"It's Happening Again"
Four years ago, I was clicking away on my computer, analyzing 2020 general election data for several states. Little did I know that Mike Lindell would discover my work and produce a documentary about it... then 10 million people would see it, and start asking me for help to audit their own elections.
Four years later, 650+ public presentations, and 48 states later, I have a lot more experience. I know what the problems are, and how to assist local groups to begin effective election reform. I know what works, and what doesn't work.
Most people addressing the problems are doing things that have little effect, if any. I call it "hamster wheels;" lots of effort, little net effect.
Four years ago March, I was staring at a stack of seventy requests. I prayed, and asked God to intervene... to set my priorities. Amazingly, it seems I was always in the right place at the right time... my God is outside of time and space, so can "work all things together for good."
I don't charge any fee for my work or presentations, I rely on "passing the hat" when I visit to cover my expenses. My schedule is typically very packed... I joke that I'm in such demand either because I'm good, or I'm cheap!
The requests are already piling up...
Here we go, again.
Almighty God, I am at your service; your will be done.
Kyrie eleison.