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Titus Ministries


🚀 Amen!!

From an article on core Baptist beliefs through the centuries.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
It is such a bizarre and prideful idea, that someone could earn their way to heaven through their behavior. Such a concept is completely foreign to Scripture.

Some people make the claim that one needs to "sin less" to be saved. So how much less sinning does one need to do? How would you even quantify that since the mere thought of foolishness is sin (Proverbs 24:9)? It's a completely absurd man-made idea.

Same goes for doing good. If doing good was tied to salvation, how much good would you have to do? Three nice things a day? Four? Don't you find it funny that scripture never mentions such a thing? Actually if you were to earn heaven you would have to have lived a completely perfect life. Only Jesus ever did that, and He died for you to offer you the FREE GIFT of eternal life based on HIS righteousness. HE gets the glory. Not you.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Be more vocal for righteousness than the freaks are for their degeneracy.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
✋🏻 Contrary to common speculation online, nobody will take the Mark of the Beast on accident.

Read more here: Will Christians Take the Mark?

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
A lot of folks don’t seem to know that to be a Christian is to engage in a warfare. And the Bible describes that warfare. When Paul wrote to a young preacher named Timothy, he said, “This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy… that thou by them mightest war a good warfare” (I Tim. 1:18). He was saying, “Young preacher, you are in a battle, in a warfare, and it is not going to be any picnic.” Paul wrote to this same young preacher, “Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (II Tim. 2:3).

Now what are soldiers for? Soldiers are not just to be on parade. They are to carry a gun and fight. Soldiers are to engage in a warfare.
Many of the Lord’s people don’t know that they are in a warfare.

— Dr Tom Malone

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
“Heaven is a prepared place of a saved people. It is a place of friendship without alloy, fellowship without misunderstanding, victory without defeat.

There will be beautiful gates, golden streets, harps and crowns. The crystal stream will proceed from God's throne. It will be a place of perfect love with an atmosphere of blessedness and joy.

There will be no sin to tempt us, no trials to test us, no Devil to trap us, no sorrow to grieve us, no sickness to weaken us, and no war to destroy us.

There will be no thieves to rob us, no foes to threaten us, no one to mislead us.

Heaven will be a place where no death shall bereave us of our loved ones and no darkness shall obscure the light of day. There will be no more weariness, for we shall have immortal souls and bodies. There will be no more sin to mar our happiness and no more fear to torment us. We shall enter into the eternal joy and calm of our prepared mansions.” - T Larson

☀️ Are you looking forward to it?

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Romans 1:1: "Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God”

How much of your life do you give in service to the Lord and to sharing the gospel with as many people as possible?

💡 You’ll never miss out by giving more to God.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Atheism is juvenile desperation to believe complete nonsense.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
The Halls of Hell’ - classic Baptist sermon on hell. It is a place of endless torment.

Don’t delay, at some point it will be too late.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
The myth of evolution is full of inconsistencies and contradictions. Not only did it not happen, but it is impossible for it to happen.

Creation declares the Creator.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Take church seriously!

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Strange how Catholics and their Protestant offspring twist John 3 to push the heretical idea of baptismal regeneration, considering that baptism isn’t even mentioned in the passage.

John 3:3-6: "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

➖To be born again is to trust on Christ for salvation.

Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

➖No, of course not because this is a spiritual birth.

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water…

➖Born of water is synonymous with being born from the womb as seen above, referring to the amniotic fluid.

…and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."

➖Again, Jesus clarifies the distinction between natural and spiritual birth.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Based! Get a KJV!

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Famous atheist Penn Jillette makes a solid point that many Christians still don’t get.

Go soulwinning!

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Acts 5:29: Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Acts 20:24: But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
☀️ Lots of good stuff in these 7.5 minutes.

Proper behavior in church, which is a local assembly.

What qualifies as a biblical church?

Who can be a member of a church?

What is proper

1 Timothy 3:15: "But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Christianity is in a class all of its own.

No other ‘religious text’ opens itself to investigation as the Bible does. People have been trying to disprove Scripture for 2,000 years and all have either failed or been converted in the process of trying.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
🤜🏻 “Limited Atonement” is a wicked false doctrine. The Bible is clear that Jesus died for all, and when we give people the gospel we can confidently tell them, “Jesus died for you.”

1 John 2:2: "And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
You can often quickly tell who is deceived or a deceiver by their misquoted and out of context verses they don't understand.

One popular misquote is "go and sin no more" which these deceivers try and apply to salvation. Not sinning is impossible, so salvation would be impossible but context makes it clear what is actually meant.

As in John 8, in John 5:14 “Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.

Jesus healed a paralyzed man. Sinning no more has nothing to do with salvation but with possible punishment/discipline on this earth. This is a same with the woman in John 8. If she committed adultery again, she would likely be stoned.

Context kills false teachings.

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
If you follow God you have to obey what God says.

The whole sermon is worth watching:

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
2 Peter 1:16: "For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty."

Reject cunningly devised fables (that permeate the internet) and believe the Bible instead!

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Amen 👏🏻 👏🏻

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
Church membership is a blessing, a need, a gift, a command, and a joy. Get involved in a local body of Christ.

Psalm 133:1: "A Song of degrees of David. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"

𝙵͢𝚘͢𝚕͢𝚕͢𝚘͢𝚠͢ @TitusMin
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