According to The Buddha, reincarnation had a beginning and is not infinite.
If reincarnation had a beginning, there has to have been a point in history where all the pre-incarnate souls had to idle or hibernate in a vacuum which lacks all forms of emotions or ability to cause attachments. The first question arises. How long was this period. If, according to The Buddha, past karma decides the lives of the current lives. Who or what will decide these pre-incarnate souls' lives? Or let's say there were no reincarnation because there were no "pre-incarnate souls". We can compare this to a nuclear fission chain reaction since reincarnation itself is a chain reaction. In comparison, for a fission chain reaction to occur, the experimenter must shoot a neutron at a uranium-235 particle in order to cause a chain reaction. Likewise in order to start the reincarnation process a pre-incarnate soul must die to start the reaction. However, because the pre-incarnate souls have no past life it is impossible to determine how they will live. Thus they should just be stuck in an endless state of hibernation. If we go even further, we can assert that in this time before the reincarnation cycle, there was no universe, dimensions and the Earth. This is due to the fact that attachments cannot exist before the reincarnation period. As proved earlier, pre-incarnate souls cannot have any past karma. Therefore, if there was no universe and anything at all, there would be no attachments or sufferrings that causes karma. So the main question arises. Who started this cycle?. Whenever I ask a buddhist "what causes reincarnation", they answer with "Karma causes it". But now the typical buddhist answer does not work because buddha himself said there is an inaccessible beginning and before that beginning had to exist a period with no karma.