You’ve been hearing, “THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED” for a long time now: divided by politics, race, religion, gender, etc. Divided we’re weak, united we’re strong. We all understand that concept, and we’ve all seen it used against us.
But there’s a deeper, more insidious form of this that almost never gets talked about, and it’s been in play since antiquity.
They want you divided against your SELF.
You’ve been conditioned from childhood—psyoped on every level imaginable—to view yourself as LESS THAN. Always lacking, never good enough, always needing to be more this or that, thinner, stronger, better looking, smarter, work harder, be better, be more, more, more, and on and on and on!
You are subtly (and not so subtly) taught to reject yourself—even to hate yourself. And once you’ve been successfully divided against your Self, dividing you against others becomes significantly easier.
The reason why is the exact same reason as above: When you love yourself—when you believe in yourself—you are more capable of affecting positive change in the world than you know. And when you love yourself and believe in yourself, it becomes significantly easier to love and believe in those around you. You are stronger united, just like we are stronger together.
So as we close out another week, the Department of Winning has a task for you:
We want you to believe in yourself today.
We want you to build yourself up for a change, instead of tearing yourself down. We want you to believe in your own potential, your ability to make the world a better place for all. You have that power, you always have.
We need your light, your wisdom, your strength, and your compassion. Humanity is counting on you!
When You win, We all win.