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Ley Love Down - Official Group
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Ley Love Down - Official Group


1 week away today. Keepers let's keep, see you there 💖
Get onboard with The weekly 12:12 healing event by Ley Love Down.
We’re excited to invite you to join us, in a powerful weekly activity dedicated to healing and balancing the ley lines of our planet.
Each week will feature a specific intention.  This week, Thursday 20th February 2025, the intention is to focus our energies on the Yellow Ley Lines.
More about the Yellow Ley Lines .... Underground Streams or Yellow Earth Energy Flows, the vibration exists on the psychic level. The colour of psychic yellow is sometimes beneficial with limited exposure, best outside of the living areas, being one of the more positive energies found. The Energy seen is, on one level sensed as an intermediate energy found between this plane of existence & the Spiritual plane, or on a material level as encompassing Electrical, Magnetic & Gravitational elements.
Where water does flow beneath a habited structure it can be generally debilitating showing as continual coughs, colds, aches, sleeplessness & Asthma in humans. It can also cause a black residue to form within some buildings that are not smudged or by construction do not vent this energy, this blackness can support some unusual forms of paranormal activity. All Energy Structures will always utilise a point where Water & Earth Energy cross, indeed Water will flow under all Energy Structures.
Visit the web page for the weekly focus.  We encourage you to share this message and the flyer with your networks, online and offline.  Together, we can amplify our efforts and build a strong community united in healing.  
Sending love, peace and joy.
Get onboard with The weekly 12:12 healing event by Ley Love Down.
We’re excited to invite you to join us, in a powerful weekly activity dedicated to healing and balancing the ley lines of our planet.
Each week will feature a specific intention.  This week, Thursday 13th February 2025, the intention is to focus our energies on the Red Ley Lines.
More about the Red Ley Lines….. They are used within more modern stone circles.  Found as leys with links to fortifications.  Used as a male control/emotional energy.  This energy can have a destabilising nature.  Also formed as a result of black or dark ritual.  In the short term it can cause destabilisation on a mental level, also affecting the organs, kidneys etc.
Visit the web page for the weekly focus.  We encourage you to share this message and the flyer with your networks, online and offline.  Together, we can amplify our efforts and build a strong community united in healing.  
Sending love, peace and joy.
This week's group meditation will focus on the Dragon Lines/Song lines which were the focus of the Weekly 12:12 on Feb 6th.

Feb 19th 7:30pm AST
3:30pm PST
4:30pm MST
6:30pm EST
11:30pm GMT
9:30am AEST (20th)
12:30pm NZDT (20th)

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Dale H avatar
Dale H
So I’ll be joining and presenting this Thursday with Ley love down.

I’ve mentioned before but through Rachel Vaughan really helping me grasp and be able to see Ley lines has been such a game changer for me personally and helped put more pieces of the puzzle together.

I am no expert at all but hope to share some cool stuff. Synchronistically a friend Matt took me for a walk Saturday to show me some leys he has found and his amazing personal story to match.

I’m standing direct centre in the one picture. The other I just had thought to go back to some old pics I took while living in Europe of this beautiful snow path.

If you’d like to join Thursday the sign up zoom is 👇
Rachel Vaughan avatar
Rachel Vaughan
For those who were unable to watch the Ley Love Down Knowledge Transfer session with Dale Homes on Thursday, the recording is now available to watch.

Many thanks to Dale for coming on for a yarn, and to Ley Love Down’s Social Media volunteer Billie for hosting.

Ley Love Down will be providing Knowledge Transfer sessions on the second Thursday of every month throughout 2025 – we have some amazing speakers joining us to share their experiences with ley lines and anything else they would like to share.

Dale was one the first to publicly share images of ley lines, which are prolific in the Bendigo area where he used to live – after I had repeatedly pointed out to him that there were ley lines presenting in his regular walk and talks in that area.

At first Dale said he thought I was tripping when I kept pointing them out to him – or words to that effect hahaha – but when he finally saw the leys he was brave enough to share this with his viewers.

In this Knowledge Transfer session Dale shares spectacular vids and imagery of ley lines that he personally has traversed.

Dale Holmes links: @DaleHolmes1985
Instagram Dale.Holmes1985

Follow Billie Here:

Ley Love Down platforms:

Rachel Vaughan genuine links– please beware of impersonators. I don’t send PM’s on Telegram or Messenger. I don’t sell any type of coin/crypto:
Ley lines exposed at Taylor Swift Concert
It's that time of the week again.....12:12 Weekly Focus.

The Black Ley Lines

More about the Black Ley Lines .... They can be found within more modern stone circles and unbalanced energy structures designed for prayers without being placed on a free flowing energy line.

It can also be found as a result of manipulation of an energy negatively, hexes, incorrect exorcism. It is also found as a by product from water energy where the energy cannot vent from a property.

Ley Love Down platforms:

#leylovedown #leylines #balanacetheleylines #savetheleylinessavetheworld #intention #frequency #energy #stonecircles #water
12:12 Weekly Focus for Thursday 13th February
Unlocking ancient mysteries with Rachel
Full episode
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