Пожалуйста, не сгорай, Спаси все, что можно спасти, Прости все, что можно простить И иди, пока можешь идти, Шагни обратно за край... За углом начинается Рай...
Пожалуйста, не сгорай, Спаси все, что можно спасти, Прости все, что можно простить И иди, пока можешь идти, Шагни обратно за край... За углом начинается Рай...
Did a new post and really need share, most of followers don't see posts from me. They can be seen and noticed only if you like and RT them, that's why I need this much - https://x.com/FlashWhite_/status/1883728060920578125
Sad to have cunts in followers who only follow to unfollow, never interact with posts or even share them. Don't shit on me that I don't like follower like those.
Find any artist whose followers treat him as shit. When artist posts YCH his followers always support him and never unfollow. While I post any art or YCH always cunts who unfollow and never support. So here are more cunt haters than anyone normal because normal followers dont show themselves.
Another offended cunt @mochashabioa
Very offended cunt that offended by my YCHs. I remind don't follow my channel to ignore, hate, than unfollow, all creatures like that will be featured - @Tosha_Kartosha234 Lefting and acting like this also - will be automatically banned on all my channels and other places.
Anchee often called zoophile by others. While he was my friend I always defended him. But when on his page pieces of shit crap about me or shitting he cares more about himself and his YCHs, not about me or our friendship. He never defended me, just deleting posts with help for me.
I wont have any artists friends more. Because 100% of them only cares about money and reputation, but not about friends.
When piece of shit who even doesn't know me shitting under my friend's post who helped me with advertise I hope cunts like her will eat their onner shit forever, this cunt doesnt even know me but no, of course every cunt who doesnt know me would shit under posts where good people share and help me
Piece of shit - @Beylisha
Even its chatacter look like a crap and shit. Why always stupid talentless creature always shitting about me.