Les Lansquenets 🏴
International project animated by Gabriele Adinolfi.
Network of national radicals from 🇮🇹🇫🇷🇪🇸🇵🇱🇧🇪🇳🇱 🇱🇹
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lansquenets
Contact with us : https://t.me/LansquenetsContact_bot
Network of national radicals from 🇮🇹🇫🇷🇪🇸🇵🇱🇧🇪🇳🇱 🇱🇹
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lansquenets
Contact with us : https://t.me/LansquenetsContact_bot
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Kanal yaratilgan sanaJul 17, 2023
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Jun 02, 2024Muxrlangan guruh
"Les Lansquenets 🏴" guruhidagi so'nggi postlar
#GabrieleAdinolfi #USA #Russia #CurrentSituation 🇺🇸 🇷🇺
Gabriele Adinolfi on the current pro-Americans 🇺🇸/ pro-Trumpists 💲, who just a couple of months ago were simple pro-Russians 🇷🇺:
You can read more: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
Gabriele Adinolfi on the current pro-Americans 🇺🇸/ pro-Trumpists 💲, who just a couple of months ago were simple pro-Russians 🇷🇺:
I imagine it must be tough to have supported a brutal imperialism for years, to have cheered for it against an invaded people, to have accepted the "denazification" campaign, the rituals of the "patriotic victory" of 1945, the Russian demands to dissolve our movements, the Kremlin's interventions even against Acca Larentia*, the criminalization of Azov—all justified in the name of anti-Americanism. And now?)
And now you find yourselves—and here I take the satisfaction of saying: I warned you from day one—supporting the Americans who now support the Russians (what a surprise...
You can read more: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsPic 🏴🏴🏴
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
Tragedy is the price of glory.
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsCorrespondents #Poland #Migration #BorderGuard 🇵🇱 🔥
On February 13-14, nearly 1,000 officers from all Polish Border Guard 🇵🇱 units conducted a nationwide operation targeting illegal migration. In collaboration with the police, they carried out over 2,400 checks on the legal status of foreign nationals, resulting in almost 400 deportation proceedings.
The largest groups checked included Ukrainians 🇺🇦 (1,000+), Georgians 🇬🇪 (264), and Colombians 🇨🇴 (204). Officers also verified individuals from Nepal 🇳🇵, the Philippines 🇵🇭, India 🇮🇳, Bangladesh 🇧🇩, Belarus, Indonesia 🇮🇳, and Moldova 🇲🇩.
As a result, nearly 180 Ukrainians 🇺🇦 and around 60 Georgians 🇬🇪 and Colombians 🇨🇴 were ordered to leave Poland 🇵🇱. Most cases involved illegal stays, while three individuals (two Colombians and one Ukrainian) posed a security threat.
Poland 🇵🇱 remains resolute in enforcing migration laws, refusing to cede ground despite the growing issue of migrant-related crime.
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
On February 13-14, nearly 1,000 officers from all Polish Border Guard 🇵🇱 units conducted a nationwide operation targeting illegal migration. In collaboration with the police, they carried out over 2,400 checks on the legal status of foreign nationals, resulting in almost 400 deportation proceedings.
The largest groups checked included Ukrainians 🇺🇦 (1,000+), Georgians 🇬🇪 (264), and Colombians 🇨🇴 (204). Officers also verified individuals from Nepal 🇳🇵, the Philippines 🇵🇭, India 🇮🇳, Bangladesh 🇧🇩, Belarus, Indonesia 🇮🇳, and Moldova 🇲🇩.
As a result, nearly 180 Ukrainians 🇺🇦 and around 60 Georgians 🇬🇪 and Colombians 🇨🇴 were ordered to leave Poland 🇵🇱. Most cases involved illegal stays, while three individuals (two Colombians and one Ukrainian) posed a security threat.
Poland 🇵🇱 remains resolute in enforcing migration laws, refusing to cede ground despite the growing issue of migrant-related crime.
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsPic 🏴🏴🏴
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
Europe is worth fighting for.
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsCorrespondents #Bulgaria #Rememberance #SupportLukovMarch 🕯🇧🇬
On February 1st, Bulgarian nationalists gathered to honor the memory of the victims who were murdered by the communist regime in Bulgaria. This important day serves as a reminder of the brutal repression faced by many during that dark period in the country's history.
As we look ahead, the Lukov March is approaching, a key event that continues to highlight the ongoing struggle for freedom and recognition.
Bulgarian nationalists, still facing censorship and repression, are standing strong in their fight for justice and truth. It’s more important than ever to show support for those who continue to be silenced, as they carry on the fight for national pride and the preservation of their heritage.
Support LukovMarch❗️
Video: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
On February 1st, Bulgarian nationalists gathered to honor the memory of the victims who were murdered by the communist regime in Bulgaria. This important day serves as a reminder of the brutal repression faced by many during that dark period in the country's history.
As we look ahead, the Lukov March is approaching, a key event that continues to highlight the ongoing struggle for freedom and recognition.
Bulgarian nationalists, still facing censorship and repression, are standing strong in their fight for justice and truth. It’s more important than ever to show support for those who continue to be silenced, as they carry on the fight for national pride and the preservation of their heritage.
Support LukovMarch❗️
Video: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#KalinowskiMarch2025 #Belarus #Poland #1February 🕯🏴
On February 1st, young Belarusian patriots and nationalists gathered in Poland's Białystok 🇵🇱 region for the #KALINOWSKIMARCH2025. This event, organized by the Belarusian Nationalist Movement (‡ Р У Х ‡) commemorated the birthday of national hero Konstanty Kalinowski and the 1863-64 Uprising against Russian 🇷🇺 occupation.
This march represents the spirit of young Belarusians preserving their authentic national identity and history, standing in stark contrast to Lukashenko's pro-Soviet regime. By gathering on Polish soil, these patriots continue to nurture the flame of a free and independent Belarus.
You can read more: HERE.
‡ Р У Х ‡ channel: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
On February 1st, young Belarusian patriots and nationalists gathered in Poland's Białystok 🇵🇱 region for the #KALINOWSKIMARCH2025. This event, organized by the Belarusian Nationalist Movement (‡ Р У Х ‡) commemorated the birthday of national hero Konstanty Kalinowski and the 1863-64 Uprising against Russian 🇷🇺 occupation.
This march represents the spirit of young Belarusians preserving their authentic national identity and history, standing in stark contrast to Lukashenko's pro-Soviet regime. By gathering on Polish soil, these patriots continue to nurture the flame of a free and independent Belarus.
You can read more: HERE.
‡ Р У Х ‡ channel: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetsCorrespondents #Poland #USA
In Biden's opinion, some Europeans deserve less... even if they have only been useful to Americans for decades.
The map below shows restrictions on the import of NVIDIA chips, set by the Biden administration [source: https://public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2025-00636.pdf].
"...in the development of AI, the vanguard is now struggling to create superintelligence. The implication of this document is unambiguous – the yellow-marked countries should forget about developing their own superintelligence". – Doctor habilitatus Piotr Sankowski of the University of Warsaw.
Since 1989, Polish 🇵🇱 governments have been one of the most loyal – if not outright subservient – European allies of the United States. Now, it turns out once again that Washington is not guided by the principle of reciprocity in international relations, at least when it comes to countries whose servility Americans are certain of.
The real alternative to Russian 🇷🇺 hegemony is not American 🇺🇸 hegemony, the alternative is a firm alliance of Europeans who will challenge both Moscow and Washington.
🔴Lansquenets Poland🔴
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
In Biden's opinion, some Europeans deserve less... even if they have only been useful to Americans for decades.
The map below shows restrictions on the import of NVIDIA chips, set by the Biden administration [source: https://public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2025-00636.pdf].
"...in the development of AI, the vanguard is now struggling to create superintelligence. The implication of this document is unambiguous – the yellow-marked countries should forget about developing their own superintelligence". – Doctor habilitatus Piotr Sankowski of the University of Warsaw.
Since 1989, Polish 🇵🇱 governments have been one of the most loyal – if not outright subservient – European allies of the United States. Now, it turns out once again that Washington is not guided by the principle of reciprocity in international relations, at least when it comes to countries whose servility Americans are certain of.
The real alternative to Russian 🇷🇺 hegemony is not American 🇺🇸 hegemony, the alternative is a firm alliance of Europeans who will challenge both Moscow and Washington.
🔴Lansquenets Poland🔴
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#Populism #Europe #Anatagonism #Jakobins #Bolsheviks 💥🌎
We must not forget that antagonistic populism has a limited nature.
It can only seize power in a vacuum and never achieves anything good for an extended period—consider the Jacobins or the Bolsheviks.
You can read whole text: HERE.
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
We must not forget that antagonistic populism has a limited nature.
It can only seize power in a vacuum and never achieves anything good for an extended period—consider the Jacobins or the Bolsheviks.
You can read whole text: HERE.
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#LansquenetQuote #Strategy #WhatToDo #Activism 🏴🏴🏴
You can read whole text: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
We must abandon many of the ballast-like preconceptions we have become accustomed to over time, which fossilize us and cover us with mold, often turning us into GMO creatures wagging our tails behind someone else's pipers
You can read whole text: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#GabrieleAdinolfi #JeanMarieLePen #Memories #France 🇫🇷 🏴
We invite you to explore a moving tribute to Jean-Marie Le Pen, written by Gabriele Adinolfi. This text reveals a lesser-known side of the famous French politician, portraying him as a man of unwavering character and exceptional charisma.
Adinolfi shares personal memories and anecdotes that allow us to see Le Pen in a new light. As the author himself writes:
Don't miss this opportunity to get to know this fascinating figure through the eyes of someone who had the privilege of spending a considerable time with him❗️
You can read whole text: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
We invite you to explore a moving tribute to Jean-Marie Le Pen, written by Gabriele Adinolfi. This text reveals a lesser-known side of the famous French politician, portraying him as a man of unwavering character and exceptional charisma.
Adinolfi shares personal memories and anecdotes that allow us to see Le Pen in a new light. As the author himself writes:
Indomitable and always ready to fight, never yielding, he constantly forgave the many betrayals he endured from followers, friends, and family
Don't miss this opportunity to get to know this fascinating figure through the eyes of someone who had the privilege of spending a considerable time with him❗️
You can read whole text: HERE
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

#SupportLukovMarch #Bulgaria #Nationalism 🇧🇬 🏴
Do you remember that our Bulgarian 🇧🇬 comrades are facing political pressure and corporate censorship against their key initiative, "The Lukov March"❓
If you haven't already, join their initiative's channel here: t.me/lukovmarch, and spread the word among your comrades❗️
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴
Do you remember that our Bulgarian 🇧🇬 comrades are facing political pressure and corporate censorship against their key initiative, "The Lukov March"❓
If you haven't already, join their initiative's channel here: t.me/lukovmarch, and spread the word among your comrades❗️
🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

Repost qilingan:

...because Europe is an Imperium not an alternative globalism...
Gabriele Adinolfi
x @Les_lansquenets
Gabriele Adinolfi
x @Les_lansquenets

Iqtiboslar indeksi12.11.202423:59
Bitta post qamrovi05.11.202423:59
Reklama posti qamrovi06.02.202517:28
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