Scripture for surfing the Kali-Yuga:
« On one occasion the Blessed One was staying at Ajjheya on the bank of the river Ganges. He saw a large log being carried along by the current near the bank of the river Ganges, and on seeing it said to the monks: "Monks, do you see that large log being carried along by the current of the river Ganges?”
"Yes, lord."
"Monks, if that log doesn't veer toward the near shore, doesn't veer toward the far shore, doesn't sink in the middle, doesn't get washed up on high ground, doesn't get snared by human beings, doesn't get snared by non-human beings, doesn't get snared in a whirlpool, and doesn't become rotten inside, it will tend to the ocean, tilt to the ocean, incline to the ocean. Why is that? Because the current of the river Ganges tends to the ocean, tilts to the ocean, inclines to the ocean.
"In the same way, monks, if you don't veer toward the near shore, don't veer toward the far shore, don't sink in the middle, don't get washed up on high ground, don't get snared by human beings, don't get snared by non-human beings, don't get snared in a whirlpool, and don't become rotten inside, you will tend to Nirvana, tilt to Nirvana, incline to Nirvana. Why is that? Because right view tends to Nirvana, tilts to Nirvana, inclines to Nirvana.” »
— Saṃyutta Nikāya 4.35.200: Dārukkhandha Sutta