Your local school needs reporting to the Police for crimes that they have already, or are about to commit...The Simple Crime Report Form, Instructions, Example Video & All Evidence are on the Channel... Please Act Now.
Britain is entirely responsible for the demonic state of 'Israel's existence.
The question now; Is Israel a colony of Britain, or is Britain a colony of Israel?
The sooner Amerikkka realises that it's a spoiled snivelling little byatch who the world has had enough of..... the better off we will all be.
27 years ago, the creation of spike proteins, mrna vaccines, global pandemic, smart cities, nanotechnology, and digital ID were already 'predicted'.
The BBC conspiracy to cover up genocide on behalf of our government runs deep...
For example: Did you know that you were paying for our military to train IDF baby killers on British soil, whilst this 15 month holocaust has been occurring?
It's not a far reach to assume that the IDF they were training were in fact the 20,000 dual-citizen British/'Israeli' nationals sent abroad to commit genocide by proxy.
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If ever there was a man traitorous to every colour, creed and honourable cause.... it was Black Lammy (by his own definition).
Did you know Amerikkka's annual spend on foreign war is 12,000 dollars per household?
Wouldn't you love to know our household expenditure on foreign war? That's one bill we could definitely save on.