"I have given my life to try to alleviate the suffering of Africa. There is something that all white men who have lived here as I have, must learn and know: that blacks are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, nor the mental nor the emotional capacity to equal or share equally with the white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages that our civilization has to offer, but I have learned well that we must maintain our status: superior and they inferior. For whenever a white man tries to live among them as an equal, he will be destroyed. And they will destroy all his work.They will destroy you."
Let white men from anywhere in the world who come to Africa remember that you must constantly maintain this status; you are the master and they are inferior, like the children you want to help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your own, or they will devour you.
"The mission of the Hitler Youth is neither religious, nor racial, nor philosophical, nor political, nor economic. It is completely natural: young people must be returned to nature, they must recognize nature as the one that gives life and energy. And they must strengthen and develop their bodies in the fresh air, making themselves healthy and maintaining themselves in good condition. For a healthy mind can only develop in a healthy body, and only in the freedom of nature can man open himself to the highest morality and the highest ethics.
I asked Herman Goering one day:
"What is this I am hearing that Germany is killing Jews?"
Goering responded angrily:
"A totally outrageous lie made up by the British and American press. It will be used as a rope to hang us someday if we lose the war."
"The answer, now supported by a wealth of documentation, is that, as the Nazis claimed, they financed the SA almost entirelyfrom their own resources and efforts" - Turner concluded.