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DixianUntoten avatar
DixianUntoten avatar
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Repostlarni yashirish
Nothing is better than being a Southron Anglo-Saxon.
Let’s have this conversation \/
Everything you need to know about the decline of American culture began with these two acts:

The Civil Rights Act
The Hart-Cellar Act

Both written by Emmanuel Cellar. This same Jew defended the Rosenbergs who were also communist Jews that stole our nuclear secrets and sent them to Russia.

It would make sense that a person who hates America would write the two acts that would do the most damage to the American identity.
Yanks will come up with post-facto psychological arguments to justify the North’s hypocrisies of keeping slavery in the North through the war, using blacks explicitly as cannon fodder, and leaving their communities destitute which led to the starvation death of over 1,000,000 “freedmen” they claimed to save — the truth is the facts simply aren’t there to make their moral case.

You’d have to make up an ex-parte narrative, cherry pick speeches, blatantly ignore actions, and justify the greatest hypocrisies of American history to come to the conclusion that the North was moral and correct.
Repost qilingan:
Back to this, America will not be immune to the Rhodesia treatment. When we become the minority and nobody is there to save us, we will be punished and banished, then the name of America will be change to some Amerindian name and become a reflection of every Third-world country that resides within it.

Total erasure.
"we have common enemies and one fate, like it or not."
Nothing screams uneducated like somebody saying “the South had slaves and the North was fighting against it.”

One of the biggest questions mental-Yanks need to ask themselves is if it was a war over slavery, then why wouldn’t the “moral” North declare freedom of slaves at the onset? Why didn’t the North include all slaves, including theirs, in the emancipation proclamation? Why did they ratify the 13th amendment so many months after the war? Why was it never mentioned in the Statement of War Aims documents?
Repost qilingan:
DixianUntoten avatar
Final Cut [><]
There is a righteous hate. In order to truly love you must hate that which threatens what you love.
“I won’t judge people by groups! I believe in the individual!”

Well, they’re judging you with their group and don’t care about your high horse, they hate you.
You better start believing in groups.

Most problems today come from people tolerating the horrors of the 99% because they don’t want to be unfair the 1%.
The Spirit of Louisiana - John Genin
However much progress you think we are making in the Right Wing is still not enough.

People will believe in anything if google says so. Literally just read a comment that said the Caucasian race isn’t real cause Google said so.

Also, Google says Anglo-Saxons aren’t real either.

You cannot rely on Google to define what is truth. Anybody who does is already too dumb to be reasoned with.
The list of Yankee paradoxes never ends:

“It wasn’t about Tariffs”
— They immediately raised the tariffs.
“It was about slavery.”
Nobody with power during the war ever said it was.
“Secession is treason.”
The literal definition of those words negates that.
“Secession is Anti-American.”
Independence was how this nation was made.
“Atleast we weren’t racist.”
Literally created redlining laws to keep blacks out of the North.
“We saved democracy.”
The south wasn’t allowed to vote at any point during reconstruction.
“Sherman should have gone futher.”
So, genocide of innocents is cool if your opinions don’t align?
“They were oppressive.”
*wears Nike* *shops Shein*
“The South was the aggressor.”
Does your ex have a right to use what is in your home to threaten you back into a relationship?

It’s not that they can truly defend the outcome in reality, they just know that if the CSA won you wouldn’t be allowed to be gay or retarded in the South.
John Wilkes Booth was not a Jew who killed Lincoln because Lincoln somehow opposed a central bank. This needs to be addressed:

🔺Where did Lincoln oppose central banking? And how would the CSA’s existence be conducive to central banking? Being that each state had its own independent state banks and the largest push in the Republican Party was to raise tariffs on all exports and funnel that money into the government banks that Senator Sherman of Ohio was making plans for? That makes no sense whatsoever.
Especially given that Lincoln created the IRS and imposed the first income taxes and central collections agencies. He was the first to turn government into business. Think interstate railroads and funds that went into that and how it was paid for.
Not only that the man Lincoln had securing all of his funds and indebting the entire Union to European Jews was Joseph Seligman. A German Jew who secured all the funds they needed to win the war.
However there was Judah P Benjamin too who secured bonds for the South in the same manner then abandoned Davis and the South all together once Lee surrendered. They funded both sides and the side which benefited them most won. They could clear out the south and buy up the land and suck the economy dry and have even more population indebted to them.
I’m as anti-Kabbal as it comes and there nothing I have found to suggest that Lincoln’s assassination was something that would have benefited world jewelry and globalist finance, especially by confederating things and making them MORE split up with less overall centralization.
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