Where your attention goes, your energy flows.
We are being asked to become more aware in the next days, weeks, months, year of what we give our attention and energy too, and where we allow it to be drained away.
As seeming chaos ranges, as the old systems disintegrate at the seams, your focus, attention and intention, as one with your sacred heart, your central point of focus should be within. For within your own soul, as now fully merged with your monad, your whole navigational systems are. It is time to focus on the New Earth, the New Golden Age and the soul empowered life, you truly wish to live, and are living, from the heart and soul.
All the great masters who ever walked this earth, knew that the still point, equilibrium point, lies within. From this inner still point, nothing can disrupt, disturb nor reach you. For not only lies Divinity within you, but your soul is infinite connected to the whole cosmos, and the Cosmic Hierarchy, the 352 tiers of Creation, the Prime Creator. Your holy breath, your sacred heart and soul, are infinitely plugged and tuned in.
Every morning I affirm my infinite connection, my infinite core, and tune into the day, asking that my way will be made smooth as I am serving with love and joy.
Then I carefully choose what I give my attention too, and when I still get pulled in, as happens, I immediately seek that still point within and get back to center point.
So often what triggers, are mirrors, showing up your own shadows, which are surfacing, so that you can finally be freed and step more fully into the light and love, you truly are.
Embrace your own divinity.
Your freedom to be simply your own true soul self, above all: "To thine own soul self be true!"
And lovingly serve from your heart and soul even as you exponentially grow in consciousness, you allow others to do the same. You are love. Loving the new into form and being.
Judith Kusel
We are being asked to become more aware in the next days, weeks, months, year of what we give our attention and energy too, and where we allow it to be drained away.
As seeming chaos ranges, as the old systems disintegrate at the seams, your focus, attention and intention, as one with your sacred heart, your central point of focus should be within. For within your own soul, as now fully merged with your monad, your whole navigational systems are. It is time to focus on the New Earth, the New Golden Age and the soul empowered life, you truly wish to live, and are living, from the heart and soul.
All the great masters who ever walked this earth, knew that the still point, equilibrium point, lies within. From this inner still point, nothing can disrupt, disturb nor reach you. For not only lies Divinity within you, but your soul is infinite connected to the whole cosmos, and the Cosmic Hierarchy, the 352 tiers of Creation, the Prime Creator. Your holy breath, your sacred heart and soul, are infinitely plugged and tuned in.
Every morning I affirm my infinite connection, my infinite core, and tune into the day, asking that my way will be made smooth as I am serving with love and joy.
Then I carefully choose what I give my attention too, and when I still get pulled in, as happens, I immediately seek that still point within and get back to center point.
So often what triggers, are mirrors, showing up your own shadows, which are surfacing, so that you can finally be freed and step more fully into the light and love, you truly are.
Embrace your own divinity.
Your freedom to be simply your own true soul self, above all: "To thine own soul self be true!"
And lovingly serve from your heart and soul even as you exponentially grow in consciousness, you allow others to do the same. You are love. Loving the new into form and being.
Judith Kusel

We are moving deeper into the heart and soul connection, the infinite, deepest knowing of the soul.
The deeper the connection, the higher our Light quotient, the easier it becomes to download universal knowledge, directly from Source. Knowledge far surpassing anything on earth and anything AI can ever provide.
Lord Melchizedek, and my other Ascended Masters, when I asked them about this answered: a machine or robot or AI is only as finitely capable, as the one who invented and programmed it. It is limited and can only develop into certain frameworks of patterns, and not further.
The soul is backed up not only by its own immense soul knowledge it has gained, since it was first birthed, but by its soul group, the cluster soul groups and the cosmic core, which is infinite. Consciousness. All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing.
The more illumined and enlightened the soul becomes, the more it ascends through the many spirals and tiers of creation, the higher the access to immortal Knowing.
As creation is always recreating itself, the possibilities are endless.
The keys and codes to all infinite knowledge are there in your own soul.
This does not mean that AI is not a useful tool. yet not sell your soul to a mere lifeless tool.
It simply means that a master is not dependent on the tool, but the deepest knowing within, which always brings you back to Love.
Without love, life loses its meaning and purpose.
Judith Kusel
The deeper the connection, the higher our Light quotient, the easier it becomes to download universal knowledge, directly from Source. Knowledge far surpassing anything on earth and anything AI can ever provide.
Lord Melchizedek, and my other Ascended Masters, when I asked them about this answered: a machine or robot or AI is only as finitely capable, as the one who invented and programmed it. It is limited and can only develop into certain frameworks of patterns, and not further.
The soul is backed up not only by its own immense soul knowledge it has gained, since it was first birthed, but by its soul group, the cluster soul groups and the cosmic core, which is infinite. Consciousness. All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing.
The more illumined and enlightened the soul becomes, the more it ascends through the many spirals and tiers of creation, the higher the access to immortal Knowing.
As creation is always recreating itself, the possibilities are endless.
The keys and codes to all infinite knowledge are there in your own soul.
This does not mean that AI is not a useful tool. yet not sell your soul to a mere lifeless tool.
It simply means that a master is not dependent on the tool, but the deepest knowing within, which always brings you back to Love.
Without love, life loses its meaning and purpose.
Judith Kusel
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Kari Lake

I got sworn in today🇺🇸
Looking forward to serving America, streamlining the United States Agency of Global Media and everything it oversees.
Looking forward to serving America, streamlining the United States Agency of Global Media and everything it oversees.
Kirishning iloji bo'lmadi
media kontentga
media kontentga
Let go.
Of all which has ever been you, all the acting roles you ever played on the planetary stage on the Old Earth.
All the characters, the personas, the ego self assumed, especially since the Fall.
The stage is no more. The characters dissolved.
In the last few hours huge chains, restrictions, blocks, hindrances, shackles, bonds, and whatever held us still in bondage to those acting roles, have been removed.
You are free.
However, if you choose to still hang on to the roles, the old acting, to the non-existing stage, the old baggage, then that is your own free will choice.
What this means is that we now are in the stage where the Shift intensifies into a totally new and higher dimensional existence, in a new Solar Lightbody, and therefore it will be at times as if you become the observer, observing yourself, as your physical body is trying to keep up, with the soul now remembering the truth of who and what you in truth are, as soul.
With it, your whole life now will take on a new existence, expression, meaning and purpose, which is soul empowered and soul inspired, and with it you start experiencing oneness, unity.
It becomes a new way of life, authentic, truthful, real.
You cannot go back to the old acting roles, nor do you want to, ever again.
This phase of new reconstruction brings its own growth as soul, and it is not comfortable, yet at the same time, exhilirating, as infinite possibilities for new life and higher soul expression brings expansion, and yet, simplicity.
Yes, simplifying our lives, seeking that deep connectivity to All That IS, and realizing that we in truth can live simply, and in love, joy, and infinite wonder, from deep within and not so much from the outside. That we can choose to live in harmony with all of life and life forms, as we become harmless, loving, contentment grows.
Letting go means resurrection into a totally new way of life and living, in love, with love, through love, embracing our divinity and living truthfully from our hearts and souls, and all that we are, as ONE.
There is no need for baggage, for there is more than enough, and we are more than enough, just as we are!
We are SOUL, infinite, whole, complete!
Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Of all which has ever been you, all the acting roles you ever played on the planetary stage on the Old Earth.
All the characters, the personas, the ego self assumed, especially since the Fall.
The stage is no more. The characters dissolved.
In the last few hours huge chains, restrictions, blocks, hindrances, shackles, bonds, and whatever held us still in bondage to those acting roles, have been removed.
You are free.
However, if you choose to still hang on to the roles, the old acting, to the non-existing stage, the old baggage, then that is your own free will choice.
What this means is that we now are in the stage where the Shift intensifies into a totally new and higher dimensional existence, in a new Solar Lightbody, and therefore it will be at times as if you become the observer, observing yourself, as your physical body is trying to keep up, with the soul now remembering the truth of who and what you in truth are, as soul.
With it, your whole life now will take on a new existence, expression, meaning and purpose, which is soul empowered and soul inspired, and with it you start experiencing oneness, unity.
It becomes a new way of life, authentic, truthful, real.
You cannot go back to the old acting roles, nor do you want to, ever again.
This phase of new reconstruction brings its own growth as soul, and it is not comfortable, yet at the same time, exhilirating, as infinite possibilities for new life and higher soul expression brings expansion, and yet, simplicity.
Yes, simplifying our lives, seeking that deep connectivity to All That IS, and realizing that we in truth can live simply, and in love, joy, and infinite wonder, from deep within and not so much from the outside. That we can choose to live in harmony with all of life and life forms, as we become harmless, loving, contentment grows.
Letting go means resurrection into a totally new way of life and living, in love, with love, through love, embracing our divinity and living truthfully from our hearts and souls, and all that we are, as ONE.
There is no need for baggage, for there is more than enough, and we are more than enough, just as we are!
We are SOUL, infinite, whole, complete!
Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

"There is so much little ones that is there in your heart and in your soul that needs now to come to the fore, to be expressed. When your heart and soul are fully opened and love is there overflowing, you cannot be anything other than the truth of who you are, and it flows out of you and every encounter becomes a holy and sacred encounter. You leave golden footprints wherever you go, also golden footprints in the hearts of those whom you encounter. Imagine going out into your day and sowing those golden seeds in the hearts and souls, to bring that smile to another's face, to bring hope to the hopeless, encouragement to those who are battling.
Imagine if you can extend that to all life and life forms, to the elements and the elementals, to the plants and the trees and the mineral kingdoms, to the insects, to the birds, to the animals, to the sea and in the air and in the land. You're not helpless, you're powerful, beyond measure. If you cannot be in a place physically then go and send it through your heart, beautiful white and gold energy into those places. Use a violet flame to transmute all the old negative energy. Be the one who unites Souls instead of sowing division. The more you do this, the more radiant you will become, the more illumined from within and then it will not even be an effort, it will just come effortlessly.
There is something profound happening in us. Every single second of every single day is filled with miracles, the miracle of new life and new beginnings of new birth. Go and look into the eyes of the new children, see how they look at you with wise eyes, fully awake. Some of them are already 11th dimensional souls, coming in from the 7th Central sum of Illumination. Heed the children, look after them, nurture them so that they can express their genius from the word go. Do not overfeed them with electronics, electronics are jarring their systems. These are highly enlightened Souls who vibrate at an extremely high frequency and need only pure organic food to eat and to live as organically and purely as possible.
Be the ones who enlighten others about it. You could do that in little baby steps and every time you come across one another, whether you know them or not, or you know the parents or not, go and bless them. Simply open your heart and beam the energy from your heart into his and communicate telepathically. You can do that, it comes naturally and put the Flower of Life patterns in your home in some form or another, even if you don't know all the sacred symbols that are contained within that one, it will immediately boost your energy and the energy of your home."
Lord Melchizedek, transmitted through me, during "The Cosmic Transmissions" Course.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Mario Duguay
Imagine if you can extend that to all life and life forms, to the elements and the elementals, to the plants and the trees and the mineral kingdoms, to the insects, to the birds, to the animals, to the sea and in the air and in the land. You're not helpless, you're powerful, beyond measure. If you cannot be in a place physically then go and send it through your heart, beautiful white and gold energy into those places. Use a violet flame to transmute all the old negative energy. Be the one who unites Souls instead of sowing division. The more you do this, the more radiant you will become, the more illumined from within and then it will not even be an effort, it will just come effortlessly.
There is something profound happening in us. Every single second of every single day is filled with miracles, the miracle of new life and new beginnings of new birth. Go and look into the eyes of the new children, see how they look at you with wise eyes, fully awake. Some of them are already 11th dimensional souls, coming in from the 7th Central sum of Illumination. Heed the children, look after them, nurture them so that they can express their genius from the word go. Do not overfeed them with electronics, electronics are jarring their systems. These are highly enlightened Souls who vibrate at an extremely high frequency and need only pure organic food to eat and to live as organically and purely as possible.
Be the ones who enlighten others about it. You could do that in little baby steps and every time you come across one another, whether you know them or not, or you know the parents or not, go and bless them. Simply open your heart and beam the energy from your heart into his and communicate telepathically. You can do that, it comes naturally and put the Flower of Life patterns in your home in some form or another, even if you don't know all the sacred symbols that are contained within that one, it will immediately boost your energy and the energy of your home."
Lord Melchizedek, transmitted through me, during "The Cosmic Transmissions" Course.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Mario Duguay
Repost qilingan:
O'Keefe Media Group

SHOCKING HIDDEN CAMERA CONFESSION: LA Mayor Official Admits Office Knew Wildfires Were Coming, Claims There Was “Nothing They Could Do,” Blames Residents Who “Lost Everything”; LADWP Project Manager Confesses the Pacific Palisades Reservoir Was Empty for "A Year"
“Their yards were out of code. Like, nobody gave a f*ck.”
“How long was the reservoir empty?” “Like a year.”
“Their yards were out of code. Like, nobody gave a f*ck.”
“How long was the reservoir empty?” “Like a year.”
Repost qilingan:
Charlie Kirk

🚨BREAKING: President Trump has paused all military aid to Ukraine after White House clash, per Bloomberg.

3rd March : 3/3 Portal and initiating ANGEL WINGS
Today is the 3/3 portal, a celebration of Abundance and Beauty and Love. It also give me great pleasure to introduce Angel Wings, a movement of Archangels, Angels and Human Angels to bring the energy of Kindness and Peace to Earth.
At the beginning of 2025, Archangel Michael declared this to be the Year of the Angels. Yet there is so much anger, fear and division on Planet Earth right now. But, this is where the Angels step in – both Celestial Angels and Human Angels – to bring a world wide wave of Kindness, Love and Compassion!
It is up to us to BE the Kindness, the Love and the Compassion!
We unfurl our Angel Wings when we offer gifts of Kindness and Support to those around us, whether it be kind words or small gifts. They may hear the whisper of Angel Wings when they are in our company as we express the deep loving nature of our angelic souls. Perhaps they will not even know that it is us who are channels of Divine Love into their lives.
ANGEL WINGS is a world wide Movement or Wave of Angelic energy led by Archangel Michael and the Archangels, to bring Kindness back to Earth. Also to bring Love, Joy and Peace. We, as Human Angels, can be an expression of Higher Love and Kindness on Earth.
You can join this movement by making a conscious choice to BE the Kindness, Love and Support.
It is time to grow a pair of Angel Wings!
Meditate for Kindness, Love and Peace for Earth, either as an individual or in a group. You are influencing the Planetary field and the collective consciousness when you expand your consciousness or group consciousness in Love. Call the Archangels and the Angels to work with you to bring Kindness, Joy and Peace.
Join the Worldwide Wave as we all come together to create a powerful movement for Kindness and Peace.
As individuals and groups we can offer random acts of kindness and love to our friends and community. BE the Heart and Hands of the Angels on Earth. Angels are mediators for God/Source and we, as Human Angels, can also be mediators for Divine Love on Earth.
As individuals and groups we can offer Blessings and Prayers for Earth and for All Living Beings. The ancient art of Blessing is a powerful way to bring Love and Kindness to the Earth and to those in our community.
Give generously and receive with gratitude. Always be aware of the opportunity to give and receive kindness, When you give with an open heart and receive with gratitude you are working with the flow of Divine Energy and Manifesting Love and Kindness on Earth. Gratitude gives rise to more flow and more reasons for gratitude.
There is Abundance where there is Gratitude and Generosity and an Open Heart!
Please join us in ANGEL WINGS: The Movement!
Feel and hear the whisper of your Angel Wings as you emerge as a Human Angel in Kindness and Love.
- Celia Fenn
Today is the 3/3 portal, a celebration of Abundance and Beauty and Love. It also give me great pleasure to introduce Angel Wings, a movement of Archangels, Angels and Human Angels to bring the energy of Kindness and Peace to Earth.
At the beginning of 2025, Archangel Michael declared this to be the Year of the Angels. Yet there is so much anger, fear and division on Planet Earth right now. But, this is where the Angels step in – both Celestial Angels and Human Angels – to bring a world wide wave of Kindness, Love and Compassion!
It is up to us to BE the Kindness, the Love and the Compassion!
We unfurl our Angel Wings when we offer gifts of Kindness and Support to those around us, whether it be kind words or small gifts. They may hear the whisper of Angel Wings when they are in our company as we express the deep loving nature of our angelic souls. Perhaps they will not even know that it is us who are channels of Divine Love into their lives.
ANGEL WINGS is a world wide Movement or Wave of Angelic energy led by Archangel Michael and the Archangels, to bring Kindness back to Earth. Also to bring Love, Joy and Peace. We, as Human Angels, can be an expression of Higher Love and Kindness on Earth.
You can join this movement by making a conscious choice to BE the Kindness, Love and Support.
It is time to grow a pair of Angel Wings!
Meditate for Kindness, Love and Peace for Earth, either as an individual or in a group. You are influencing the Planetary field and the collective consciousness when you expand your consciousness or group consciousness in Love. Call the Archangels and the Angels to work with you to bring Kindness, Joy and Peace.
Join the Worldwide Wave as we all come together to create a powerful movement for Kindness and Peace.
As individuals and groups we can offer random acts of kindness and love to our friends and community. BE the Heart and Hands of the Angels on Earth. Angels are mediators for God/Source and we, as Human Angels, can also be mediators for Divine Love on Earth.
As individuals and groups we can offer Blessings and Prayers for Earth and for All Living Beings. The ancient art of Blessing is a powerful way to bring Love and Kindness to the Earth and to those in our community.
Give generously and receive with gratitude. Always be aware of the opportunity to give and receive kindness, When you give with an open heart and receive with gratitude you are working with the flow of Divine Energy and Manifesting Love and Kindness on Earth. Gratitude gives rise to more flow and more reasons for gratitude.
There is Abundance where there is Gratitude and Generosity and an Open Heart!
Please join us in ANGEL WINGS: The Movement!
Feel and hear the whisper of your Angel Wings as you emerge as a Human Angel in Kindness and Love.
- Celia Fenn
✨💖 New Timeline Alert - Powerful Collective Ascension Happening! ✨💖
New Moon, Planetary Alignment & the Beginning of the Eclipse Season
These next few weeks until mid-April will provide you with another Ascension threshold. The motto is: “Let go and let be.”
Gently release what no longer serves and align with the divine flow of beingness - listen to the inner nudges of your intuition and guidance to reach the next level of higher self-embodiment.
Beyond this threshold are boundless opportunities for freedom, joy, bliss, and love—an inner lightness and vibrancy we haven’t experienced on Earth for aeons.
All it takes is to say “YES” to pass this passage. Being loving and conscious of yourself and others. We all process this at a different pace.
You choose if you wish to ascend step-by-step or move forward in quantum leaps - your heart knows!
With this shift come big waves of purging as new light codes and cosmic frequencies align you to your highest potential. We all have a soul signature. This signature is now harmonised, and all discordant energy is actively removed.
Rewiring our thoughts and clearing emotional loops. Conscious breathing, tapping, humming or sounds help to let them go combined with affirmations such as: “I lovingly release what no longer serves me and I am open for new possibilities.”
DNA SPEAKS: This connects you to your ancestors on Earth and higher realms.
What is amazing is that the higher your frequency, the more multidimensional DNA codes start communicating with your soul heritage in the higher realms. Your galactic and angelic codes are uplifting you and clearing your soul signature, too, creating an active link with your star family.
Enjoy the multidimensional light codes and uplifting channelled messages from the Cosmic Sisterhood of the Rose, the Cosmic Brothers of the Rose, Ashtar Command on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light and the Golden Solar Light Beings.
✨ We wish you a fantastic Planetary Alignment and beginning of the Eclipse season. ✨💖
✨ To join the Cosmic Sisterhood of the Rose Event
New Moon, Planetary Alignment & the Beginning of the Eclipse Season
These next few weeks until mid-April will provide you with another Ascension threshold. The motto is: “Let go and let be.”
Gently release what no longer serves and align with the divine flow of beingness - listen to the inner nudges of your intuition and guidance to reach the next level of higher self-embodiment.
Beyond this threshold are boundless opportunities for freedom, joy, bliss, and love—an inner lightness and vibrancy we haven’t experienced on Earth for aeons.
All it takes is to say “YES” to pass this passage. Being loving and conscious of yourself and others. We all process this at a different pace.
You choose if you wish to ascend step-by-step or move forward in quantum leaps - your heart knows!
With this shift come big waves of purging as new light codes and cosmic frequencies align you to your highest potential. We all have a soul signature. This signature is now harmonised, and all discordant energy is actively removed.
Rewiring our thoughts and clearing emotional loops. Conscious breathing, tapping, humming or sounds help to let them go combined with affirmations such as: “I lovingly release what no longer serves me and I am open for new possibilities.”
DNA SPEAKS: This connects you to your ancestors on Earth and higher realms.
What is amazing is that the higher your frequency, the more multidimensional DNA codes start communicating with your soul heritage in the higher realms. Your galactic and angelic codes are uplifting you and clearing your soul signature, too, creating an active link with your star family.
Enjoy the multidimensional light codes and uplifting channelled messages from the Cosmic Sisterhood of the Rose, the Cosmic Brothers of the Rose, Ashtar Command on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light and the Golden Solar Light Beings.
✨ We wish you a fantastic Planetary Alignment and beginning of the Eclipse season. ✨💖
✨ To join the Cosmic Sisterhood of the Rose Event
31 years ago, the beautiful Kathie Lee Gifford was on her way to host The Miss America Pageant with her newborn daughter in town when she received a death threat. The person who stepped up to help protect her, was none other than Donald J. Trump
This emotional story is one of many that left me feeling privileged that Kathie Lee was comfortable enough to share with me on this episode of The Sage Steele Show.
This emotional story is one of many that left me feeling privileged that Kathie Lee was comfortable enough to share with me on this episode of The Sage Steele Show.
Repost qilingan:
Charlie Kirk

BREAKING: Kash Patel has just been sworn in as Director of the FBI.
What a glorious new day at the DOJ.
Congratulations to my friend, Kash Patel!!
What a glorious new day at the DOJ.
Congratulations to my friend, Kash Patel!!
Repost qilingan:
NewsTreason Channel 17 (Dave)

They literally dropped a wrestling belt into the shot, just in case folks didn’t notice that what we watched today was no different than professional wrestling.
In professional wrestling, kayfabe (/ˈkeɪfeɪb/) is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not staged.
In professional wrestling, kayfabe (/ˈkeɪfeɪb/) is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not staged.
Lara Trump and Megyn Kelly
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