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"Under Greek influence, when a Hellenistic mystery cult of Osiris was developed (which happened before Christianity arose), it adopted the generally pervasive idea of salvific baptism, which we know was pre-Christian. In short, both the Egyptian Osiris cult and the Jewish Jesus cult borrowed their idea of baptism from existing Greek mystery religions."

Dr. Richard Carrier [source]

"Monotheism sucks all the mystery out of nature and injects it into God, who is the 'explanation' for nature. While polytheism, through the worship of many Gods, affirms the life and mystery of the world in all its complexity, monotheism declares the world to be a mere artifact, the product of god's making, and thus about as living and mysterious as a thumbtack. The transition from polytheism to monotheism is the 'degodding' of the different aspects of the world."

— Collin Cleary (Summoning the Gods)

Ancient Fiction & Mythology

The way the Gospel of Mark portrays the Pharisees makes no sense in actual context; and the extant text of Mark screws up local geography. I will only reckon up here the genuinely fantastical—things that simply wouldn’t likely happen in a universal sense, such as defy (even if they don’t strictly violate) physics or human psychology.

There is at least one impossible event narrated in every single chapter of Mark. In fact, the count is well more than one. Mark is therefore wildly more mythological in composition than any genuine history or biography of the time. And Mark resembles only ancient fiction and mythology in this respect. And yet Mark is the first narrative of a historical Jesus, and the core (and only really known) source for every other.


Full article here.

The New Center Of World Christianity

"Here we see that as Europe has been steadily losing its share of the global Christian population, while both Latin America and Africa have been gaining. Latin America surpassed Europe as the continent with the most Christians in 2014, and Africa passed Latin America in 2018. This marks a milestone for African Christianity—often called the “new center” of World Christianity."

"For Christians in Europe, that steep downward-facing green line in the graph above can look alarming. But maybe it shouldn’t be. Maybe there’s something to be said for Christianity returning to the demographic makeup of Christianity’s first century, when the religion was a majority-global-South tradition—Jesus was, after all, a Middle Easterner.


Full article here.

There are still a lot of myths and legends circulating about the so-called "Christian catacombs" under the city of Rome.

The myth still abounds that Christians built these catacombs, or hid in them, to gather and worship, in order to avoid persecution. It will even be claimed Christians hid in these underground graveyards during the persecution of Nero in 64 AD. All of that is false.

Christians only gradually started sharing them in the third century, with no special control or ownership over them; and only started building their own later in the third or fourth century. Visiting the dead in them was already a pagan custom, so there was never anything secret about them.

No evidence of Christian presence in the catacombs predates 200 AD. So there were no Christian catacomb burials in the time of Nero (60s AD), for example, nor even in the time of Domitian (90s AD) or Marcus Aurelius (160s AD).


Full article here.

Dr. Richard Carrier on how Christianity was spread throughout Europe.

The Ranks Of The Weak

The strong man must reject as immoderate the cross's claim that puts him into the ranks of the weak, of those requiring redemption, and reject being squeezed into the average form, tailored for little people, levelling the mass, destroying the great man, the towering man.

The man on the cross, who proclaimed the end of the world, appears to the strong man in no way as hero. The strong man does not examine whether the man whose time nailed him to the cross's cursed wood had a 'will for the better'.

For the strong man, for the cross, which wants to break through causality and abolish order, in that it elevates the weak and debases the strong, becomes idol. For the strong man, the cross is and remains—like once to the Greeks, a folly.


From: The SS Warrior Poet Collected Writings

Heroic Self-Assertion & Relentless Courage

In Scandinavia, the Church wasted many years preaching to the common people. Despite the easy-going tolerance of local Germanic kings, who generally allowed missionaries to carry on their work unmolested, the Church achieved little. Christianity was simply too alien to take hold in Germanic culture.

The Germans believed in heroic self-assertion, relentless courage, and stoic toughness. They had no need to be "saved" from anything. Clearly, pitching the Christian message to ordinary men and women of Germania was not going to work. Another strategy was needed.

The new approach was two-fold. First, Christianity was superficially "Germanicized" to make it more palatable to the Northern taste. Second, this new version of Christian belief was then sold to the chieftains rather than to the common folk. Jesus now became a warrior prince, and his apostles were transformed into his loyal war band.


From: Asatru by Stephen A. McNallen.

"The Christian religionist is at a crossroads; he must choose between the gospel or the survival of Western civilization and the European race. He cannot choose both. A genuine Christian religionist can only side with the survival of Christian orthodoxy, otherwise he would be an apostate, forever denied eternal salvation. In a world where evolutionary survival is a zero-sum game, Christianity is the great enemy of the European race and Western civilization."

— Ferdinand Bardamu (Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity)

Interesting indeed. Makes one wonder how "Christian" those who promote supposed Christian leaders as our saviors and the oxymoron that is Christian Nationalism truly are—leading their gullible audiences straight towards Noahidism.

Source: https://x.com/Western_Allies/status/1833113405881749637

"Christians did not invent their own imagery but borrowed already-familiar pagan imagery. For example, when Jesus was depicted performing miracles, he is shown with a magic wand—not because Christians believed Jesus used one, but because wands were a widely understood symbol for the performance of magic (which, contrary to modern propaganda, was not then distinguished from miracle-working; Jesus's 'magic' was simply sold as genuine, more powerful, or not evil—from God, not demons). The wand was a pagan symbol. But Christians used it to communicate Jesus as a great miracle worker, using imagery the populace already understood to mean that. "


Full article here.

Cadaver Obedience

Cadaver obedience is a thoroughly Christian product, it eliminates one's own, law-based essence. 'Cadaver obedience' is what the 'shepherd' demands from his 'sheep', which may graze in the herd, but even this grazing is only allowed so that the shepherd has a benefit from it. More clearly: The cross demands submissiveness, 'because I am Jesus' lamb'.

Discipline derives from the recognition of one's own value and flows into the community of the valuable ones, who knowingly trust the leader. The cross is as distant form the law as 'the lamb' from the thinking and essence-conscious human being.

Counterfeiters were at work at that time to recast discipline into cadaver obedience and to put this counterfeited coin into circulation. Between discipline based on character and the nihilistic humility of Christian cadaver obedience gapes an unbridgeable chasm.


Source: The SS Warrior Poet Collected Writings

"The very earliest Christians are of a messianic Jewish group . . . What Paul is telling his ex-pagan communities to do is to stop acting like pagans and to act more like idealized versions of Jews."

Paula Fredriksen

Judaizing Pagan Elements

Before Christianity arose, pagan theology was already awash with women conceiving asexually, and also promulgated the idea of women giving birth as still virgins.

Judaism had no comparable idea. Even the prophecy of
Isaiah 7:14 would have been read by Jews through a Jewish interpretational filter—a filter that lacked any other notion except that a virgin would conceive on her wedding night in the usual way—until they had a pagan filter to see it through.

Only then, though Isaiah 7 never mentions a virgin birth (only that a maiden will become pregnant; not that she would then remain a maiden), would any Jew imagine it could have said what pagans might have imagined: that this mother will remain a virgin, thus portending a miracle.

That step in reasoning is pagan. And only comes from a pagan milieu. The Christians assimilated their godman to pagan godmen, by Judaizing the pagan elements required.


Full article here.

"The cross has demanded racial equality and thus race-mixing and race defilement. One day the cross will want to lead the coloured folks as well in the crusade against the remnant of the White race. When this day dawns, an unprepared occident will be irretrievable lost."

Kurt Eggers (The SS Warrior Poet)

"Even the more intelligent Christians preach absurdities. Their injunctions are like this: 'Let no one educated, no one wise, no one sensible draw near. For these abilities are thought by us to be evils. But as for anyone ignorant, anyone stupid, anyone uneducated, anyone childish, let him come boldly.' By the fact that they themselves admit that these people are worthy of their god, they show that they want and are able to convince only the foolish, dishonorable and stupid, and only slaves, women and little children."

— 2nd-century Greek philosopher Celsus (On the True Doctrine)

The Saxons rejected Christianization. They were eventually forcibly converted by Charlemagne as a result of their conquest in the Saxon Wars in 776/777: Charlemagne thereby combined religious conversion with political loyalty to his empire. Continued resistance to conversion seems to have played a role in Saxon rebellions between 782 and 785, then again from 792 to 804, and during the Stellinga rebellion in 844.


Full article here.

The only culture that the Vikings were a bit weary of was Christianity.

[Christian Nationalists] don't like brown things coming into their lands from the Middle East with foreign ideologies and worldviews being forced upon your people. What do you think Christianity was?

Christianity didn't even get a foothold until our own treacherous leaders planted it from the inside and made it no longer possible to fight off.


Full video here.

Equality is such a fundamental aspect of the church’s kerygma that if it were removed the entire ideological structure of Christian orthodoxy would collapse like a house of cards.

The "
catholicity" of the church signifies that membership in the body of Christ is open to all men, regardless of ethno-linguistic or socio-economic differences.

Salvation, because it is equally available to all, means that all men possess the same innate capacity to achieve it. There is also universal equality in sinful depravity, as well as in the possession of unmerited divine grace.

Jesus' commandment to love one's neighbor as oneself is merely the application of universalist and egalitarian principles to human social life.

In the New Testament, believers are asked to serve one another, with the aim of achieving social equality within an ecclesiastical setting.


From: Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity by Ferdinand Bardamu.

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