Анатолий Шарий

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Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"


Николаевский Ванёк

Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует

Лачен пише

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Анатолий Шарий

Україна Сейчас | УС: новини, політика, війна

Всевидящее ОКО: Україна | Новини

Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"


Николаевский Ванёк

Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует

Лачен пише

Инсайдер UA | Україна | Новини

Анатолий Шарий

Україна Сейчас | УС: новини, політика, війна

Всевидящее ОКО: Україна | Новини

DNA Nationalism
DNA Nationalism Chat
This the "Nazi supergrass" doco i referred to in a previous post. I spent hours looking for footage of Jack Van Tongeren interviews but came up blank. I know he did a lot of tv and radio interviews Maybe they have been deliberately wiped or maybe its just because it happened before the internet. Anyway if anyone is able to find anything post it in the chat and ill post it. In particular there's the "A current affair" interview with Jana Wendt out there somewhere.
Never in recorded history have government's sunk this low. Completely un-natural.


Proposed SA ethnostate. Accepting this doesn't mean people have to give up there land elsewhere. It should be voluntary. Only some percentage of people will want to move. Once you have sovereignty you start building a defence force, encourage pronatalism using ART, and wait for an opportunity. This is the Israel model of expansion. It will take generations but its a solid plan.


😁Give that women a Mother’s Cross! Wouldn't it be nice to live in society that rewarded women for being themselves and doing the most important thing that can be done.

If 2% Neanderthal DNA makes Europeans non-human, according to a Black South African podcaster, then their having up to 19% "ghost species" in Africans means what? The other standout here is a high level of Denisovan in "Oceania". This includes Abo's and Papuans. All the rest of the world has some level of Neanderthal admixture. again highlighting just how different Africans are from the rest humanity. This is confirmed by other methods of analysis. If anyone is going to be classified into a different species it would be Africans before anyone else.

This is a good example of what i mean by "money flowing the other way". We could build an ethno-state in a matter of years instead of generations with U.S. or some other state funding. Even a billionaire or two would make a huge difference. There's a huge pool of White wealth out there. Perhaps even bigger than the Jews resources. Its just not being used for our own interests.

High optics discussion of Tolkien's use of Germanic legend.

White power lifting gym!

"Drinking the Kool-Aid" This is a South African podcast! Apparently hate speech laws don't apply to blacks. The complete dissociation with reality to get to these conclusions is really quite staggering. I would however agree we are at a weak point right now through a combination of toxic propaganda and dysgenics. If we can fix our cultural issues this guy is in for a rude awakening!
A real look at Orania instead of a hit piece. Its tough country out there which it why there's nobody else there. Its a bit like Australia when i was kid. You don't need to lock your doors. Dramatic contrast with the prison homes in the rest of country. People don't realize how shit life is these days in low trust society's because its all they have ever known. This is what a real community looks like where your part of what goes on instead of a powerless spectator. I have posted many times about how toxic big city's are and this is more proof. Lots of small towns is the best model for a future ethno-state.
Everyone's favorite Pagan story teller is back!

Great stuff from Justin. He's really one of our best guys. Surprising Mosad hasn't gone after him.

Even if White it also depends on the quality of the life. Downs has been almost eliminated and this is just a tiny fraction of what can be done with embryo selection. As Hitler said. "Lebensunwertes Leben" or "Life unworthy of life".