A worldview in crisis.
Its axioms:
1. The jews (or the lizard shadow gov who controls the jews) is in full control of the world.
2. All politics are a theater put on by 1) to manipulate the masses.
3. They wish to erase White people by replacing them with hostile foreigners.
Current events support these axioms very poorly. You see its proponents bending or ignoring events in order to shoehorn reality into this mold. Most of us have a more nuanced worldview.
1. Factions (some comprised mainly of jews) vie for control of the world
2. Some events are theatre. Some events are (even if distorted) glimpses at real power struggles.
3. One or several of these factions, especially the jewish ones, bear a grudge against White civilization, or for other reasons want to undermine it, including by importing hostile minorities
The first, schizoid view is incapable of celebration, as nothing, axiomatically, can happen.
B. We all share the hermeneutic of suspicion. It's well-deserved. Some, however, apply this hermeneutic unevenly. They are only suspicious of good news. They take every bad thing the news says as fact. For instance, they believe the UN projected birthrates. So they aren't actually sceptical, merely pessimistic. Some proudly so.
In combination this inflexible worldview and hermeneutic create the Self-flagellating Schizo. On some level they believe they deserve the punishment. Sometimes they'll tell you explicitly that we deserve to suffer because we're too fat or comfortable or altruistic. They pray for a world where we're redeemed by our suffering and revolt against modernity and the hegemony.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It's also the jewish faith. Christians know we are already redeemed and must merely accept it.