Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
The NeighbouⓇs avatar
The NeighbouⓇs
The NeighbouⓇs avatar
The NeighbouⓇs


The Universe is filled with countless stars, each star has an important place in the universe, they are unique. Like a star, every single person has a special place in this world. Everyone of us, no matter who we are is equally important, simply because we are all a shining star in someone's life and universe. And most importantly, our own. @theneighbours2021
Many people are born into families that force them to live in survival mode.

Years later, they begin to understand that this is why their minds and bodies have to work harder to function.

I can't think of anyone more deserving of understanding than someone who knows this pain...

Choose the path that feels like coming home to yourself ~
The one where your heartbeat matches the rhythm of your dreams,
Where peace settles around your shoulders like a familiar shawl,
Where love flows through your days like a gentle river,
And where each sunrise makes you fall in love with living
Again, and again, and yet again.

Choose the journey that makes your soul bloom
Like wildflowers in an untamed garden,
Where every step feels like dancing with destiny,
And every moment reminds you
That you were born to experience this beautiful adventure
Called life.

Etheric Echoes

They never wanted your body, they always wanted your soul from the beginning and when they get it because you fall into their traps through fear and rushing, you literally feel burnt out inside ... and empty. This is how biorobots are created and bred.

Step out of their collective energy field and leave this circle❕🙏❕

“Your situation is nothing. Your response is everything.”

Stay In My Heart As Love

You came into my life like the spring’s first light,
A season of warmth, chasing away the night.
With every glance, you brought colour to my sky,
Filling the empty spaces, where silence used to lie.

In my eyes, you’re the dream I never knew,
A thousand wishes, all coming true.
In my heart, you’ve found your place to stay,
A love so deep, I couldn’t chase it away.

Once, the world was quiet, the winds did not sing,
But with you, my love, you made my soul take wing.
Like a flower opening to the soft morning breeze,
Your love touched me..

Like a gentle rain that softens the dry,
Your presence is the reason I’ve learned to fly.

So stay with me, in my heart, my love,
Where love is endless, and there’s nothing to fear.
You are the spring I’ve waited for all my life,
The bloom that grew from years of strife.

In my eyes, in my heart, you will always reside,
For with you, my love, there’s nothing to hide.
You are the season, the dream, the fire,
Forever my love…….
Love is so much greater than our ability to hate!

Hating is easy, but loving is where we find our true courage and strength. Learning to love ourselves, love each other, and love those that have wronged us will lead us to a new power.

Even though it seems hard or challenging to show and find love for those that we deem bad or dangerous or even evil, if we open our hearts to recognize that the same love that made them have made us, then we start to heal ourselves and Gaïa.

Just remember the next time you are upset with someone or mad about something~ remember that it is easy to be upset, but it is more powerful and more liberated to ask~ how can I love instead?

Every thought we think is creating our future!!! @theneighbours2021Ⓡ
I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid~air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you're going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.

     C. JoyBell C.

Don’t make assumptions because 80% of the time, they are wrong, and 20% of the time, they are entirely false.


History is a fake


Dear ones,

There will be a significant increase in incoming energetic activity over the next 48 hours, which some of you may already be feeling. Current measurements are already indicating an increase in the Earth's frequency, especially in the EU region. This may manifest itself in physical and mental exhaustion, difficulty getting up early in the morning, and a temporary decrease in appetite.

This change represents a significant frequency adjustment, which is why there may be temporary disruptions in interpersonal dynamics. People you normally feel on the same wavelength with may feel unexpectedly different for a short time while this energetic shift stabilizes and you recalibrate. Sinus problems and temporary allergies may also increase.

The next 48 hours may seem overwhelming, so it is advisable to be conscious of self-care, drink plenty of water, and give your body the time it needs to adjust. Try to avoid self-criticism for a few days to avoid unnecessary mental spirals.

Best regards,
Alexander Quinn
On the Canvas of Life the strokes of uncertainty, the colours of unexpected twists, and the shadows of challenge were all part of crafting a masterpiece more beautiful than you could have ever imagined……

Love is not the absence of flaws,
But the courage to see them and stay.
It is not the answer to all questions,
But the one truth that silences doubt…..
Nagyon büszke vagyok rád kislányom 💖
Divenire avatar
✨value what you have when you have it✨

I can see your pain and it's big I also see your courage and it's bigger and we can do hard things. t.me/theneighbours2021
Rise, even when shadows pull you low,
Your roots will guide where you must grow.
Each step forward, no matter how small,
Is a victory, is a call…..

~ Dylan

Learn to smile at every situation. You will see an opportunity to prove your strength and ability to go further than you expected.
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