Read very carefully, several times, study what this says.
What is LAW?
Where did it originate?
How did we arrive at this “thing” called LAW, that allows someone else to have control over a free man or woman?
Genesis 1: 26-28 God gave me Man, dominion over all three jurisdictions of...
L. =Land, Common, Equity/Property. Love thy neighbor, do no harm.
A. =Air, Ecclesiastical, Trust. To hold sacred for another’s benefit.
W. =Water, Admiralty, Contract. Must meet all 8 elements of a contract.
...This became LAW!
Jurisdiction defined, Juris = right law Diction = Words
The words you use determines the “right law” under which you are in standing.
You must learn the right words!
You can't go to jail in a foreign 'State' or federal so-called "court" without an attorney. This is because the foreign, commercial (State/federal) so-called "courts" are operating in the statutory realm of FICTION and fraud. Someone has to re-present the ALL CAP NAME/ESTATE DECEDENT, the ens legis TRUST ENTITY. It takes a foreign AGENT attorney to do that in a foreign, Article I or Article IV territorial, private administrative tribunal of admiralty and equity.
Three signatures are required on each of three BONDS; the BID, PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BONDS, State (GSA SF-24, 25, 25(A)).
At the federal level it is the SF-273, SF 274, SF 275.
SF 273, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond (see 28.202(a)(4)).
(i) SF 274, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond (see 28.202(a)(4)).
(j) SF 275, Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States federal corporation.
These are used to get at your Cestui Que Vie Trust!
These gangsters in the crooked courts need three signatures on each of three instruments in commerce. That is three on the Bid Bond (GSA, Standard Form-24), three on the Performance Bond (SF-25) and three on the Payment Bond (SF-25(A)). The Administrator signs first, the prosecutor signs and then the re-presenting attorney signs last.
The foreign AGENT attorney that you hired, "retained" to re-present YOU, signs you up for jail time. You waive all of your UN-a-Lien-able rights you otherwise would have had in a State or federal so-called "court" when you allow an "a-turn-on-me" to represent you as an officer of the corporate court.
You have just gone to the fox who's guarding the hen house.
Attorney = an actor to attorn. To Attorn - to steal from one and turn over to another.
The so-called "judge" will often compel or force you to hire or retain a foreign BAR attorney. In most cases, if you don't pay one, a crooked PUBLIC DEFENDER will step up and re-present your ALL CAPS CORPORATE NAME against your will and without your permission or consent. You must immediately fire him/her for cause of fraud and swindle.
Everything is about status standing and jurisdiction, they must get your Tacit agreement of three things to move forward...
...that you are a citizen, a person and a resident.
Citizen = Employee, alliance/allegiance to
Person = Vessel/Entity/office of/Transmitting Utility
Resident - Someone there temporarily to do business
By the mere use of your Zip Code you live in the Distrct of Columbia and you reside in whatever STATE temporarily to do business.
You have been removed from your private native land.
To force you to accept a "benefit and privilege" of the PUBLIC constitutes "involuntary servitude and peonage". This also violates the Taft Hartley Act of running a closed union SHOP which is a felony act. Neither the Executive Trust Administrators nor the prosecutors inform you that it is only an administrative court (private administrative tribunal) and not a court of de jure law as the 11th Amendment has stripped the Judicial power of hearing matters of law since 1789. That puts them both in dishonor in the performance of their official duties.
If you did not retain a foreign AGENT attorney to re-present you, a foreign AGENT PUBLIC DEFENDER (officer of the corporate court) will be forced upon you, against your will and speak for you as an officer of that private tribunal.