Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
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Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Chuck Life avatar
Chuck Life
Chuck Life avatar
Chuck Life
Ko'rishlar soni


Repostlarni yashirish
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Meme Cannons avatar
Meme Cannons
All of the above

Special shout out to the fact that #itsthejews
Daily reminder.
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No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
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No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Nailed that. Zionists
Arguing it's not the jews.
Daily reminder.
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No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
We just sent $4 Billion to Epstein’s handlers.

The very next day they announced they’re gonna do another war crime against an entire nation of women and children.

All while our own government looking compromised as hell.

Ian Carroll
Christ is King
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No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Two mass murderers
Just Chillin
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ChristIsKing avatar
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No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
This in 2024 Represents people trying to convince us we aren't occupied by Zionists. in the government...
Nothing to gain but everything to lose.
If this doesn't brighten your day, you have no soul.

Daily reminder.
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Foxx Den 🦊 avatar
Foxx Den 🦊
Why the F is this an executive order? How much time and money they continue to waste on bs. Don’t let invaders in and cater to them. Problem solved.
We're witnessing a rebranding of the system & with it come many wolves in sheep's clothing. Don't fall for it.

Let’s actually take a look at the “alternative media” landscape right now:

At the top end we have Tucker Carlson broadcasting on XLive to a far bigger audience than has watched Fox News for years.

We have Joe Rogan accepting
$250million packages from huge media conglomerates to broadcast his show to millions of people.

We have Nigel Farage on GBNews – a channel that didn’t exist five years ago – already surpassing the audience of Sky News and the BBC.

We have Russell Brand and Candace Owens and Rory Stewart and perhaps dozens of other “former mainstream” voices podcasting away, giving us their “personal takes” from their deliberately informal looking studios.

We have the richest man in the world supposedly devoting his time to posting memes to own the libs.

What do words like “alternative” and “indy” even mean any more when applied to people like this?


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