“Life is happening for me, not to me”
Shifting into your True Self - Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul.
✨Reclaiming your beautiful energy , inner strength and power of living recovered ✨
Shifting into your True Self - Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul.
✨Reclaiming your beautiful energy , inner strength and power of living recovered ✨
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repost from @cycleseeds
Allow your tears 💦
They are not weakness. They are healing.
Crying isn’t just an emotional reaction… it’s a powerful biological reset.
By removing excess cortisol, activating relaxation pathways, and releasing mood-boosting chemicals, it helps the body process stress and return to balance.
#HealingTogether #MentalHealth #TraumaHealing #SomaticHealing
[Image descriptions: Four images, each featuring black sans-serif text on white background. Text attributed to @CycleSeeds.
Image 1 reads: "Tears literally carry cortisol (the stress hormone) out of our body. Crying is your nervous system resetting itself. Allow your tears. Other ways crying helps regulate our nervous system". Text is followed by a rightward pointing arrow made with a dash and an angle bracket.
Image 2 reads: "Crying stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which counteracts the stress-induced "fight or flight" response. The PNS helps slow the heart rate, lower blood pressure, and promote a sense of relaxation, aiding in nervous system recovery."
Image 3 reads: "Crying triggers the release of endorphins (natural painkillers) and oxytocin (the "bonding hormone"), both of which promote feelings of comfort, emotional connection, and relaxation. This is why people often feel relief or a sense of emotional clarity after crying."
Image 4 reads: "The vagus nerve, which connects the brain to major organs, plays a key role in emotional regulation. Crying activates the vagus nerve, slowing the heart rate and shifting the body into a calm, restorative state. This is part of why deep sobbing can feel physically and emotionally cleansing."]
Credit Share: Healing Together
Allow your tears 💦
They are not weakness. They are healing.
Crying isn’t just an emotional reaction… it’s a powerful biological reset.
By removing excess cortisol, activating relaxation pathways, and releasing mood-boosting chemicals, it helps the body process stress and return to balance.
#HealingTogether #MentalHealth #TraumaHealing #SomaticHealing
[Image descriptions: Four images, each featuring black sans-serif text on white background. Text attributed to @CycleSeeds.
Image 1 reads: "Tears literally carry cortisol (the stress hormone) out of our body. Crying is your nervous system resetting itself. Allow your tears. Other ways crying helps regulate our nervous system". Text is followed by a rightward pointing arrow made with a dash and an angle bracket.
Image 2 reads: "Crying stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which counteracts the stress-induced "fight or flight" response. The PNS helps slow the heart rate, lower blood pressure, and promote a sense of relaxation, aiding in nervous system recovery."
Image 3 reads: "Crying triggers the release of endorphins (natural painkillers) and oxytocin (the "bonding hormone"), both of which promote feelings of comfort, emotional connection, and relaxation. This is why people often feel relief or a sense of emotional clarity after crying."
Image 4 reads: "The vagus nerve, which connects the brain to major organs, plays a key role in emotional regulation. Crying activates the vagus nerve, slowing the heart rate and shifting the body into a calm, restorative state. This is part of why deep sobbing can feel physically and emotionally cleansing."]
Credit Share: Healing Together
Repost qilingan:
Ginger's LIBERTY Lounge

💢 The most beautiful thing I've seen!!! So amazing!!! My heart is bursting with love and my eyes are leaking very happy tears. ❤️❤️😭❤️❤️
Feel into this beautiful message. You too have a Dereck, within this life. Be encouraged ~ keep doing You!
Much Love and Gratitude
Much Love and Gratitude
The Universe is filled with countless stars, each star has an important place in the universe, they are unique. Like a star, every single person has a special place in this world. Everyone of us, no matter who we are is equally important, simply because we are all a shining star in someone's life and universe. And most importantly, our own. @theneighbours2021Ⓡ

Just one simple question today… Who am I?
Look in the mirror & ask yourself… who am l?
The light of the world.
YOU “ARE” the LIGHT of the WORLD.
of how you may feel if your down, sad, worried, angry, confused (this is part of the epic human existence & experience),
YOU “ARE” the LIGHT of the WORLD.
The BEST is just AHEAD!
NO fear. GOD WINS!
Continue to RISE.
Look in the mirror & ask yourself… who am l?
The light of the world.
YOU “ARE” the LIGHT of the WORLD.
of how you may feel if your down, sad, worried, angry, confused (this is part of the epic human existence & experience),
YOU “ARE” the LIGHT of the WORLD.
The BEST is just AHEAD!
NO fear. GOD WINS!
Continue to RISE.
Love is so much greater than our ability to hate!
Hating is easy, but loving is where we find our true courage and strength. Learning to love ourselves, love each other, and love those that have wronged us will lead us to a new power.
Even though it seems hard or challenging to show and find love for those that we deem bad or dangerous or even evil, if we open our hearts to recognize that the same love that made them have made us, then we start to heal ourselves and Gaïa.
Just remember the next time you are upset with someone or mad about something~ remember that it is easy to be upset, but it is more powerful and more liberated to ask~ how can I love instead?
t.me/theneighbours2021 Ⓡ
Hating is easy, but loving is where we find our true courage and strength. Learning to love ourselves, love each other, and love those that have wronged us will lead us to a new power.
Even though it seems hard or challenging to show and find love for those that we deem bad or dangerous or even evil, if we open our hearts to recognize that the same love that made them have made us, then we start to heal ourselves and Gaïa.
Just remember the next time you are upset with someone or mad about something~ remember that it is easy to be upset, but it is more powerful and more liberated to ask~ how can I love instead?
t.me/theneighbours2021 Ⓡ

Love yourself.
Respect yourself.
Value yourself.
Take care of yourself.
Recovery Soul Coach
Respect yourself.
Value yourself.
Take care of yourself.
Recovery Soul Coach

Many people are born into families that force them to live in survival mode.
Years later, they begin to understand that this is why their minds and bodies have to work harder to function.
I can't think of anyone more deserving of understanding than someone who knows this pain...
t.me/theneighbours2021 Ⓡ
As each layer of pain is released, a sliver of light is revealed as is the heaviness reduced. One is now able to breathe deeper. Beginning to reconnect to laughter, genuine belly laugh.
Remember all you have overcome ~ Damn You Are Amazing [live like it]
Recovery Soul Coach
Years later, they begin to understand that this is why their minds and bodies have to work harder to function.
I can't think of anyone more deserving of understanding than someone who knows this pain...
t.me/theneighbours2021 Ⓡ
As each layer of pain is released, a sliver of light is revealed as is the heaviness reduced. One is now able to breathe deeper. Beginning to reconnect to laughter, genuine belly laugh.
Remember all you have overcome ~ Damn You Are Amazing [live like it]
Recovery Soul Coach

Breaking free of the old relational expectations, that became toxic obligations has been sticky, yet urgently necessary.
Truly becoming aware of the intense hold has been a guttural release ( audibly).
Viewing the webs of unconscious debilitating details has given clarity and courage to take the action of letting go, calling all energies and power back, in love and gratitude for the blessings and lessons. [yes,it hurt felt uncomfortable to the core]
Living in harmony and freedom within , is worthy of every tear.
You are your most precious gift ✨
Recovery Soul Coach
Truly becoming aware of the intense hold has been a guttural release ( audibly).
Viewing the webs of unconscious debilitating details has given clarity and courage to take the action of letting go, calling all energies and power back, in love and gratitude for the blessings and lessons. [yes,it hurt felt uncomfortable to the core]
Living in harmony and freedom within , is worthy of every tear.
You are your most precious gift ✨
Recovery Soul Coach

Begin my journey with my Tree as a guide. Returned 29 years (June 2024) later, said to Tree you have grown so much. Tree replied so have you, I still feel it in my heart. Beautiful confirmation of my inner healing journey ✨
The post from TR resonates, thought I would share, enjoy.
The Seeker
The Seeker walks alone.
She comes to take a rest under a tree and she asks, “What can you tell me of life?”
And the tree replies, “You must grow. Draw nourishment from the earth and strength from the Sun. And when you are prevented from growing, you must push against whatever is constraining you until it breaks, or you take it within yourself and make it part of you. In this way, you will always be free.”
“Thank you,” she says.
She steps to the river and asks, “What can you tell me of life?”
And the river says, “You must Flow. And when you are prevented, you must wait until the power of your Self overcomes the obstacle. In this way, you will always be free.”
“Thank you,” she says, “I am most grateful.”
She looks up at the Sun and asks her question, “What can you tell me of life?” And the Sun replies, “Trust. Trust that I will be here for you always. Trust that my warmth will sustain you and you will know the measure of my Love by the way I feel to you. Trust that I will teach you to Love as I do. In this way you will always be free and you will never perish.”
“Thank you,” she says and continues on her way.
And in that moment she senses the cool water nearby, and hears the tree’s leaves in the wind. The sun shines on her face and she smiles because she understands.
—17 Sep 2021—
Much Love and Gratitude
Recovery Soul Coach
The post from TR resonates, thought I would share, enjoy.
The Seeker
The Seeker walks alone.
She comes to take a rest under a tree and she asks, “What can you tell me of life?”
And the tree replies, “You must grow. Draw nourishment from the earth and strength from the Sun. And when you are prevented from growing, you must push against whatever is constraining you until it breaks, or you take it within yourself and make it part of you. In this way, you will always be free.”
“Thank you,” she says.
She steps to the river and asks, “What can you tell me of life?”
And the river says, “You must Flow. And when you are prevented, you must wait until the power of your Self overcomes the obstacle. In this way, you will always be free.”
“Thank you,” she says, “I am most grateful.”
She looks up at the Sun and asks her question, “What can you tell me of life?” And the Sun replies, “Trust. Trust that I will be here for you always. Trust that my warmth will sustain you and you will know the measure of my Love by the way I feel to you. Trust that I will teach you to Love as I do. In this way you will always be free and you will never perish.”
“Thank you,” she says and continues on her way.
And in that moment she senses the cool water nearby, and hears the tree’s leaves in the wind. The sun shines on her face and she smiles because she understands.
—17 Sep 2021—
Much Love and Gratitude
Recovery Soul Coach

Be at Peace
Allow in Ease
Just Breathe
Live in this moment
Recovery Soul Coach
Allow in Ease
Just Breathe
Live in this moment
Recovery Soul Coach

Radiate Light
Each one of us is a walking radiator. Mostly we radiate thoughts and attitudes. From deep within we radiate our state of being, and the essential, original and eternal state of every being is peaceful and loving.
We block and distort this energy with our attachments. Attachments turn love into fear, peace into anger and then distort our attitudes and actions towards others.
This is neither relaxing for ourselves, nor for those around us. Which is why detachment is the secret to living lightly and lovingly.
Each one of us is a walking radiator. Mostly we radiate thoughts and attitudes. From deep within we radiate our state of being, and the essential, original and eternal state of every being is peaceful and loving.
We block and distort this energy with our attachments. Attachments turn love into fear, peace into anger and then distort our attitudes and actions towards others.
This is neither relaxing for ourselves, nor for those around us. Which is why detachment is the secret to living lightly and lovingly.

Repost qilingan:

Every organ, tissue & cell within the body is vibrational energy. Even our mental & emotional state is energy that vibrates at varying frequencies.
The chakras are the vibrational energy system of the body & must be properly balanced & maintained in order be in harmony.
Sound is a vibrational frequency. Sound therapy & energy techniques are used for balancing & aligning the chakras. The Solfeggio frequencies make up an ancient tonal scale used in sacred music & chanting. These frequencies can be used to heal & energize your entire chakra system. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency that will balance your energy & keep your body, mind & spirit in perfect harmony.
Each frequency has specific spiritual & physical healing properties & can repair DNA. Each Solfeggio frequency correspond directly the major chakras. Each tone contains the exact frequency to balance our energy & the sound reinforces the balance required by each chakra to maintain perfect energetic balance. 🎵💓
The chakras are the vibrational energy system of the body & must be properly balanced & maintained in order be in harmony.
Sound is a vibrational frequency. Sound therapy & energy techniques are used for balancing & aligning the chakras. The Solfeggio frequencies make up an ancient tonal scale used in sacred music & chanting. These frequencies can be used to heal & energize your entire chakra system. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency that will balance your energy & keep your body, mind & spirit in perfect harmony.
Each frequency has specific spiritual & physical healing properties & can repair DNA. Each Solfeggio frequency correspond directly the major chakras. Each tone contains the exact frequency to balance our energy & the sound reinforces the balance required by each chakra to maintain perfect energetic balance. 🎵💓
Iqtiboslar indeksi21.02.202523:59
Bitta post qamrovi14.02.202523:59
Reklama posti qamrovi08.03.202517:12
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