Do you wanna know the secret of why the knight is so tough? He has his trusty squire who trains him every night! Even the strongest heroes need someone to take the control from time to time.~
Felipe is usually the favorite gym buddy of the other guys at the gym. After all, he knows how to motivate them to keep giving it all.~ Full Version on Patreon & SubscribeStar!
Do you wanna know the secret of why the knight is so tough? He has his trusty squire who trains him every night! Even the strongest heroes need someone to take the control from time to time.~
"Bribery." Javier is not the type of officer who is easily tempted by money, you have to be creative to convince him.~ Extra Versions on my Patreon & SubscribeStar!
“Surrender.” There's nothing worse than a partner giving up after a bad fight. But there's nothing a little rough treatment can't fix to make him see reason.~ Extra Versions on my Patreon & SubscribeStar!
Felipe is usually the favorite gym buddy of the other guys at the gym. After all, he knows how to motivate them to keep giving it all.~ Full Version on Patreon & SubscribeStar!
Fancy gifts aren’t the most important thing on this kind of holiday. What really matters is spending time with the one you love.~ Extra Versions on my Patreon & SubscribeStar!