"What's the end goal for this telegram channel? Is it anti-tech, pro scrapping, pro theft, antiwagie, or self-reliance? I don't understand it."
This channel is dedicated to all of those and more. I want our guys out there, dirt, soot, and grease maxxing. Now, what do I mean by that? This channel should be the dirty biker gang of telegram countering Globohomo ZOG bullshit IRL at every turn. You scam an immigrant or bank? Good. You scrapped a newly built Blackrock house? Good. Dumpster dove to save some money or resell? Great. Got on government gibs while raising a family? AWESOME. Grow a garden and commit tax fruad?! We love it. Think of this channel as a bandit maxxing channel that pushes society to the brink with nothing more than legalese, mischief, and white boy antics. Fix your shit, grow your shit, steal their shit, destroy their shit, and protect your shit. We are the men at the gates while the system collapses. Like a biker gang, we ride for loot. Bandit max the system while we work together raccoons