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Queer, Leftist, AntiFascist Unity avatar
Queer, Leftist, AntiFascist Unity
Queer, Leftist, AntiFascist Unity avatar
Queer, Leftist, AntiFascist Unity


🇺🇸 Amazon founder and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos has sent out an email to the newspaper's staff saying that he is going to narrow the focus of its opinion pages to be “in support and defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets.”

The Washington Post is the third most circulated newspaper in the United States.

He claims in the email that “I am of America and for America. Our country did not get here by being typical. And a big part of America’s success has been freedom in the economic realm and everywhere else. Freedom is ethical — it minimizes coercion — and practical [sic] — it drives creativity, invention and prosperity”

He says that “viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others” and asserts that supporters of “free markets and personal liberties… are underserved in the current market of ideas and news opinion”

The Washington Post’s opinion editor, David Shipley, will be exiting the paper as part of the move.
2024: We tried appealing to conservatives and we're all out of ideas!
2025: Let's try appealing to conservatives!
Leopards, etc etc
From Tech Crunch 🇩🇪 Social media giants Meta and Twitter approved ads targeting users in Germany with violent anti-Muslim and anti-Jew hate speech in the run-up to the country’s federal elections, according to new research from Eko, a corporate responsibility nonprofit campaign group.

The group’s researchers tested whether the two platforms’ ad review systems would approve or reject submissions for ads containing hateful and violent messaging targeting minorities ahead of an election where immigration has taken center stage in mainstream political discourse — including ads containing anti-Muslim slurs; calls for immigrants to be imprisoned in concentration camps or to be gassed; and AI-generated imagery of mosques and synagogues being burnt.

Most of the test ads were approved within hours of being submitted for review in mid-February.
🇺🇸 Prominent US conservative activist Christopher Rufo is claiming that he spoke with a whistleblower in the National Security Agency who says that there is a “cult” of Marxist transgender women in the organization.

The supposed whistleblower asserts that members of the “cult” are so focused on applying gender ideology that they are unable to do their jobs effectively, and that is “going to get people killed in the field.”

Rufo is almost certainly lying, but he was a prominent player behind the recent push by Republicans to claim that “critical race theory” was controlling US public institutions. He has simply shifted from claiming that non-white people are secretly undermining the government, to a new target: trans people.

The tactics used in both cases are similar to McCarthyists in the 1950s, when conservatives attempted to claim that communists were under the control of the Soviet Union, and they were able to use the moral panic to drive left wingers out of public life.
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