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Laura Worley avatar
Laura Worley
Laura Worley avatar
Laura Worley


I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing a lot of posting on X every day. If you wanna follow me it’s @LauraWorley05.

X really does have so much great information. I hope you’re all on it.
As I have been watching what is going on in all the changes in government; I am so grateful. Did you know all the many programs that are ran through the MK Ultra programs that have its tentacles in all the many agencies and military? CIA, FBI, Pentagon, NIH, CDC, etc? They all have to do with controlling humanity, experimenting on the body to change DNA, to take babies in the womb and experiment by programming the growing fetus to believe what they want, making innocent children even at the age of 3 years old learn to have sex with all those who are pedophiles. A great deal of people in our government and military are a part of it.

There is no government agencies that are not involved with harming children.

Did you know that a person who belongs to a Satanic cult can and do sell their family line to the government? They have an actual contract to never let that family go through generations.

Did you know very few (millions) have ever gotten free?

Did you know these family lines are experimented on in the most horrendous ways sanctioned by the CIA?

Did you know these families are made to do horrible things because government wants them to fulfill their perverted sexual fantasies and foreign dirty work?

If there will ever be change; these programs must be brought to the light. The world must know so we can stop this perversion.

Can your mind even grasp the level of evil that exists in our leaders and they are seriously telling how we must run our life?
Until you experience the loss of a spouse or a close love one, it is impossible to understand the profound loss. Two friends from many years ago attended Steve’s Celebration of Life at his passing. They both lost their wife’s. I felt so guilty I wasn’t there more or understood their pain. The truth is, it is impossible to understand the loss without it happening to you. People can have compassion and empathy but the loss is so great it is beyond comprehension.

When Steve passed away I realized some thing I had never realized before. I have been married to Steve almost 40 years. During that time we had become become one. I believe even to the very level of every cell in our bodies were inner twined. Truly our souls were one. I was lucky enough to understand a very deep love, and we were on a path to do so many great things. It’s hard to believe that he’s gone and we did not finish what we started. But I decided I am not gonna let anyone stop us from what we had intended to do in this life. I will finish our work.

I know he’s helping me; I have felt it, I have felt him, and he’s talks to me. This testifies to me that when someone dies, they just passed through the veil and are very close to us always.

I really think he’s protecting me because ever since he passed away I haven’t felt any attacks from any people. Most of you that know me, know that’s a miracle because the last 18 months Steve and I experienced many spiritual attacks.

Hold on to those you love. Let them know how you feel because you never know how soon circumstances can change.
It is with great sadness that I share that my husband, the love of my life, passed away on Christmas Day. The complexity of the cancer took his life suddenly without warning.

We will be celebrating Steve's life on January 4th at 3:00 pm. to 5:00 pm. with a short program at 3:30 pm.

If you knew Steve; please send me an email and share any thoughts, memories, experiences you had with Steve, so I can carry them in my heart going forward. sworl05@yahoo.com

We were married 39.5 years. I have spent most of my life with Steve. I can't imagine life without him. He did give me a few assignments before leaving. I know he will help me going forward to accomplish what is very important to both of us.

With Steve passing; the Lord has put a fire in my soul that will not be extinguished. I am determined more than ever to bring the truth into the light. Now, I have a powerful angel helping me on the other side.
Most of my life I was put in positions to be around high up politicians; even presidents. Because I was in the MK Ultra program; I witnessed many things behind closed doors as our government officials were making deals to rip off US. People have no idea that MK Ultra program goes so above sex slavery. They actually believed their victims under mind control would not recall what they were saying. Well…millions are! Whistleblowers of the MK Ultra program have the most information on what the government really does with all of these programs. The government officials freaking out have the most to hide.

The problem with hiding now is, millions of survivors of MK Ultra are waking up. They are ready to talk. You know what? Seems like as the Cabals dynasty is falling; it is a good time to bring out a great deal of information!

What do you think?
Please check and destroy the MK Ultra run program at every military base. Most government workers are involved in it and at very least know about it and do nothing. My family was sold to the CIA military to be in program. Once they get ahold of a family they never let future generations go. What is this program? To make a child into a sex slave and soldier to please worldwide foreign dignitaries. They have contract says they can experiment on the person and so many horrible things. All against the persons free will. They then put the person under mimd control so they won’t remember and reveal all the upstanding politicians having sex with modern day slaves owned by the United States government. How long has this been going on? Since the very minimum of 1953. You know all those scientists from the war that our government snuck in so they could teach the techniques of mind control?

This is the number one crime against humanity in our country. Shut it down now and arrest all involved. That would take most of the government employees.

(I posted this on DOGE.).

We as a society must demand this be shutdown and those involved held accountable.

How many people have we watched commit treason and nothing is done? Will those involved in the MK Ultra program get held accountable for their crimes against humanity? Most of the government knows about the MK Ultra program and was involved. I pray they will be held accountable.

I know that I would glad to be a witness against many.
Pray for all survivors.
Thank you all for sharing your kind thoughts. Your words mean so much. The only thing I know to do is being the loudest whistleblower I can be. God already has me busy on projects. I am grateful for being busy. I have never been or will be the type of person who sits around. I feel my grieving must be turned into action as well.

The weird thing now… God wants me to be loud and turn my knowledge into helping others and revealing info against my enemy. I believe doors are opening that have never been before. I know I have a specific work and Steve is on the other side making sure I get it done.

Is this arrogant to say, “those who came after us should be very afraid?”
I have a question to ask... The fires burned down a very rich area where the houses were either paid for or the houses had mortgages. How does the government come in and take their land and talk about building apartments? There were meetings to create this fire, the insurance to cancel fire insurance right before it happened. All of it planned. So this means according to what is happening that it does not matter if your home is paid off or someone is paying a mortgage the government can't take your land.

I believe Ben Barlow taught a class about this a few years ago. That even if you pay for the house the actual land still belongs to the government or bank. Is this right? It sure looks like it. Otherwise, how can CA governor already be making plans for this land?

My friends, have we been duped into believing buying the home is the best to do and then they can take it because they really own the land? Asking Ben Barlow and anyone else.

In a very short time that is what is happening to CA, NC, and Malibu. No coincidence!

If they can take the land even if you own the home then we are being royally screwed.
Cartel Trafficking/embezzlement

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
(currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties
(tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Sales Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage
Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and
Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What in the heck happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
I hope this goes around THE USA at least 545 times!!! YOU can help it get there!!!


SMART METERS have lithium ion batteries. When these batteries catch fire they have what's called "thermal runaway" where they will go from 140 degrees Fahrenheit to 6000 degrees Fahrenheit in just a few seconds. The smart meter is connected to the copper wiring of the home which is designed to travel electricity due to its conductivity. Along with being conductive, the copper wires are also great at heat transfer via convection. So when these supposed forest fires hit neighborhoods but burn more homes than trees, the culprit in the unusual fire forensics looks to be the lithium ion batteries. It's no wonder these homes are burned to dust while trees are standing within feet of the houses. These homes are burning from the inside out, literally. The copper wires in the homes are insulated and carrying extreme heat to every corner of the home.. Welcome to Agenda 2030 and its land grabs for Smart Cities.
Thank you for all the kind words and well wishes when my husband passed away. I truly appreciate all the memories and stories that have been shared with me on how Steve touched lives.

Losing Steve has been one of the hardest things I have had to go through. Even though my grieving for Steve will never fully end; it has been made clear to me now that I must complete my mission. ( It is very hard to argue with a warrior angel and the Lord!)

I would give up my mission in a second if I could bring back Steve, but it is not the Lord's plan, apparently. I have been given strict orders to complete the Lord's work starting immediately.

I am sure my enemies have rejoiced at Steve's death. I want each and everyone of you to know the Lion has now been released and shall be more fierce than any of you ever imagined!
Zeee Media 🎙 avatar
Zeee Media 🎙
According to an ongoing Candace Owens investigation, Kamala Harris is actually a product of an MK Ultra program which ran out of a hospital that Kamala’s mother was deeply involved in.

A man in the know joined Candace to drop some super interesting info, including explaining allegations around Walz being a secret CCP agent.



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