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The Irish Inquiry avatar
The Irish Inquiry
The Irish Inquiry avatar
The Irish Inquiry


Those Wanting War: Did You Know 14 Days Is The Average Time Soldiers Lasted In World War One (Many of Them Were Just Boys)...

(First written in Nov 2021 but NEVER more relevant than in March 2025).

"Today is the 11th of November 2021, or 11/11, the day WW 1 apparently ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Armistice Day to some, Remembrance day to others (memorial terms picked by elites, of course).

Today is a day to ask who started that war (elites). Who decided when & why it would 'end' (elites). Who decided it would be claimed it ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day (elites). Who avoided the front lines & bloodshed. (elites). Who decided it was their right to sacrifice a whole generation of youth to satisfy their own need for agenda (elites).

But did the elites war ever really end? (no). Are we caught in a continuous cycle of war at the 'mercy' of the elites? (Yes). During the course of WW1, millions of innocent lives were taken before they ever truly began. In horror, that can be scarcely imagined. Millions more were left behind, bereft & shellshocked. The youngest known soldier of World War 1 was Momčilo Gavrić, who joined the 6th Artillery Division of the Serbian Army at the age of 8.

Those who wished to fight "for their country" unwittingly marched toward their deaths, psychologically manipulated to give up their freedom & future to be pawns in a terrifying game they couldn't personally win. Their own empathy & honour weaponised against them. Many of the propaganda slogans trotted out then are similar to now. The words may be different, the end goal is the same: convince people to give up their freedoms for the greater good' (for the will of the elites). Conscientious objectors were shamed & punished.

Those who were forced to fight in WW 1 (& WW 2) knew death awaited them, but surely even they could not viscerally paint their horrific fate in their mind's eye. What awaited them was the freezing cold wet, diseased & filthy trenches and the mouth of hell itself (Stalingrad in WW 2 a good example).

It is not true that the war ended on the 11th hour. Shelling continued all that day, and many more young lives were needlessly lost in bloodshed. Some say it was meant to end days before. Did an elite decide it would make a good press story to officially end the War on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour & so allowed thousands more lives to be stolen as a result?

The questions & points here linger like ghosts of soldiers who deserve to be forever unforgotten. We will never know the full truth of WW1 or WW2, and we will never know the full truth of the situation the world is in now. One thing is for certain: the instigators & game masters are once again the elites. We will never know the full extent of the victims (back then, or now in the current historical thread). Most individual stories will be lost.

History is written by the winners (elites probably said that too, but it is the truth).

We have their psychological wars perpetrated against us, as well as kinetic ones. Look around you...see the brainwashed. The controlled. The mass psychosis.. Destroy the people, but leave the infrastructure intact (for the elites). Convenient.

However, the Military Industrial Complex is profitable for politicians and corporate players , as are land grabs.

11/11 may be the day these entities chose to 'end' World War 1. Numbers that are Godly, connected to vibrational frequency. When you see these numbers, it is said that whatever you imagine or feel in that moment as an electrical being can manifest. I use it to imagine some leaders be dealt some karmic blows.

It is all I can do as I wait for sense to prevail.

It is past time for those who treat us like plastic toys (to be disposed of at will) to understand that we do not belong to them.
We must be masters of our own destiny.

Posting at 11.11.
In honour of those who have died in a war that never truly ended."

By Susanne Delaney
Halal Slaughter Is A "Good" Thing For Ireland and The Irish Government "Accepts It"
This (Irish) Farmers Journal writer @PhelimONeillFJ calls the growth of the Halal slaughter sector "good news" and says "it [halal slaughter] isn't as actively promoted as it should be." He also states that in Ireland it is "legal [to slaughter halal style] to service the Muslim population" which he points out is growing fast (and also very quickly in the UK and the EU).

He does NOT point out that halal produced meat is not ONLY being produced to serve Muslims but is ALSO being served in schools, hospitals and homeless shelters currently, leaving some people with little option as to whether to consume it as they may not have the means to buy an alternative (as such serving halal slaughtered meat is a class issue in some settings). In any case it should not be produced in this country in my view. What muslim countries do is up to them but this is Ireland.

O' Neill is a Market Intelligence Specialist. He says the halal slaughter of sheep is "fairly common" in Ireland "as muslim customers form a major part of the sheep meat export market." He also claims the government here have adopted an acceptance of Halal slaughter (rather than actively encourage it). The article states there is a Bord Bia office in Dubai.

For those of you who don't know, the certifying body for Halal meat in Ireland is a company whose director is Dr. Umar Al Qadri. It would be easy to solely point the blame here at him of course but there are Irish natives involved in growing "the Halal sector here ans they applaud it. Al Qadri could not have achieved what he has without the enablers. There is a lovely picture of him on The Department of Halal Certification website (the business Al Qadri is a director of) showing him with @PresidentIRL Michael Higgins.

The All-Ireland Business Foundation said they took "great honour in bestowing the title of Fellow (FAIBF)" to Al Qadri. Deputy Chair of the All Ireland Business Foundation Kieran Ring said it is "with great respect that we acknowledge Dr. Al-Qadri of the Department of Halal Certification for his exemplary service and significant impact in their field."

The Department of Halal Certification says, "the Halal marketplace is emerging as one of the most lucrative and influential market arenas in the world today. Halal is no longer just a purely religious issue, as it has become a global symbol for quality assurance and lifestyle choice. It is a new market force that should not be overlooked."

For those who do not know, many food products (aside from cuts of meat), cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials are also halal. Animals slaughtered Halal style are sometimes electrocuted (tasered) before slaughter. This incapacitates them (making then unable to move) but does not render them stunned or unconscious. They therefore feel pain and fear during the slaughtering process. Some animals are slaughtered without this step. All animals are killed by throat slitting and draining the blood. A process that can be lengthy for larger animals in particular.
Ar Aghaidh avatar
Ar Aghaidh
VIEW POINT: The purpose of any company is to make money and that may include competing for government contracts. It is not the duty of any company to adapt ‘diversity equity inclusion’ unless it benefits profits by encouraging certain types of people that may have specific skills to join. Because of this politics gets involved to distort the market place for the sake of imposing political goals. In the United States under the Biden administration government contracts were only awarded to companies with strong DEI policies. Now it is the reverse under President Trump, commercial reality has been restored as there is now no incentive for a company to adhere to DEI policies. The ‘executive order’ from the 20th of January referred to DEI as ‘illegal and immoral discriminatory programmes’. There has been an unprecedented rush to ditch the stranglehold of these policies as one corporate organisation after another restores commercial reality into the work place. Google, KPMG, Accenture, Mc Donnell’s, Ford are amongst the big and well known names that have rowed back on their DEI policies. I am getting the impression that they are delighted to do so, no company likes being told how to run its own business. Now we are experiencing real equality, where the best person for a job gets that job regardless of race or colour or any other irrelevant characteristic. All that is now relevant is can you do a good job.

Not everybody is happy. DEI is a lucrative industry worth $9•4 billion and was estimated to grow to $24•4 billion by 2030. This is now unlikely to happen. This industry which contributes nothing in real terms to the economy act as lobbyists to influence governments to implement DEI legislation and then act as policeman to implement and impose changes in the workplace. They have it both ways and steamroll through recruitment policies that ensure that people who are not the right fit for the job get recruited because they are the right fit for DEI policies. But DEI influence does not end there. Within the workforce an atmosphere of fear comes about as employees feel that those recruited under DEI are above scrutiny or criticism. Debate is shut down as employees fear that expressing mere reservation about DEI will be the end of a career. A two speed system exists in the workforce, those that are in a protected category and those who are not. The use of pronouns, the very use of language may determine your advancement within the company. If you are sent for ‘diversity training’ don’t expect debate. You are there to be talked down to as a lesser mortal in need of enlightenment and it is the job of the DEI people to enlighten you.

Those days have abruptly ended in the corporate sector. However in other areas of business and academia DEI may be lingering. Now is the time to challenge it. Armed with the changing business climate in one hand and the Cass Report in the other hand the time has arrived to robustly and loudly articulate against DEI in all of its many forms. Executive Order 14168 issued on the 19th of February stated that it is about ‘defending women from gender ideology extremism and restoring biological truth….’. This again provides ammunition for those of us who believe in biological reality to reject DEI robustly. This Executive Order then goes on to describe male and female in terms of biological function. Dr Dorothy Fink, Deputy Secretary for Women’s Health stated that ‘biological differences between males and females require sex specific practices in medicine and research to ensure optimal health outcomes’. This is about reclaiming science and banishing ‘woke’. It will become increasingly difficult for any employer or organisation to defend DEI anywhere in the world. In Ireland the strategy of DEI fanatics was to close down debate claiming that decisions have already been made and revisiting the arguments is being hateful. Well not so, the debate is only beginning and the result is predetermined by history and by common sense, DEI is dead, woke is dead and normality and merit will reign supreme. Celebrate!
What will our country look like after another 5 years of Fine Gael filling it with illegal economic migrants?
VIEW POINT: It emerged this week that the Ukraine has the ability to build nuclear weapons. In a briefing paper that had been prepared by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence and has just been leaked it was stated that the Ukraine has the technical ability to build a number of nuclear bombs and the missile systems to deliver them. It was estimated that the project could take one year before the first weapons are ready but they could possibly be delivered on a much shorter time frame. The document states that while there is no time to build a plant to enrich uranium it would be possible to extract several tons of reactor plutonium from spent fuel rods taken from nuclear reactors used to generate electricity. Currently the Ukraine controls nine operating nuclear reactors. There would be the possibility of creating an extensive nuclear arsenal.

The reason and timing of the ‘leaking’ of this document is significant. The election of President Trump has changed the dynamics of the US Ukraine relationship. President Trump has made it clear that he wants a negotiated peace settlement that would be fair and lasting. Inevitably such a peace settlement would include awarding to Russia the Crimea which was a part of Russia until 1954 when Stalin ‘awarded’ it to the Ukraine as part of a ‘fraternal Bolshevik agreement’. It hardly mattered, it was all the Soviet Union anyway and would anybody really stand up to Stalin. Obviously nobody in the Crimea was consulted, communists are not into consultation. Times have changed and the people in the Crimea wish to return to their historic homeland. In any peace settlement the Crimea and some border lands must return to Russia but President Zelensky, Western powers and the arms industry think otherwise. President Biden was supportive, President Trump is not. This leaked briefing paper is an attempt to put pressure on the incoming US administration to continue supplying arms to the Ukraine so that the war can continue.

President Zelensky seems to have no problem with the use of nuclear weapons repeatedly calling for NATO involvement in the conflict. Such involvement would rapidly go nuclear. The Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer has advised that all civilians in the west should ‘prepare for an all out war’. You can count me out buddy but this just goes to show how fragile peace is, when our safety is in the hands of reckless single minded military fools. President Trump has stated that he could stop the war in one day and allowing for hyperbole I believe him. Zelensky depends on the good will of his western arms suppliers and of these the US is the largest.

But there is more blackmail. President Putin of Russia has stated that the Ukraine must never be allowed to join NATO. Clearly the hundreds of miles of ‘NATO free’ land bordering Russia would give time for Russia to respond conventionally if attacked. If the Ukraine was in NATO there would be nuclear missiles and hundreds of thousands of hostile soldiers on Russias borders. Clearly this is unacceptable. President Zelensky has stated that if the Ukraine is denied NATO membership then the Ukraine will start manufacturing nuclear arms. Zelensky is able and willing to play the nuclear card despite the recklessness of doing so.

These are matters that involve us due to the recklessness of our government in compromising our historic neutrality. We are at risk of becoming a nuclear target. NATO wants our cooperation because they want out long runways and deep harbours. If we give them to NATO Russia would seek to deny them to NATO and we could become a nuclear target in the opening minutes of any conflict. We need to reclaim our sovereignty, proclaim our neutrality and to draw back from the abyss. The Ukrainian conflict could spiral out of control at any time and could go nuclear. We need to be prepared and the best preparation is uncompromising neutrality. Our government has let us down yet again by allowing themselves to be flattered and bribed by those with a globalist agenda. Keep safe and reclaim our nation back.
2022 IRISH MORTALITY: 15-24 YR OLD DEATHS UP 77% on 2020 !!!
Analysis of recently released CSO figures by age and cause of death provides the ‘smoking gun’ on Irish excess deaths.

Read article by Patrick E Walsh here...
Those Wanting War: Did You Know 14 Days Is The Average Time Soldiers Lasted In World War One (Many of Them Were Just Boys)...

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Halal Slaughter Is A "Good" Thing For Ireland and The Irish Government "Accepts It"
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Ben Gilroy avatar
Ben Gilroy
ALERT - Tell the farmers, and boycott all foods contaminated with this. Please share everywhere, it has to be stopped.
Independent candidate for #DublinWest, #SusanneDelaney, had a confrontation with fellow candidate @DrUmarAlQadri today, who made a false accusation about her.
Please support our campaign here...
The Irish Git avatar
The Irish Git
Justice minister McEntees evening in Birr.
She was awful chatty.
Tuesday 12th of November is the deadline for registering to vote in the general election.

We've heard reports of people been removed from the register. Please make sure that you’re registered to vote.

You can register (or check if you’re registered) here...

#VoteIndependent #StephenKerr #SusanneDelaney

If you are;
Moving from Dublin to any county outside of Dublin; or
Moving to Dublin from any county outside of Dublin,
You can only update your details or change your address using the ERF1 Form

"We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." (Ayn Rand)

TAKE A CLOSE LOOK, our Gardaí 🇮🇪 won't save us. Drew Harris has them as conditioned as the Bundespolizei to focus on YOU as the aggressor. One look at protests in Ireland shows us that. Older women and mothers pushed, shoved, and manhandled. Children and even a terminally ill elderly woman (sitting at a bus stop with a crucifix around her neck) were pepper sprayed at #Coolock.

This federal police officer lost his life after he, remarkably, saw a jihadist actively attacking citizens at an anti Islam rally. As the amped up frenzied killer stuck his knife into as many people as he could, the officer bizarrely pinned this "far right protester " to the ground instead of stopping the mass murder that was unfolding.

Even in that moment, those protesting were seen as the force to be stopped. Despite their forewarning playing out in real time.

This is a historical and chilling image, a snapshot of things to come for the West.
THERE IS A KNIFE CRIME EVERY 26 MINS OR SO IN GERMANY [2.28 per hour]. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and the federal police's response is to call for "more weapon-free zones on trains and in inner city areas in a bid to tackle knife crime."

It is thought figures could be higher because no federal statistics are available on all stabbings. The German police say it registered 398,848 total crimes on trains and at train stations in 2022. Of those crimes, 14,155 involved bodily assault and 336 involved the use of a knife — more than double the year before.

Germany has experienced the following terror attacks in a few short months (list includes thwarted planned attacks).

February 21, 2025—Syrian refugee stabs and seriously injures a Spanish tourist at Berlin’s Holocaust memorial.

February 13, 2025—Afghan asylum seeker Farhad Noori drives his car into a crowd of demonstrators in Munich, killing two people, and injuring dozens more. Prosecutors say he had an Islamist motive.

January 22, 2025—Failed Afghan asylum seeker Enamullah O. attacks a group of preschool children, killing a 2-year-old and a 41-year-old man, and injuring three more people in the Bavarian city of Aschaffenburg.

December 20, 2024—A Saudi Arabian man drives his BMW into a crowd at the Magdeburg Christmas market in Germany, killing six people and injuring at least 299 others.

December 4, 2024—A 37-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker is arrested in Augsburg for planning a terrorist attack on the city’s Christmas market. The man was involved with Islamic State.

November 12, 2024—Police in Germany announce a 17-year-old Turkish male they had arrested in Elmshorn had been planning a terror attack on a local Christmas market. He planned to use a truck to driving a truck into the crowd.

September 28, 2024—A 41-year-old Syrian man set fire to two buildings, drove his vehicle into a store, and threatened passers-by with a machete in the Essen, injuring 31 people.

August 23, 2024—Issa al Hasan, a Syrian failed asylum seeker, attacks festival goers in Solingen, killing three people and injuring eight more. The Islamic State terror group claims responsibility.

May 31, 2024—25-year-old Afghan Sulaiman Ataee, a failed asylum seeker, kills a policeman (see image) and injures five other people at an anti-Islamism rally in Mannheim. The perpetrator had an Islamist motive

April 12, 2024—Four teenagers are arrested in Germany on suspicion of planning to attack worshipers in churches and synagogues as well as police stations, using knives and Molotov cocktails. They are said to have glorified the Islamic State.

Germany 🇩🇪 is falling (and the recent election has sealed its fate). Ireland will come tumbling after and the consequences of ignoring this truth will catch up with every denier in time.

Some will find out the very hard way, just like this young officer pictured sadly did.

By: Susanne Delaney
Are you aware YOUR child is fed halal poultry* at school and that they're given NO non halal poultry option? Glanmore Foods provides dinners for 450 schools nationwide. They say they respect cultural differences and so provide halal meat. But given there is NO non #halal poultry alternative offered, it would appear they do not respect the culture of Ireland 🇮🇪, a country where most natives would likely object to the cruel and barbaric nature of halal slaughter, finding it offensive and inhumane.

When I asked them why they provide halal only poultry, Glanmore foods sideswiped the "cultural respect" claim and informed me they do this because MOST catering poultry available to purchase in Ireland IS halal and therefore it's easier to purchase it (this also means many non muslim restaurants serve it, unbeknownst to customers, do make sure you check by asking when you eat out, buy takeaways etc, and even check your supermarket products).

We do not want this barbaric practice in our country.
But it's here and it's WIDESPREAD.
But this is what happens when you don't demand or expect end up with our high humane slaughter standards obliterated to accommodate those who are culturally or religiously different.

Dr. Umar al Qadri serves as the Director of the Department of Halal Certification Europe (DHCE), a leading accredited Halal certification body based in Ireland.

Currently, a proposed ban on halal meat in the UK is being debated. It might mean an exodus of Muslims though, according to The Muslim Council of Britain.

What are your opinions on this?
And should we ban halal meat in Ireland? (which the establishment is currently trying to normalise with Irish "comedy" films like Halal Daddy, which needs to be seen to be believed).
Do you have an issue with your child being served halal food at school?
And will you allow them to continue eating it?

*Chickens/Turkeys slaughtered for Halal meat are not being stunned effectively.

Instead of being rendered instantly unconscious when stunned, they will be receiving a painful electric shock that immobilises them before being slaughtered whilst fully conscious.

Chicken/Turkeys are immobilised, meaning they are unable to move, but still aware of what is happening to them and are able to feel pain, when their throat is cut, and it can take time for them to die. 

The workings of the Taser gun are an example of electro-immobilisation.
Ar Aghaidh avatar
Ar Aghaidh
VIEW POINT: The world is now a safer place, the one conflict that always had the potential to turn nuclear is rapidly de escalating. I am of course referring to the Ukraine. Other conflicts that don’t have a nuclear potential are essentially regional conflicts although at a local level human suffering can be enormous. I am referring to Gaza. For peace in any conflict to become possible it is necessary for all negotiators to have good will or at least a vision for peace. When President Trump met President Putin in the Saudi capital of Ryad President Zelensky was deliberately excluded. That was necessary for progress to occur. President Zelensky has escalated this border dispute to a war that at times threatened to go nuclear. He attempted to involve NATO on many occasions fully aware that such a move could lead to a nuclear conflict. There are people who are senior within NATO who have advocated for NATO involvement and there are many senior western politicians who have failed to show appropriate restraint. And of course there are the fools who make noise and punch above their weight to appear to be important. We might know some of them. For a while Zelensky paraded himself on the world stage as the leader of a victim nation without showing any desire to seek compromise. He addressed numerous parliaments including Dáil Éireann. He was almost never challenged while Russia was demonised as the aggressor.

Since the fall of communism the Russian population of the borderlands have been the victims of discrimination by the Ukrainian government. Minorities trapped behind international frontiers have always provided political flashpoints. Sudetenland Germans and the German speaking population of Danzig were the catalyst for WW2. The Russian minority trapped behind the Ukrainian frontier needed to have their concerns listened to. They suffered discrimination and Russia eventually intervened. A simple plebiscite to determine a redrawing of the border was all that was required but that can only happen with an abundance of good will from both sides. The Ukraine choose to play hard ball and that has now backfired. The political landscape has changed, both in Europe and the US. The time has come for peace.

The pathway to peace is straightforward. Currently the Ukraine is under martial law with all elections postponed. Zelensky would have to put himself before the Ukrainian people to continue his mandate. There is a political consensus that he would loose and would be replaced by a government that would seek a just peace. Zelensky as Jewish could avail of the Israeli ‘right of return’ law to emigrate to Israel if he felt he couldn’t remain in the Ukraine. He won’t be without a home. Meanwhile the rest of the Ukraine could build a just peace and move on. The Ukraine can never aspire to NATO membership, to do so is undermining of peace and also must agree to cede to Russia those former parts of the Ukraine that have a Russian majority and that are currently under Russian control. What is important is that any treaty must be embraced equally by both sides. The unjust ‘Treaty of Versailles’ of 1919 and the more unjust Treaty of Trianon’ of 1920 led to WW2. This new treaty must be just to remove any possibility of a future dispute.

Disputes that appear intractable can only be settled when there is strong leadership backed by moral authority. President Trump and President Putin have the ability to formulate a peace plan once such a plan is not shackled to conditions wished for by the EU, NATO or other political and military interests that have no right to scupper the chance of peace. Zelensky’s bottom line appears to be NATO membership but that must never happen as it would allow Zelensky to restart the war at any time in the future in the knowledge that NATO will stand by him. That puts the clock back to the beginning. Fresh Ukrainian elections may well produce a new Ukrainian leader that is pragmatic and such a leader may well work with both Trump and Putin for peace. That would cement peace, the real tragedy is that it took so long.
VIEW POINT: Are you into the next new thing? Because if you are you might like to know that Green Party Minister of Transport Eamonn Ryan is offering a new type of registration plate if you drive an electric vehicle. It is described as having a ‘green flash’ on the edge of the plate. Wonderful! No doubt some fools will be impressed by the governments latest gimmick, meanwhile the rest of us will simply ignore and if buying a car choose to spend our hard earned cash on a vehicle that is both reliable and safe. That excludes electric motoring.

Gimmicks can come at a high price when everything is considered. Because of this more and more people are turning their backs on electric motoring. Despite a commitment made by our government to our EU masters that 30% of the vehicles on our roads will be electric by 2030 there is no sign of that happening. Currently 14% of all vehicles are electric, many in niche roles like city taxis or second cars for school runs etc but not for serious motoring where flexibility with range is important. In October of this year 529 new electric vehicles were registered for the first time. This is a 16% drop on the same period last year. I the first ten months of this year there has been a 25% decrease in registrations over the same period last year. Hence the gimmicks, bread and circuses and electric motoring might be resuscitated.

However when the consumer fails to play ball with government policy the ‘green police’ step into twist the arms of the public. Firstly there is bribery in the form of various grants to go electric. This is a sure sign that an effort is being made to encourage people to buy an inferior product. Buy an electric car and you will be discounted €3500 before you drive a single mile. Furthermore you will get €300 to sort out your charger. This is desperation. But government patience doesn’t last forever with the mere electorate. The Green Party will start turning the screws as regular motoring will be phased out. Where will you actually get your ‘fossil fuel’ when the pumps are decommissioned. Already there are a few medium size cities in Europe where cars that emit at the exhaust pipe are banned or fined heavily. Is not the NCT emission allowance getting less and less. This is no longer bribery, this is coercion.

The ‘nanny state’ will want to control you starting in Brussels. That’s convenient for our government who can wash their hands and blame Brussels. But who signed those Paris Protocols in the first place. Who committed us to following this pseudoscience and in doing so surrendering our sovereignty. Responsibility begins and ends at government and the pathetic and compromised members of our Oireachtas can’t hide under rocks for ever.

A few basic concerns that can’t be swept under the carpet involve lithium battery fires. These are as puzzling as they are to extinguish. The burn at a far higher temperature than ordinary fires and have a tendency to reignite. The Chevrolet Bolt is is an example worth examining. Eighteen spontaneous battery fires were investigated. Modified software was installed but still the fires continued. The current advice from Chevrolet is to park your car outside and fifty yards away from the nearest car.

This is technology in its infancy and no bribe of €3500 would induce me to take the risk but at least that is my choice. What I object to is arm twisting and ‘green’ pressure to buy into their political vision. And finally a message to Minister Ryan, keep your ‘green flash’, I am completely happy with my current motoring arrangements.

Read on below...
Are you aware YOUR child is fed halal poultry* at school and that they're given NO non halal poultry option? Glanmore Foods provides dinners for 450 schools nationwide. They say they respect cultural differences and so provide halal meat. But given there is NO non #halal poultry alternative offered, it would appear they do not respect the culture of Ireland 🇮🇪, a country where most natives would likely object to the cruel and barbaric nature of halal slaughter, finding it offensive and inhumane.

Read on below...
X has contacted us @IrishInquiry to inform us that An Garda Siochana have requested (using a court order) our private communications (amongst other things) for particular dates (relating to #protest in #Dublin) in the belief we may have committed a criminal offence.

The act used in attempting to obtain this info is ordinarily reserved for cases where the Gardaí wish to spy on terrorism financiers (and other such serious criminals).

The video they are MOST concerned with is featured here in this video below (and any related communications).

X has not handed over our data. We will release a proper statement tomorrow on what is a serious attack on our rights, our platform, journalism, truth and potentially our freedom, as well as #FreeSpeech.

Thanks @elonmusk for upholding our rights.
VIEW POINT: I don’t believe that the Gardaí are capable of making subjective judgements on what constitutes a hate crime nor should they be. The Criminal Justice ( Hate Offences) Act was passed this October and signed into law by the President. As of now no commencement order has been signed. Due to the election a commencement order may not be signed shortly or indeed ever. We will wait and see but the overall question is are the Gardaí capable of operating the new law if it ever becomes operational law. The main concern is will the Gardaí find themselves under political pressure to ‘find’ cases or manufacture cases to satisfy a political expectation. Whatever about political pressure the Gardaí will be under pressure from a plethora of tax funded left wing NGO‘’s representing everything from LGBQT to immigration who will bring enormous pressure to bear to investigate everything that they consider to be ‘hateful’.

How that pressure can operate was seen last week in the UK when an esteemed journalist at the Telegraph, Alison Pearson was confronted on her own door step by police investigating a ‘hate’ incident. Apparently she tweeted something over a year ago and a complaint was made. The police officer was instructed not to tell her who the complainant was or even which tweet offended. She was left totally in the dark. I stress that this occurred in a different legal jurisdiction but there are still lessons in it for us. Very importantly Ms Pearson has received the support of her employer and government and opposition party politicians. We all know that this would not happen here. Look no further than Enoch Burke. Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that the behaviour of the police was ‘appalling’ while Nigel Farage stated that ‘this is Orwellian in the extreme’. Elon Musk who is now a key figure in the new US administration tweeted that ‘this needs to stop’. Most sane people would agree with that.

But this will not stop for as long as the police pander to marxist NGO’s. Police forces need to be trained to say no to agendaists, need to know that they will be supported by senior colleagues if a more junior colleague decides that a complaint fails to reach the threshold of criminality. All too often i suspect the investigation process is for two reasons unrelated to any criminal incident real or imagined. Firstly the police feel a need to be proactive. For them there is very little downside to starting an investigation no matter how trivial the complaint, failure to ‘do something’ brings criticism from marxist professional agitators. Secondly the subject of the investigation is being taught a lesson. The punishment is in the process. The police raid, the confiscation of your phone and laptop and the endless wait while the complaint against you is being investigated. Does anybody really want to be put in that position. Next time you will be more careful, you don’t know where the invisible line in the sand begins or ends,the ‘wokes’ have won.

In Ireland we now have almost 500 ‘diversity’ Gardai. These are members of An Garda Síochána who have undergone a course in recognising ‘hate’ crimes. If you wish to complain that your neighbour or work colleague is ‘hateful’, these are the ‘go to’ police officers. The obvious question is do we really need them, the answer of course is no. Policing bad behaviour should be no different than any normal policing and policing thought and opinion should have no place in policing this side of red China. A ‘diversity’ policeman will have to justify his existence by finding ‘hate’ incidences or otherwise run the risk of being sent back to normal hum drum policing. The concept of a special cadre of ‘diversity’ Gardaí arose when full ‘hate’ speech legislation seemed a certainty before it was blocked at the last minute by alert and patriotic independent Senators. Now we have an attenuated version awaiting a commencement order with the full on version promised by Fine Gael in the next government. At least we know what to expect. Protect free speech and keep conversation open.
Guess what #DublinWest independent candidate, #SusanneDelaney, received in the post the day after she rumbled Minister @rodericogorman illegally putting up his election posters?

Please support Susanne's campaign and let's get O'Gorman out of office and far away from children.

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Thank you.
New International Protection Centre Located Beside 4 Schools?

It is being reported by the @WesternPeople today that planning permission has been sought for 'temporary accommodation' at a former #Ballina school site.

The planning application was lodged with @MayoCoCo on Tuesday by CH Care limited and a decision on the application is due to be made on December 2, 2024.

Please #VoteIndependent in the upcoming #GE2024 and support my election bid at the link below if you can. Thank you.
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