your previous advice again my troubles with overconsumption of food has greatly diminished these past days since.

A: I am glad to hear your moderation in food intake has improved. My advice for sexual moderation is largely the same. I don't recall if you are married or not. When you are married, it is a good practice to make love to your wife on a weekly or monthly basis to maintain marital satisfaction. Some people refer to that as "slay day" lol.
Don’t let them take from you that faith in truth and love, because it’s all we have.
Because of the meddling of Christianity with human culture, natural religion, which should be the most natural and sensible of viewpoints, has become the rarest of viewpoints. Therefore it is necessary that we educate others and broadcast our views as widely as possible.

Not only is it necessary to educate others, it is also necessary to be involved in an effective organization with true teachings. Organization is what gives us hope that change may be realized, and it is our spiritual and social duty to work towards the good (rather than only caring about family or being self-preoccupied or self-indulgent).

In addition to education, organization, right action, and self-discipline, contribution and devotion are necessary. Paganism cannot be revived merely through the writings of a few: It requires generous donation and sincere involvement. How can we overcome the Abrahamists if they are attending services and donating 10+% of their income weekly, even when they don’t like or agree with the pastor? Yes, through the truth and moral sensibility of our doctrines and the repudiation of their doctrines as nonsensical and morally objectionable, but we need temples, schools, and associated facilities of our own to establish credibility and retain our gains upon the minds of humanity through physical organization/communal association (local temple fellowships/communities). If funds cannot be donated, service should be donated, but the need for funds is greater at this point in order to build those temples and religious communities. And donation needs to be generous and not miserly. Please do your part and donate here:

Involvement also needs to be high-minded and not petty or disloyal. If the organization has true teachings, then human flaws within the organization should be endured and rectified as far as possible; the organization or Chief Priest should not be abandoned due to good work not being ideal enough or personal difference with the pastor’s opinion or rhetorical approach, and it certainly shouldn’t be abandoned out of personal ambition to compete with it for one’s own glory. (Personal glory and ambition should not enter the equation of service to the divine; rank and title are a matter of enabling organizational protocol.) Until we realize what it takes to make a sincere commitment to an organization and develop a sense of loyalty and shame for disloyalty or abandonment, our organizations will continue to experience periodic turbulence and setbacks, and our retainment rate be reduced. We have to understand that if an organization is not performing ideally, we the members of that organization must take the initiative to support it in ways that will allow it to become ideal, for without this kind of commitment, no organization is tenable and no efforts are fruitful.

Finally, beyond commitment to organization, commitment to the spiritual and religious life are necessary. It is necessary to be reflective and cultivate virtue, and to worship and work with the Gods. Without a foundation of virtue or the support of the Gods, one cannot be successful. And that is why, despite the spiritual terrorism of Abrahamism allowing it to realize organizational power and wealth, it will ultimately fail: It lacks virtue and is rejected by the Gods. Their churches and schools, though wealthy, are becoming empty. The time is ripe to realize pagan ascendancy, to buy up old churches and schools and make them our own. And our culture certainly needs the rectification, and even the anti-social don’t want their children becoming corrupted or surrounded by the filth and maladaptation of the popular culture. So, the prospects of our success are good, if only heroic individuals will now step up and do their part by donating or getting involved, and you can start by visiting our website at or emailing us at about getting started.

Note: We are a 501(c)(3) organization with the legal right to sell and purchase real estate for the operation of temples, schools, and their associated facilities.
There is no such thing as ontological evil, only Good. Evil is what we describe as the absence of good. It is defined negatively, and has no positive existence. This is just as darkness has no positive existence but is rather how we describe the absence of light. The Good, which is Divinity, the Source of Being, is the only true existent, and is the foundation for all posterior, contingent, subordinate existents. Therefore, there is no evil, no devil, no demons, only the illusion of them, the ignorance of posterior beings of the ultimate reality that is the Good.

Goodness, which is defined as that which is conducive to life, is the source of all, ushering forth all life, being, and order into the cosmos. Every existent exists within the Good and participates it, moving towards it as divinely ordained and as far as it understands it. There are beings that we think may be evil but actually serve the Good in ways we cannot fathom. Just as wolves must seem purely evil to rabbits and deer, they serve the good by preventing ecosystemic destruction by over-consumption of vegetation and overpopulation; the ecosystem itself is a being, a construct of nature, which exists in a harmony and follows an order directed by the Divine Intelligence. Therefore, beings that seem evil to us, like parasites, bugs, and diseases, actually serve the Good in ways we cannot fully fathom. And I do believe there are a variety of daimones and spirits that act in this way, and I believe there are corrupt ghosts that are left behind and must be released of their bondage by teaching, reminding them of, inviting them to the Good. Ultimately, all beings are Good, even if some may seem evil by our perspective (relative to our position), and all life is Good, so even if this body meets it end by what seems evil, death is not the end: The soul is recycled within the Good and reincarnated until it purifies itself and escapes the ignorance and suffering of samsara. If we should meet with death, let us not fear or dread but understand that death is not the end but that the Good is eternal, undiminishable, constant, the only reality. (I would say that the Good is triumphant, but there is nothing for it to triumph over; it is the only existent.)

Let us proceed, then, with calm hearts, trusting in the Goodness of Being, not fearing the end or bearing any ultimate resentment towards any being. If I am feasted upon by predators, let me, in my dying breaths, transcend my individuality and surrender my mind to the eternal peace and grace of the eternal Good; let me celebrate life eternal, seeing my predators as co-celebrants invited to the feast to which we are all invited; and thereafter, let my mind become so enlarged and my spirit so transcended that it moves beyond proximity and temporality to the ultimate and universal. Let me conquer all ignorance and suffering through my enlightenment, and let me enlighten all beings and direct them to the Good in perfect identification with myself as an extension of the One Good operating in the cosmos. 🙏🏻
Our 2025 OTNR Greek and Romanic Pagan Religious Calendar and our 2025 OTNR Germanic Pagan Religious Calendar were ordered with the printing company last week. They should arrive in the mail next week (Jan 6 - Jan 10) and appear in our Etsy store at that time. We will send out a link at that time.

I am very excited about some of the aesthetic updates (new pictures, font improvement, etc.) I made to the calendars, as well as how I have notated the public feriae and ill-omened days of the Roman calendar this year.
Secondly, we must keep our mind situated in what is real. This means using reason, meditation, and movement. By reasoning, review the doctrines of true freedom, benevolence, the intended and natural function of the genitalia for procreation, the metaphysical truth of soul as real and body/material as illusory, and the metaphysical truths of the importance of spiritual purity. We have discussed the first three items of this list; now, let us consider the latter two. Recall that the Good (that which leads to life, or the Divine Lifeforce) is the ultimate reality; one may understand this as Love once the Divine Will (the second Demiurge) arises, and if one understands it as Love, then one understands that we must truly love the one we let ourselves desire, and that to stray from Love is to stray from divinity and fall from grace in a sense: to become lost in ignorance, darkness, and the punishments of samsara, the Furies and the punishing daimones, and the hell realms. Though the soul is immortal, it fears death. Why? Because it ignorantly thinks death is the end of life and not simply a passing on and transformation, and so it instinctively fears death because the soul constantly strives towards life/the Good, but when one has mastered the fear of death through metaphysical learning as the philosopher does, then the soul no longer fears death but rather sees it as a necessary stage in the grand play of the Divine Good, a real zinger in the great Divine Comedy. But folly, darkness, despair, suffering, and punishment are no laughing matter, and these are the lot of all those who are not wise, including the lecherous. I believe the soul also fears death because passing on and rebirth are a long, difficult, and sometimes painful process. I personally believe that divine punishment (or administration of justice, more accurately) for our sexual indiscretions in this life is promptly visited upon us in this life in multiple forms—disease, disharmony, and social degeneration—and that most people are not punished in the afterlife for sexual indiscretion but are rather forced to reincarnate due to their enslavement to lust. Indeed, lust is the foremost reason souls must continually reincarnate; not until they are free from ignorance (attachment to particulars instead of to the Good Alone) can they be worthy of re-inheriting the bliss of heaven. But, most mildly impure souls who die (and receive proper funerary rites) simply go to a place of dull contentment with their relatives like the Fields of Asphodel and wait there until it is time to reincarnate; they may have to go through a period of brief hardship, life-review, and punishment, but for the most part, the afterlife is not some fiery hell of torment for normal people. However, consider that you may die at any time, consider the hardship of a long trek through dry territory, the pain of some punishment by daimones, the pain and hardship of having to go through a hard upbringing all over again, the shame you would feel standing before the God for your weakness and spiritual debasement, and you may hesitate to indulge the lust or even desire the body any longer. These reminders are key, but it is even more powerful to master your mind and maintain a still and unshakeable mind, and this is ultimately achieved through Oneness Meditation, though expenditure of excess energy and acts that make one proud of oneself also help tremendously by preventing the mind from becoming preoccupied with and tempted by these things (lust, fantasy, the body) of no real value. Thus, maintaining meditativeness is the most powerful method, and exercise, walks in nature, movement and work in general, and doing duty or making sacrifices are great methods. In addition to these, maintain that prayerfulness I spoke about earlier and infuse that prayerfulness with devotion to a God. Devotion is the fastest, surest, and most powerful way to spiritual perfection for most people. Another reminder of the soul's true, divine nature is to recall the reality of the soul and the illusory nature of the body/matter.
It is the beginning of confusion, disharmony, and evil. By neglecting to establish a legitimate basis of philosophy and theology, the tribalist who creates religion in his image faces the danger of becoming a genocidal monster as soon as some popular figure in his tribe encounters some racially flattering private revelation and declares it binding.

This is the concern and disappointment I and others in the Temple have with much of the Germanic sphere today. On the other hand, we praise their general political understanding and their developments in terms of local worship, aesthetic, and membership, but this celebration of their revival is constantly dulled by the concern that these developments will lead to greater cultural confusion and difficulty if their errors are left uncorrected. Furthermore, there are brilliant minds among the Germanics who recognize the value of philosophy, study it, and seek to guide their tradition more meaningfully, if only they could prevail against the predominant religious mentality of myopia and conformity. I pray that the Germanics recognize the worth of the Temple, subordinate themselves (as we have) to the four core doctrines necessary for orthodoxy, pay us due respect, and work with us to further our Mission of uniting and restoring authentic natural religion. Until then, our work continues for the sixth year as a Temple, trying to raise funds for our own sites of worship, authoring important works for proper religious education and practice, reaching out to other organizations in the hopes of alliance, and recruiting, educating, and developing Temple members.

I ask the Gods to witness my sincerity and the faultlessness of my doctrines, and I pray my efforts are fruitful and that those who benefit from my education are loyal and noble.
The real authors, whose works survive the ravages of history, are devotees of the highest Goddess, Necessity. They speak through Time to spirits noble enough to understand. They are ignored in our unheroic and godless age, for modern man is too uncomfortable with veneration to give proper recognition to kingly and godly men while they still live, and the Christians are too hostile to philosophy to accept truth when it is demonstrated. We shall undergo a long march of deplorable stupidity and ignorance before the wise are restored to their rightful place and mankind is no longer existentially objectionable. But, my Temple provides a space for the wise, that they may be spared the despair of inextricable association with the foolish masses and the despair of helplessness against the reigning forces of evil directing mankind’s course.

What have I written? For the public, a book of wisdom literature titled The Wisdom Transmission, and soon, a polemic against revealed religion titled A New Foundation. I have also written liturgical calendars for Hellenic and Germanic religionists that are available to the public. For my temple, several internal publications, each hundreds of pages in length: the Book of Lay Worship (including a catechism), the Seekers’ College, the Book of General Liturgy, and the Book of Festival Liturgy. These publications remain internal to protect the unique excellence of our organization and to keep sacred things from being profaned. I say this, because I have as much of a right as anyone else to participate in discourse and to be acknowledged for my work and my merit as an author and entrepreneur, even if it causes discomfort to the Christian and atheist majority, who are wracked with a guilty conscience.

My message is this: Let us adhere to natural religion, which is the effort to understand the universe and live rightly, to understand divinity and align with it. There is no more that needs to be done. No special formula, no chosen people, no revelation, no genocide or erasure, no spiritual terrorism, no obstinate ignorance. No epistemological or moral relativism, no degeneracy, no unaccountability or corruption, no defiance of nature, no damage to humanity or confusion of its natural and well-ordered state. Of this divine logic and universal love I am certain, and no amount of spiritual terrorism or absurd what-ifs would ever make me recant my understanding.

It is time for a return to classicalism and Platonism, and time for a paradigm shift of our culture to natural religion. The true Gods, the real and living principles of the Divine Intelligence who operate and govern the cosmos, directing and ordering the ebullience of the Good, have not gone anywhere. I speak of the foundation of our civilization and the knowledge it had when it was at its best, classical and Renaissance times. You must ask yourself what world you prefer: one of piety, righteous men, kings accountable to God’s laws, good cheer, grace, beauty, inspiration, and a common folk, or one of consumerism where the person is reduced to a commodity, of corruption and countless cowards hiding behind other cowards in an unaccountable mess of a system, of rogues and bastards and junkies, of family-shattering antagonisms over issues our votes have no power to affect, of thugs and reckless idiots cutting beautiful lives short, of a diverse and frustrated mob of incompatible and uprooted people who resent each other and have no hope, cheap ugly veneers, deconstruction, and boorishness. The better world is possible, because we had it in the past, and it is possible, because we who believe make it possible. We can achieve it peacefully with mutual understanding of benevolence as we restore each component to its natural place. Through those great goddesses Justice and Good Order, through adhering to God in law, politics, and society, we can elevate humanity to unimagined levels of happiness, health, prosperity, and enlightenment. It takes courage: faith in truth and love. And, that takes nobility: subordination to higher good.
A Christian evangelist once knocked on a pagan’s door: Have you been saved?

“Saved?” the pagan relied. “From what? There is no danger to One Self.”

The Christian, not understanding, replied, “Saved from original sin and the torments of hell, sir.”

The pagan replied, “Original sin? Hell? How could hell or original sin exist within God? Your theology is patently absurd.

The Christian, mistaking the man for a clueless and disagreeable dimwit, bade him have a blessed day, and moved down the street to spiritually terrorize his neighbors.
Spiritual terrorism is no basis for legitimate spirituality, and let’s be honest, that is all the Abrahamic religions are. If it weren’t so, why else would they shame us, feign concern for us, misrepresent and demonize philosophy, and not leave us alone? Not only are revealed religions illegitimate, they are hostile, malevolent, inverted, maddening, evil. I do not believe in ontological evil, but counter-religion is the closest human form I can think of that would represent it.
2025 Germanic Pagan Religious Calendar Now Available!

Orthodox Temple of Natural Religion is proud to present our Germanic lunar calendar. Our calendar contains precisely reckoned lunar months that adhere to ancient Germanic customs and precise modern astronomy, and it contains dates of the holytides, exact days and times of quarter and cross-quarter days, unique Temple Seasonal Celebrations, brief description of each month's religious activity, and information on how to use the calendar. It is also features handsome typography and beautiful pictures. This calendar is ideal for beginning Germanic pagans seeking to take their worship to the next level by adhering to the Germanic religious calendar, for advanced Germanic pagans seeking accurate historical dates, or for Temple Germanics who consider the elements and powers of the eight seasons and observe the Temple's Seasonal Celebrates on the lunar phases corresponding to their nearest quarter and cross-quarter days. The calendar's lunar days and seasonal dates also make it able to be used and cherished by any heathen or neo-pagan.

Get them quickly from our Etsy store while supplies last:
I recommend reading Plato's Alcibiades I and Gorgias for good reflections on the reality of the soul if you need help in this matter. Plotinus is another great luminary on the soul, but parts of his work can be challenging to parse through. The Buddhists practice an excellent technique for reminding themselves of the impurity of the body called asubha meditation. When they feel lust, they instead reflect on the reality of the body: it is full of disgusting organs, crap, piss, mucus, disease, parasites, and it will rot and decay. This provides a powerful reconfiguration of the mind and its priorities in the immediate present. The Greeks did something similar, I believe, when they imagined that the spirits of lust were disgusting, ugly, monstrous old woman-demons, and they would berate and cuss at these demons and then laugh at them and ridicule them for their ugliness and foulness. This is another powerful technique for use in the immediate moment one feels tempted. Some people take cold showers, but I prefer to take a walk in nature or do some push-ups if I am so tempted. It can also help get you started (get momentum) to go on a brief vegetarian diet, but I don't feel this is necessary, though some at present and historically have reported that it helped them. You can also combat the urge through music and through contemplating certain Gods like Ares. If you listen to a beautiful musical score like The Hall of the Mountain King and do some push-ups or go for a jog, it will completely reconfigure your mind and rebalance your energy levels.

Thirdly, foster greater loves and direct your attention to greater things. When one learns of something truly great, they no longer desire the lower thing. When one has tried Belgian chocolate, for example, one will no longer desire Hershey's. Plato reports that a great priestess named Diotima referred to this as ascending the ladder of loves. Love greater things and pursue higher endeavors, and you will no longer desire the body. Become too busy with greater things, and you will have no time or mind for low trivialities and absurdities. After you set your mind upon greater things, you will attain unto a greater position in life and achieve a greater character; you will become a more aristocratic person, but beware Plato's admonition that you must not let yourself become misanthropic. It is easy to become misanthropic when we see inane fools jiggling their stuff for millions of views while you have few to no followers as a truth-seeker, but that is the nature of this world: Everyone (except for the few hidden heroes/boddhisattvas/immortals/"traveling angels") has reincarnated here because they are impure, and so as a rule, the mob is foolish and desires what is low and base, and we have enemies in our midst besides who are trying to sabotage us by promoting such filth. (And, even those enemies, the Gods will it, shall always arise to push us to become great and divine.) Therefore, let yourself become truly aristocratic by having grace and perseverance and not giving up on the people, even if they kill you for your great love and encouragement of them (yet work wisely and practice discretion/silence/tact when it would be best to do so).

Finally, as you are doing, don't put yourself in a situation that will tempt you to indulge in lust. Blocking sites, not keeping materials on your devices or in your home, etc. are effective measures. This is why traditionally, one should not cohabitate before marriage, enter the bedroom of someone they are dating, or even "go back to their place" after the date. Indeed, going out is a good way to date, whereas "Netflix and chill" inevitably turns into casual sex because the temptation is there.
Further guidance on folkism, with much love and respect.

As pagans, we well understand the error and danger of exclusive universal religions: Christianity genocided and culturally erased our organic religious traditions and has brought us to the humble state we now endure. Sadly, many of us do not yet understand the error and danger of exclusive folkist religions. We are attracted by the prospect of preserving our folk, but many of us, out of reaction and impressionistic understanding and Christian conditioning toward antagonism and binary thinking, jump to the expedient conclusion of exclusive folkism, which does damage to humanity and religion and establishes a false religion no better than Judaism.

Folkism itself is a completely legitimate form of natural religion, as is universalism (e.g., Hellenism, Buddhism, Sanatana Dharma, Confucianism), but the error arises when either form tries to lay an exclusive claim on legitimacy. Indeed, the folk relies on universal Truth, and the universal Truth gives rise to the folk. They depend on each other and are not contradictory opposites. (Let it be noted that the Temple recognizes that Germanic religion is fundamentally folkist, and we protect it as such within the Temple by prohibiting foreign membership to the Germanic chapter.)

There is a serious error currently prevalent among neo-pagan Germanics that universal religions are invalid, that only folk religions are valid, and that a person must belong to the tradition of their ancestry. (A person should only belong to a folkist religion of their ancestry if they are going to follow a folkist path, but a universal religion is permissible, which they deny.)

It is a nuanced argument, but religion can prescribe folkism (can take a folkist form), but religion itself is not folkist, though it protects and fosters the folk. Religion exists before folkism, just as the soul exists before the body: The quest for understanding stemming from the soul’s movement towards the Good exists before material limitations to that understanding.

Ultimately, our religions are to some (probably overstated) degree unconsciously limited by and colored by our racial character but not consciously determined by it (they are consciously determined by logic and experience, and therefore our subscription to the universal aspect of religion is not only completely natural and valid, it is more natural, at least to the man capable of reason); we try to develop religion as best we can given our nature, rather than limiting our religions at the outset according to our nature; religion is meant to lift us up despite our limits; we are not meant to limit religion because of our limits. Indeed, exclusivity is a risky and dangerous business in religion; it has little place, and there isn’t one man in a million who understands its place and can exercise it without turning their religion into a counter-religion. Let religion be both folkist and universal, for it protects the race and native traditions on both levels, while the folkist advances expression and form, creates the identity, and fosters unity among the folk; and the universal advances knowledge and harmony and provides the legal basis for the protection of particular peoples. The folk rely on the universal, and the universal depends on the folk. Attempting to extricate one from the other would only end in failure. It is a matter of knowing one’s place, and the orthodox folkist must understand that, just as the soul exists before the person, and divinity exists before organized matter, so too does religion (logic, the endeavor to understand) exist before race (that which limits our understanding). The movement of the soul to the Good precedes the unique qualities/limitations of the posterior body. The primacy of the Good is the ultimate object of religion, and the exclusive-folkist’s exaltation of lower, material truths above the object of religion is altogether a hindrance to the true seeker, a blasphemy against the highest Divinity, and a seed of discord planted among men.
As you begin planning to purchase a calendar for the 2025 year, please note that we will be selling our 2025 liturgical calendars next year. We will sell our traditional Greco-Roman-Celtic lunisolar calendar, as well as an easy-to-follow Germanic one. These beautiful, highly informative, and helpful calendars are highly recommended by all who use them.

Calendars will not be available for purchase until early January. We hope you will consider supporting us and elevating your religious life. 🙏🏻
Abandon all folly and arbitrary revelation, subordinating thyself to nothing but reason. May we abandon this ignorance and advance to a greater age, and may we celebrate together there in times ahead. 🙏🏻
No political or economic system can be just that is not based on God and moral values. Selfishness, whether private or collective, capitalist or democratic, is not a coherent or legitimate basis for society. Only that government which is fundamentally just and accountable is legitimate, and that means theocratic authoritarianism/hierarchy based on natural law morality and natural religion, and which subordinates itself to the differences inherent in nature and does not seek to change them by ideology.
The process of sexual purification is a long one if you can achieve it in this life and takes many lives to overcome in the first place, and you must accept that you will have failures and not go too hard on yourself, because going hard on yourself is only going to make you feel negative and seek out the dopamine-flooding stimulus that brought you to that state in the first place. In order to break out of that loop of negative feedback, you must think about and do something positive. As I said, movement is key and devoting yourself to higher things (a higher aspiration, sacred duty, familial duty, etc.) is key. Ultimately, you must conquer lust through real divine love, not through fear or spiritual terrorism like the fear of hellfire. One who achieves chastity by fearing hell has not achieved a spiritual accomplishment but has rather only achieved a mental configuration that amounts to a warping of the mind. Yes, you will fail again and again, but that doesn't make you a hypocrite or a failure, nor does it make your efforts futile or unnatural: It makes you someone who strives to be great and live according to our highest, divine nature, the most difficult task: It makes you brave, great, persevering, capable of eventual success, and beloved by the Gods even in the midst of failure.

The Gods love you and sustain you every moment, my friend. Take heart, reunite your mind with the Divine Lifeforce, and keep striving. You will conquer. And when you fail, say the prayer of purification as you bathe, ask the Gods of Willpower and Warfare to enkindle your will to triumph, and get right back at trying again and again.
Beyond the marital obligation, it is important to try to abstain from sexual activity for your physical and mental health and your spirituality. This effort may take many lives, but it is the standard we must bear morally, and it is the hallmark of a spiritually purified/perfected person. You should not go hard on yourself if you are struggling in this area (masturbating once a week for example), because the body does need to sort itself out, though nocturnal emissions will happen if necessary to balance your body out. We must observe the moral law, but we cannot fight against nature either. So the question is: What is the natural way to uphold sexual morality? The answer: To use the sexual organs for their intended purpose: procreative sex. And when is procreative sex morally permissible? Within matrimony, after having pledged before bridge, God, and community to protect and provide for the mother and the children—in other words, to assume responsibility for the action of procreation. Therefore, the moral sexual act must be both procreative and unitive; it must happen within marriage and be open to the possibility of children. This means that contraception is against natural law morality. Is "pulling out" morally permissible? I would say so: You are open to the possibility of children but are using reason (natural means) to plan your family, not to escape the the moral dictate to not use others for pleasure, and simultaneously, you are fulfilling your marital obligation to your wife and helping keep her normal hormonally. (The choice of the couple to engage in regular sex or regular chastity is up to them, but if any party disagrees, the couple must default to regular sex, for one-sided chastity can destroy the marriage and drive the other mad; usually, it is the woman who requires sex, and it is rare to find a woman who does not need it and can be chaste. Marriage must not be barren, but chaste marriage is something you will see saintly couples of the highest caliber observe, especially among those who have benefitted from being raised in the Hindu and Buddhist religions.) This is morally strict territory, again the highest of standards; we don't expect everyone to be able to master this, but the standard must be set. My next paragraph will discuss why.
Today, on the Roman holiday to Vica Pota, ancient Goddess of Victory, three brilliant, pious men completed the catechetical program and join us as lay members of the Temple. This marks the graduation of our third catechetical cohort. These men come with a wealth of wisdom, experience, and heroic virtue: They speak of learning from and honoring the natural religions of the world; they speak of priesthood and service; they speak of the necessity of high religion and praise the Temple for its organization, vision, doctrine, and spirituality; they speak of foundation for greatness and heroism to be born. We welcome them enthusiastically and pray the Gods advance our Temple to greatness and Victory.
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Monotheists are often perplexed at the idea of multiple gods. After all, if God is the creator of all and foundation of all being, how can there be more than one? Well, there aren’t multiples of that God or level of divinity, but to say there aren’t multiple gods because there aren’t multiple monads is to make an argument based on a changing of terminology. In other words, it was never understood that a “god” referred to a singular creator deity: Organic civilizations believe in multiple gods, because they understand a “god” or “divinity” to refer to a principle at work in the universe that directs us to the One and encompasses what life is all about; such a god is a perfection and a spiritual path, and the gods are more than just logical principles: they are living beings that order the cosmos, as philosophy informs us that intangible metaphysical principles exist prior to (and hence above) tangible matter. In other words, the number five exists before beings with five appendages exist, and the number five is realer and more powerful than a being with five appendages. (So, too, Beauty and all other Gods exist and are realer than the very ground upon which we stand, realer than a rock in our hand.) The monotheist argument, then, is a ridiculous intrusion upon a logical discussion and a changing of the definition of the terms of the argument to justify its position, a position that does not contribute a new and positive proof (the existence of the monadic Demiurge, which was already accepted) but rather to hijack the term god to claim sole legitimacy of the monotheistic thesis while seeking to negate, attack, and delegitimize the very concept of a god.

Allow me to illustrate the absurdity with an example: We understand that a car is, as Cambridge Dictionary defines it, “a road vehicle with an engine, usually four wheels, and seating for between one and five people.” Now, the monotheist is like a car manufacturer who comes along and says that only his make of cars are real cars and all other automobiles are false pretenders (and evil!), because only true cars have six wheels and that this has always been so. This is a stupid, meaningless, impudent, self-serving, and otherwise pointless argument, a baseless assertion that does violence to language, logic, collective agreement, and those who observe them. Would all four-wheeled cars truly cease to be cars because of this, or would they lose their legitimacy as cars? Would those who insist they are cars be wrong? Would six-wheeled cars be uniquely legitimate? Would the believer in the six-wheeled car have a unique and unassailable claim to the truth of the six-wheeled car’s legitimacy; would this truth be timeless and unquestionable for perpetuity, a revealed and perfect truth that must be accepted not by logic or historical precedent but by a special uniquely legitimate faith? Is not this uniquely legitimate revelation justified only by uniquely legitimate faith simply a ridiculous tautology? Certainly, we can see the absurdity of historically–late-coming monotheism now and the spiritual terrorism it employs to assert itself.

Another example I like to give to illustrate the absurdity of revealed religion is to replace the name of the savior with some random, arbitrary, silly-sounding name:
“Salvation is through Kwimkwam alone. It has been revealed, the old revelation is abrogated. Believe, or perish and suffer eternal hellfire.”
Sometimes, I go further and tease about baptism:
“You must be galvanized in Kwimkwam, or you will suffer eternal torture at the hands of our just and loving God.”

I work towards the enlightenment of humanity and the abandonment of Abrahamism, which is the greatest evil and ignorance the world has ever endured. May we realize the truth of natural religion and carve it in the hardest and largest stone monument in all languages for all the world to always remember: The Divine Good is the ultimate reality. Heed Truth to follow the Good, and celebrate this Beauty.
The Gods truly exist and hence, like all truths, must be heeded to bring us to the Good and for us to realize good and right action. The Good emanates all Being, and the Divine Intelligence was the first thing to arise from this outpouring of life and being. The Divine Intelligence contemplated its Being and celebrated its various aspects and potentialities, which became the heavenly Gods, the Ideas. Then, the Divine Will arose, taking these Gods/Living Ideas, and directing them into unorganized matter (hyle), shaping it according to his vision, creating the heavens and then the earth for the purification of souls. The Gods are our way to realize the Highest One, the Good, purify ourselves, actualize divinity, and realize our divine destiny; they are spiritual paths, they are the principles at work in the universe, and they are perfect living super-persons that care about humanity, work with us, and exhort our contemplation, adoration, and service of them. The imprints of the Gods can be found in the substances of this world, and these substances can be used by Priests in theurgy (god-serving magic) to channel divine energy to order the world according to the Gods, and Laity can use basic substances, universal offerings, and prayers to perform the theurgy appropriate to their station in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. We worship the Gods, because we seek to understand them and grow in understanding of ourselves, our world, and divinity; because we wish to improve ourselves and become greater; because we wish to celebrate, enjoy, and refresh ourselves in the Divine Beauty of Being; because we are compelled to them; and because we realize ourselves through them, as we are extensions of them playing in this world. Take these words to heart, dear followers. Study the Gods, read their mythologies, pray to them and worship them, and contemplate them, and your understanding and the fire of your devotion will grow. Above all, begin actualizing your divinity through your participation in a true natural religious organization such as our excellent Temple.
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