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Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
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Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
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Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
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Wilde Jäger
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Wilde Jäger
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Chud Central
Admiral Byrd pov after flying over the south pole:
"Industrial revolution and its conse-"

Rape this nigga.

~Nick Land. ⚡️
Kubrick explains 2001 Space Odyssey
Esoteric Esthetics
Liber Hermetis
Hermes Trismegistus

Liber Hermetis Trismegisti, commonly known as the Book of Hermes, is a foundational work of Hellenistic astrology that possesses a distinctly Egyptian character. The system of inherited knowledge it describes is older and more complex than anything found in other sources of Hellenistic astrology, and its treatment of the ancient Egyptian "decans" is by far the earliest in any astrological literature. This rare English translation is based on the only surviving Latin copies of a lost Greek original.

Rune Magic
Karl Spiesberger

Rune Magic is the authoritative work on runic esotericism by renowned mystic and scholar Karl Spiesberger. This book presents an encyclopedic overview of works by the great rune masters Guido von List, Siegfried Kummer, Rudolf Gorsleben and others, with additional material on the theory and practice of rune magic by Spiesberger himself. Included in this exhaustive study are descriptions of ritual practice, esoteric relationships, divination techniques, runic yoga, and much more. An invaluable guide to practical rune magic.

Nosferatu's Fraternis Saturnis!
Andrew Ryan's Speech - Bioshock
We don't know where, what, who or why...
Hyperborean Kalergi
For anyone interested in discussing the books and authors published by Tradition, or traditionalist and right-wing literature in general, we have started a new chat group here: https://t.me/TraditionChat

The group is open to all, and will not be heavily moderated. Questions and comments intended for the Tradition staff may be sent instead to tradition@tuta.io
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Wilde Jäger
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Introduction to the Hermetic Sciences
Giuliano Kremmerz

Giuliano M. Kremmerz (born Ciro Formisano) was an Italian alchemist, hermeticist, philosopher, and prominent member of the Ur Group, alongside Julius Evola. With his Introduction to the Hermetic Sciences, Kremmerz sought to redefine magical initiation as well as other key components of the occult sciences. His aim was to bring the path of esoteric initiation back into alignment with the procedures and symbolism that defined the spiritual practices of the original Hermetic tradition.

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