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Praying Medic avatar
Praying Medic
Praying Medic avatar
Praying Medic


Supernatural Saturday - March 8, 2025
Good morning! This is a testimony! A while back in the summer I had prayed over a computer and it had files of my husband’s voice and my Dads voice on it so I really needed it to work and I had a testimony for that. I put those files on my MacBook.

Now last week my MacBook had a black screen of death! I turned it on an off about 10 times and I opened and closed it about 10 times and did alt cnt delete etc… I’m thinking oh no must have been a power surge and didn’t wanna buy a new computer. I closed it and laid hands on it and prayed for tech angels to please come and fix this computer. I opened it and within 60 seconds that computer was up and running. Now guess where it opened up to?? The random file with my husband’s and my Dads voice in it!! I thanked Jesus and the computer is still working. God is so amazing 🤩!!
Email Testimony


I wanted to share a story with you about an EMS run I was on. I was the medic I charge on a chest pain run. Unpon our arrival, I was met by the patient's wife outside who began screaming at us to hurry up.

Inside, I met her husband who then began yelling at us to do something as he clutched his chest. I put a quick 12 lead on him which verified a STEMI and transmitted it to the hospital to start the cath lab team.

The patient couldn’t understand why I did this and was very angry with me but doing this assembles the cardiac team to immediately take him to the cath lab. The patient continued to yell at us while clutching his chest and wouldn’t allow us to further help him. I remember bluntly praying to myself” Lord you have to help me, this guy's being a complete asshole and he’s dying but keeping us from helping him, calm him down.”

We then got him on the cot and in the medic unit. Our on scene time was about 5 mins. I gave him some Nitro and Asa and was starting an IV, when he went limp and I saw V-fib on the monitor. I began to start compressions and called my partner to pull over and give me a hand. I was praying over him under my breath as I did compressions. My partner hooked up the quick comb pads as I did compressions and we shocked him once. We immediately got a pulse back. We were 2 miles out from the hospital and I told my partner to drive fast.

The patient then woke up and looked at me with a frightened look and said “ I’m so sorry I was such an asshole to you.”

I was kind of shocked that he said that. I smiled and said "no worries man we were just trying to help you." He immediately went to the cath lab and made full recovery. He later came to the station to thank us.

When I shook his hand, I asked him if he remembered anything. He said “When I passed out, all I remember was the sound of your voice loudly praying over me, it was deafening.”

I didn’t know how to respond and was a little choked up because when I prayed it wasn’t more than a whisper as I was doing compressions. It was really cool to see that God used me to help this man. That event changed how I thought about prayer.

Email Testimony

Good morning,

I cannot express how much Emotional Healing is helping me. After years of peeling back layers Holy Spirit has me into breaking curses. I have realized that I can only break them after Emotional Healing! The results are immediate. I am just in awe. Maybe it’s common knowledge but I’ve been in the weeds and sometimes it’s hard to see the big picture.

So, I am just here to share and say thanks again for all you do. I will keep you and Denise in my prayers. Sometimes I wonder what you had to walk through to be such a blessing to so many people.

I will be purchasing copies your small book on EH to place in free book sharing boxes around my town.

Kind regards,

Email Testimony

From: KM

Hi Dave,

In November, I requested prayer for a parasite infection & you said you were praying. Thank you!

The Lord answered that prayer, just not in the way I thought. I had a GI bug with the usual symptoms that lasted longer than a normal flu bug. I was convinced I had parasites.
I was wrestling so much with fear so I also asked a close friend to pray for me.

As she ministered it became clear that a spirit of fear was involved. As I did some repenting, she prayed rebuking the spirit. I suddenly felt a lightness & KNEW I did not have parasites. Very clearly I knew that had been a fear assignment.

A day or 2 later all the symptoms resolved. After the prayer session I sent time with Jesus and was given a picture of Him sitting holding a newborn babe (I knew it was me) & He was staring at her with such love and wonder.

It was profoundly transformative in how I believe He sees me.
Thank you again for your prayers!
Join us here on Saturday March 8th at 1 pm Eastern for Supernatural Saturday.
Praying Medic avatar
Praying Medic
Prophetic Thread

If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
Email Testimony

From: Mary

Hi, everytime I write to you my problem resolves.

I just want to thank you for all you do.
Email Testimony

Good morning Dave,
Thank you for your prayers!!It’s been almost 2 years in pain with my knees and joints. But for the past week I have had no pain! Wow it feels so wonderful! Thank you again! What a blessing you are!
Love in Jesus
Supernatural Saturday, February 8, 2025 - Question and Answer
Praying Medic avatar
Praying Medic
Prophetic Thread

If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
Email Testimony

On Feb 19, I received the following email:

I need healing of a rash in my ears, and my nose.
I have had this for 2 yrs which makes me think its psoriasis because of the pealing of a layer of skin and itching. I have been to a clinic where they gave me meds for a fungus infection and it did not work. I am using ESS60 Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil. It helps but not quite healing.
You have helped me in the past. Maybe I have to go through this by giving it back to Our Lord.

Here was my reply:

I am praying for you.
You might ask your doctor about Betamethasone. (It helped me.)

Praying Medic

On Tuesday, Liz sent this reply:

I showed this email to the phys assistant and she said lets try it. It really works. I have just a bit of the irritation left.
Thank you so much.
Liz Harris

Today, she sent this reply:

What you recommended (Betamethasone) really works and the skin and itching are gone. Thank you so much.
Email Testimony

I was at the mall recently and had the thought to pray for this guy. I did pray for his shoulder and talked about some things with his church. He suddenly said "Hey, do you want to see this quarter I have stuck to the wall?" I chuckled and said "Praying Medic?" He said "Yeah. Do you listen to him?" He showed me the picture of the quarter that had been on his wall for over a year. How cool is that!

Thank you for your service to the body of Christ through your teaching and encouragement.

Blessings to you and Denise.

Email Testimony

I was diagnosed with stage 3 parotid cancer in the fall. The treatment plan included surgery and radiation therapy, one of the most difficult forms of treatment, especially for the head and neck. When they first showed me the setup for radiation—a tight, custom-made mask that would strap my head down to a gurney for every session—I felt sheer panic and anxiety. I suffer from severe claustrophobia and anxiety, and the thought of being restrained like that for 30 treatments felt impossible.

But on the morning of my first radiation session, something happened. As I drove to the clinic, overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, I did the only thing I could think to do… I cried out to Jesus. I begged Him to come with me because I knew I couldn’t do it alone, already hyperventilating, overcome with extreme dread, fear, and anxiety.

He came! Jesus heard my cry and came!

The moment they strapped me in, I felt an undeniable wave of peace, worship, and gratitude wash over me. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I physically felt Jesus walk into the room with me. Instead of fear, I felt overwhelming gratitude. I began to thank God for every blessing in my life, listing them one by one. The next thing I knew, the session was over. The 20 minutes I had dreaded had passed in what felt like moments.

Every single treatment after that was the same.

I started looking forward to radiation treatments, knowing Jesus was meeting me there. Every time I was strapped in, I would begin to praise and give thanks, and the fear never returned.

But the miracles didn’t stop there.

Before treatment, my doctors gave me a list of expected side effects:

I would lose my ability to swallow and likely need a feeding tube

My skin would suffer severe burns on my neck and face

I would need pain medication, so they preemptively prescribed me opioids

Extreme fatigue would be unavoidable

None of it happened.

The only side effect I experienced? My taste buds were off for a few weeks. That’s it.

On my last day of radiation, one of the technicians told me she had never seen anyone go through this treatment without all the expected side effects. I got to tell her why—because Jesus showed up every single day.

That terrifying radiation mask? The one that once filled me with fear? I now hold it as a reminder—a reminder of how amazing God is, how perfectly we are made, and how powerful gratitude, thanksgiving, and faith can be.

Doctors treated my body, but Jesus healed me. And He didn’t care that I wasn’t “spiritual enough” or the “perfect Christian.” He showed up because I asked.

That’s the truth I now carry forward: We are not alone. We were made with incredible power. And when we call on Him, He answers.

It’s been over a month and I'm still shook and overwhelmed by His grace and goodness! ❤️

Email Testimony

On December 15, 2024 I sent you a prayer request for my twin sister, Carolyn. You have prayed for Carolyn and her sick kidney. Prior to your prayers I was convinced we wouldn't have her here at Christmas time.

We not only had her with us through Christmas, but she was released from the hospital to the nursing home. As I text you Carolyn has come home. She is still on dialysis but her kidney continues to mend . All of the Stats are on a slow pace to becoming well again.

Thank you for your prayers. She has a ways to go, but the path looks promising.
I'm not sure how to post on telegram but will go back to one of your Super Saturday programs to see if you have left instructions about testimonials.
Yours truly,

Cathy, a very happy twin sister!!!
Join us for Supernatural Saturday, tomorrow at 1 pm Eastern.
Email Testimony

Hello Dave, I have another Praise Report!!
Thank Very Much for teaching us how to exercise the Power and Authority of Jesus Christ to help others in need.

I witnessed a Miracle within 24 hours of my healing  prayer for my sister Susan, and the Drs confirmed in writing about 2 weeks later after all the Biopsies and Cytological tests.
Susan was taken to the ER early in the morning for acute severe abdominal pain and subsequently admitted to the hospital. She was diagnosed with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis.

She was given even worst news that it was already Stage IV and spread to other organs later that evening. Since Sudan refused Surgery as well as Chemotherapy, Drs decided to discharge her for Hospice Care at home once Susan was stabilized.

I received the news from Paul, my brother in law, shortly after he got the update. I forwarded the link of your healing video prayers to both Paul and Susan and asked them to listen to them. I then proceeded to send my healing prayer over to Susan in the hospital night after night.
I asked God to restore her natural immune system, rid of all spike proteins, kill off all cancer cells in her body,  and vaporize the tumor in her pelvic region.

Paul told me the next day Susan's pain level subsided tremendously. Drs at the hospital was surprised with the sudden pain reversal and decided to investigate further and ordered several biopsies as well as a cytology study.

Results of the biopsies as well as cytological tests finally given to Susan nearly a week after she was discharged.

Report basically says NO Malignant Cells were identified!! Cancer Free!!
Praise the Lord for such a reversal from 6 months of Hospice Care to Cancer Free!!
What a Miracle. God is Great!!
Thanks Again for Your Teachings!!
Regards, Bill
Last night, my "gluten intolerant" wife and I made spaghetti for dinner. We used Colavita brand wheat pasta, which is made in Italy. Denise has had no reaction to it, like she would with American made pasta.

Colavita sells an entire line of pasta (lingune, pene, bowtie, etc.) on Amazon and the price is reasonable.

Email Testimony

Hello Dave.

Last week, I asked you to pray for me, following a fracture of the humerus
For the past 2 months and dispite réhabilitation from physiotherapy, I could not drive.
The day after I sent you an email ...I was able to drive, the pain has decreased.
Thank you for interceding for me.
Jesus is alive.

Email Testimony

From: Loredana

Dear Dave,

I reached out a few months ago to you ask you to pray for me and my husband to be blessed with a child, and today I found out that I am finally pregnant!

I am beyond grateful to you and God for this miracle! The doctors kept saying that I won’t get pregnant as I am 41, yet it happened with Gods timing and grace.

Please continue to pray for us and for our baby’s health.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Email Testimony

I wanted to give you a progress report on my brother. Shortly after you said you were praying for him, I started getting reports of improvement in his condition. That has continued to the point that he was actually discharged today and is home.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Thank you so much for the work you continue to do for the Lord.

Much Love to you and yours,

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