///>>>Welcome to the Matrix<<>>>
1>there is NO SPACE in the way we are taught to think about it;>
2>we live in a completely enclosed ecosystem under a dome, called the Firmament;>
3>no one can come visit from another “planet”, because they can’t break through the dome;>
4>for the same reason no one can fly to another “planet”;>
5>when they talk about space and planets, they mean deep ocean and other continents accessible only via the deep ocean;>
6>Antarctica is not a continent - it’s a giant containment ice-wall, surrounding a crater called “earth”; it’s also called the “van allen belt”;>
7>one can leave the earth crater only deep under the ocean through gates on the bottom of the ocean and reach other continents, called “planets”;>
8>the seven planets of our solar system are allegories and are not physical places/realms;>
9>we reside on this giant continuous terrain/realm called the “universe”;>
10>there are many other continents, called “planets”, outside the Antarctica wall;>
11>there are many living beings living on these continents outside the earth crater, called “aliens”;>
12>these “aliens” are previous creations and some of them look humanoid;>
13>there are humans being enslaved on the other continents outside of the earth crater - what they call “space colonies”, hence why over 8 Million humans disappear every year;>
14>the original Nephilim bloodlines are alive and well living underground the “earth” crater and on the other continents outside Antarctica belt;>
15>the “earth” is not as old as we are told - it’s way younger than we are told;>
16>We are currently in year 723 +/- a few years A.D. and not in year 2023;>
17>1300 years of invented human history never happened - they were simply added to obscure the destruction of Tartaria and explain architecture and remaining artifacts; Tartarian super-advanced technology was deliberately destroyed although it is unclear who destroyed it and who the parasites were;>
18>Tartaria did exist although I believe its location is different than what we are told and also its original name is most likely different too; its descendants have survived and live outside of the “earth” crater; one thing I have been unable to confirm is whether the Tartarians are descendants/bloodlines of the Nephilim, although I do believe that is most likely the case;>
19>most of the aliens are manufactured synthetic robotoids;>
20>there was a mass manufacture of human [most likely cloned] babies, therefore the sudden explosion of orphans with unknown origins in the late 1800s and early 1900s - it’s possible these were the original soulless NPC bloodlines that represent more than half of all humans today;>
21>the “earth” is a non-rotating stationary flat realm/crater within a much larger continuous terrain/plane/realm called the “universe”;>
22>souled humans are being farmed as animals; the words “male” and “female” actually depict the sex of an animal, not human; in the late 1770s and early 1800s humans were only described by the words “man”, “woman”, “boy” and “girl”, and then suddenly for unknown reasons [or more likely under unknown influence], humans began to be described as female and male, which was the way only animals were described at the time;>
23>there is more than one great flood, the question is who and what caused the more recent ones;>
24>the Egyptian civilization is not the oldest one; the Bosnian pyramids are twice as large as the Egyptian ones and have been hidden from the world for the longest time;>
25>in fact there are pyramids all over Europe, quite a few of them older and bigger than the Egyptian ones; even the Mexican pyramids are older than the Egyptian ones - there has been a concerted effort to hide a vast amount of history from us;>
26>I come from a tribe that is 2500 years old, one of the oldest in Europe; I have the feeling that we will discover that a significant part of the Egyptian and Babylonian history is fabricated.>
///>>>The Matrix<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>