
Repost qilingan:
Andre “Niets is wat het lijkt”

Geen van hen stierf aan kanker. Zou het u verbazen als we allemaal misleid zijn over kanker en de behandeling ervan?
Repost qilingan:
Sergeant News Network 🇺🇸

Bill Clinton fired 377,000 federal employees. Did you hear a peep from the media no? Because this is your daily reminder that they are hypocrites who hate America.
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Repost qilingan:

Is FiveEyes history??
Donald Trump bans Britain from sharing US intelligence with Ukraine
Donald Trump bans Britain from sharing US intelligence with Ukraine
Repost qilingan:
Stew Peters ✝️🇺🇸

Where is your money going?
The IRS wants you to feel powerless, but there is a way out of this tyranny.
No law requires 99% of Americans to file and pay income tax.
Go to https://freedomlawschool.org/stew to learn more from Freedom Law School.
The IRS wants you to feel powerless, but there is a way out of this tyranny.
No law requires 99% of Americans to file and pay income tax.
Go to https://freedomlawschool.org/stew to learn more from Freedom Law School.
Repost qilingan:

Listen to this whistleblower.
Listen to this whistleblower.

For those at the back of the room who still 🙄think that Ukraine is at war with Russia and Z is its president take note that in wiki they include Zelenskyy’s comedy show in which he plays a president as an actual political party. If you still think a comedian went directly from playing a president in a comedy to a real president I don’t have many words for you except…April fools!
So the only difference is their doctor doom is mother’s Theresa’s Jewish son and Canada’s is a foreign CCP tranny. So no pointing fingers.
Wonder what people will say when they find out their transplanted organ came from someone who was killed to provide that organ to them? It’s not just the elites it’s everyone that has received an organ that was keeping someone else alive. On top of this the organs were taken without any pain killers as the patient was paralyzed and had to suffer from the excruciating agony until their body shut down from lack of the organ that was stolen from them. Brain death, as we have learned, is a lie told to us by the ones that have lied to us about everything. If they have lied about brain death then they have likely lied about where the organs have come from and they were likely mostly young people.
Repost qilingan:
CaptKyle Patriots Ⓡ 🍊

Great thread 🧵 to give you a little more insight into DJT's latest moves regarding Canada.
Thread🧵 🔗👈
Not to mention we already know the Panama Canal belonged to the US, as well as there is history on Australia, Greenland and I believe Mexico but this post is covering Canada only.
Just as Ukraine was part of Russia before the Bolsheviks. Everything is going to go back to the way it was. This may look confusing to those that have not looked into the history of these things and why they are being brought up now. DJT is simply not just trolling!
Written by a Canadian
There's an old saying, "If you don't know where you've been, you won't know where you're going".
You can call Trudeau a globalist POS all you want, and it's true, but there is far more to the full truth.
CANADA is a foreign corporation and all it's securities sit in the US SEC
And what are the securities? You and me. Our birth certificates are the thing that give this foreign corporation its ability to borrow money from the international central banks.
Every budgetary expense from the nation is made by borrowing against our future labour and income tax is collected to service the interest on the debt.
The logical question you might ask is, "why would we need to borrow at interest to pay for things that benefit all Canadians?". That is the ultimate question and it gets to the root of the matter, which is the Central Bank.
We essentially have a system that unnecessarily borrows money at interest to pay for things that benefit the "so called nation". Thereby making it so that Canadians are not the beneficiaries of the wealth of the nation.
So, the real question is, who are the beneficiaries and why are we paying them interest for nothing? This is the most important question that we must ask and find remedy for because until we do, we will always be serving globalist interests no matter what politician we elect.
And, I have never in my life heard a politician campaign on that issue and there is probably a good reason. This is why politics as we know it is not the answer. It's only a superficial change that will take us around the berry bush again, getting us nowhere meaningful.
Here are some facts that you may want to look into if you care about this issue and the place that we live.
1. Canada as a nation was dissolved in 1931 under the Statue of Westminster.
2. The US already owns Canada because it owns the value of our birth certificates...
3. The Constitution Act of 1982 was never ratified, thereby it has no force and effect.
The truth is that we already have the keys to the kingdom, you just never knew and didn't think you could do anything about it.
There is a lot more to say about the history of Canada, but if you want an easy read that summarizes where we are, read this letter from Canadian Parliament member Walter Kuhl that he wrote to Rene Levesque in 1976. It says it all.
Read full thread 🧵 here👈
Also a video that relates to this post that one of our members found
Thread🧵 🔗👈
Not to mention we already know the Panama Canal belonged to the US, as well as there is history on Australia, Greenland and I believe Mexico but this post is covering Canada only.
Just as Ukraine was part of Russia before the Bolsheviks. Everything is going to go back to the way it was. This may look confusing to those that have not looked into the history of these things and why they are being brought up now. DJT is simply not just trolling!
Written by a Canadian
There's an old saying, "If you don't know where you've been, you won't know where you're going".
You can call Trudeau a globalist POS all you want, and it's true, but there is far more to the full truth.
CANADA is a foreign corporation and all it's securities sit in the US SEC
And what are the securities? You and me. Our birth certificates are the thing that give this foreign corporation its ability to borrow money from the international central banks.
Every budgetary expense from the nation is made by borrowing against our future labour and income tax is collected to service the interest on the debt.
The logical question you might ask is, "why would we need to borrow at interest to pay for things that benefit all Canadians?". That is the ultimate question and it gets to the root of the matter, which is the Central Bank.
We essentially have a system that unnecessarily borrows money at interest to pay for things that benefit the "so called nation". Thereby making it so that Canadians are not the beneficiaries of the wealth of the nation.
So, the real question is, who are the beneficiaries and why are we paying them interest for nothing? This is the most important question that we must ask and find remedy for because until we do, we will always be serving globalist interests no matter what politician we elect.
And, I have never in my life heard a politician campaign on that issue and there is probably a good reason. This is why politics as we know it is not the answer. It's only a superficial change that will take us around the berry bush again, getting us nowhere meaningful.
Here are some facts that you may want to look into if you care about this issue and the place that we live.
1. Canada as a nation was dissolved in 1931 under the Statue of Westminster.
2. The US already owns Canada because it owns the value of our birth certificates...
3. The Constitution Act of 1982 was never ratified, thereby it has no force and effect.
The truth is that we already have the keys to the kingdom, you just never knew and didn't think you could do anything about it.
There is a lot more to say about the history of Canada, but if you want an easy read that summarizes where we are, read this letter from Canadian Parliament member Walter Kuhl that he wrote to Rene Levesque in 1976. It says it all.
Read full thread 🧵 here👈
Also a video that relates to this post that one of our members found
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