Jews have been in India for many thousands of years
The cultural diffusion of 🕉 Hinduism and ✡ Judaism reaches back into ancient times. The mystical aspects of Hinduism and the Talmud compliment each other to the point where one could accuse the other of plagiarism. (Even Freemasonry) Jews never faced persecution by Hindus, neither are there any records of Hindus facing persecution at the hands of Jews in ancient times. They seem to make pretty good company with one another.
Ancient trade and cultural communication between India and the Levant is documented in the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea and the accounts surrounding the Queen of Sheba in the Hebrew Bible. One of the shared commonalities that were embraced by Jews and Hindus, was the practice of human sacrifice. In India, human sacrifice is mainly known as "Narabali". Here "nara" means human and "bali" means sacrifice. It was so prevalent in India the Government had to outlaw it, with the enactment of the Anti-superstition and black magic act of 2013.