World War II, or ‘The Good War’ as modern day court-historian refer to it - is the gift that keeps on giving - giving us problems that is! This tragedy, and its aftermath, haunt humanity to this day, and will continue to well into the foreseeable future. Out of the aftermath of World War II comes the Cold War, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the wars and ongoing problems in the Middle East, the financial schemes and distress caused by the IMF and the World Bank, the framework of the tyrannical and corrupt European Union, and so many other problems of the modern day.
The Bad War was a complete disaster for the forces of civilization, stability, virtue, culture, and independent nationalism of blood-related kinfolk. ..But it was a total triumph for the overlapping dark forces of Globalism, debt-based “Crony Capitalism’, World Communism, misguided liberalism and Zionism.
Behold what the victorious “good guys” have wrought in the days since that tragic war. Europe, and by extension America, Canada and Australia, no longer exist as peoples with common history, heritage or values.
The Globalists have reduced the beloved “Europa” of Hitler into a rootless, cultureless, godless, genderless, alienated, infertile, pornographic, homosexual multi-cultural, mish-mash of mentally medicated tax and debt slaves.
Collectively, the people of the West are no longer really even ‘peoples’ defined by common cultures, traditions, bloodlines and sets of eternal values. We are economies defined solely by the Gross Domestic Product.
As individuals, we are no longer persons defined by our virtues and intellects. We are soulless machines – disposable, pill-popping, TV-addicted “human resources” and “tax payers” defined solely by our “net worth” and ability to “consume” - a euphemism for going into debt to buy crap that we don’t need. In a broader philosophical sense, that’s what World War II was all about And the true “good guys” lost!
There is nothing that can be done to undo the evil folly of the past; but by correcting the misinformation associated with it, we can, perhaps, at least avoid more bloodbaths in the future. Make no mistake; this dirty game is still going on and may one day culminate in World War III; pitting the NWO against the “disobedient” sovereign powers of the new Russia and China. Only the players change; the great game does not.
If you want to know who's telling the truth in a world full of lies, look at who's been demonised.