As I've been showing and telling you since this whole criminal debacle began with these UNLAWFUL judges and their UNLAWFUL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL bullshit.
I believe this is all being forced, and the world is watching all this in real time.
Remember our discussions about Trump dismantling the ENTIRE [usg] because of what happened to America in 1871. He is rebuilding rhe Executive Branch now. At the same time ALL this exposure will take down the Legislative Branch. And this exposure takes down the Judicial Branch.
ALL means all the way down to the local levels. ALL will step down, and new blockchain elections will be held. Impossible to cheat.
A new day is about to dawn.
Quick edit: I also firmly believe that once it becomes public that Trump restored our Republic on Jan20, 2017, and that we have returned to the Original Constitution of 1789, we won't have a permanent beauracracy, and that House and Senate members will do as they did in the early years in going to wherever the new Capitol will be 2-4 times per years as necessary. You might want to go back and review my post a week or so ago about this for more detail about this, where I dicussed that they would only be paid via per-diem.... Think about how much money will be saved by not paying these ridiculous salaries....I've gone into vast detail on all this here....