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Николаевский Ванёк

Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует

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Анатолий Шарий

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Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"


Николаевский Ванёк

Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует

Лачен пише

Инсайдер UA | Україна | Новини

Анатолий Шарий

Україна Сейчас | УС: новини, політика, війна

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Ask About The Orthodox Faith
".. grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" 2 Pet 3:18.
Basic rules: No links. Stick to the real Orthodoxy; sectarian and heterdox materials are not allowed.
Basic rules: No links. Stick to the real Orthodoxy; sectarian and heterdox materials are not allowed.
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Jul 12, 2024Muxrlangan guruh

Ask About The Orthodox Faith
Iqtiboslar indeksi06.03.202523:59
Bitta post qamrovi31.03.202523:59
Reklama posti qamrovi21.09.202423:59

☦️🕯️“Let thy mind fast from vain thoughts; let thy memory fast from remembering evil; let thy will fast from evil desire; let thine eyes fast from bad sights: turn away thine eyes that thou mayest not see vanity; let thine
ears fast from vile songs and slanderous whispers; let thy tongue fast from slander,
condemnation,blasphemy, falsehood, deception, foul language and every idle and rotten word; let thy hands fast from killing and from stealing another’s goods; let thy legs fast from going to evil deeds: Turn away from evil, and do good.”🕯️☦️
♰ St. Tikhon of Zadonsk♰
ears fast from vile songs and slanderous whispers; let thy tongue fast from slander,
condemnation,blasphemy, falsehood, deception, foul language and every idle and rotten word; let thy hands fast from killing and from stealing another’s goods; let thy legs fast from going to evil deeds: Turn away from evil, and do good.”🕯️☦️
♰ St. Tikhon of Zadonsk♰

Surprisingly even fasting food can turn into the sin of gluttony and overeating. To avoid it fasting food should be made the simpler the better, without trying to fake “meat taste” with other products, or spending whole time for cooking. And we should be watchful to ourselves putting our focus to spiritual food more.
“No one whose stomach is full can fight mentally against the demon of unchastity. Our initial struggle therefore must be to gain control of our stomach and to bring our body into subjection not only through fasting but also through vigils, labours and spiritual reading, and through concentrating our heart on fear of Gehenna and on longing for the Kingdom of Heaven.”
St John Cassian
“No one whose stomach is full can fight mentally against the demon of unchastity. Our initial struggle therefore must be to gain control of our stomach and to bring our body into subjection not only through fasting but also through vigils, labours and spiritual reading, and through concentrating our heart on fear of Gehenna and on longing for the Kingdom of Heaven.”
St John Cassian

Theotokion: Mother of God, hope and intercessor of those who sing of thee, take from me the heavy yoke of sin, and as thou art our pure Lady, accept me who repent.

Very powerful words of St. John Kronstadt about final judgment. We got used to take it very lightly, especially in western reality. The Saint reminds us the truth.
“… prepare yourselves for the judgment, for the terrible judgment, for the righteous judgment, for the one and final judgment, after which there will be either eternal blessedness or unending torment...
Brother! Think, maybe this night your soul will be required of you (Luke 12:20), and you will be in hell, in torments … all in flames. Thus, be prepared for the judgment, start preparing today….
Go to Church, weep over your sins, await together with Her, with great fear, the day of judgment.” ( From the sermons on the Sunday of the Last Judgment)
“and He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead…”
“… prepare yourselves for the judgment, for the terrible judgment, for the righteous judgment, for the one and final judgment, after which there will be either eternal blessedness or unending torment...
Brother! Think, maybe this night your soul will be required of you (Luke 12:20), and you will be in hell, in torments … all in flames. Thus, be prepared for the judgment, start preparing today….
Go to Church, weep over your sins, await together with Her, with great fear, the day of judgment.” ( From the sermons on the Sunday of the Last Judgment)
“and He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead…”

Great Lent didn't not always last for 40 days.
Before 4th century Christians fasted different amount of time according to their local customs and circumstances. Establishment of 40 days fasting before the Ressurection day has two main reasons. 1) remembrance of 40 days fasting of Christ in the desert 2) firstly only Catechumens fasted all 40 days before they could baptised. And eventually other Christians joined them.
Now the Great Lent consists of 40 days + Holy week (Passion week).
Restrictions also developed with time. First it was abstinence from all kind of food for some amount of days, then reducing amount of food (so the rest could go for almsgiving), now it is abstinence of some kinds of food. And of course it is not just about food.
Before 4th century Christians fasted different amount of time according to their local customs and circumstances. Establishment of 40 days fasting before the Ressurection day has two main reasons. 1) remembrance of 40 days fasting of Christ in the desert 2) firstly only Catechumens fasted all 40 days before they could baptised. And eventually other Christians joined them.
Now the Great Lent consists of 40 days + Holy week (Passion week).
Restrictions also developed with time. First it was abstinence from all kind of food for some amount of days, then reducing amount of food (so the rest could go for almsgiving), now it is abstinence of some kinds of food. And of course it is not just about food.

I fall prostrate before Thee, O Jesus. I have sinned against Thee, be merciful to me. Take from me the heavy yoke of sin, and in Thy compassion grant me tears of compunction.
The Great Canon
The Great Canon

☦️🕯️"Not only the mouth must fast, but also the eye, the ear, the hands, the feet, and all the members of our body. The fasting of the mouth is in vain if the heart is full of malice."🕯️☦️
♰ Saint John Chrysostom ♰
♰ Saint John Chrysostom ♰

No one (except probably some protestant churches) promises a perfect life for those who start their path in faith. But we know for sure that our struggles are worth it, and that we are not alone.
“Those who are trying to lead a spiritual life have to carry on a most skillful and difficult warfare, through their thoughts, every moment of their life—that is, a spiritual warfare; it is necessary that our whole soul should be every moment a clear eye, able to watch and notice the thoughts entering our heart from the evil one and repel them; the hearts of such men should be always burning with faith, humility and love”
St. John of Kronstadt
“Those who are trying to lead a spiritual life have to carry on a most skillful and difficult warfare, through their thoughts, every moment of their life—that is, a spiritual warfare; it is necessary that our whole soul should be every moment a clear eye, able to watch and notice the thoughts entering our heart from the evil one and repel them; the hearts of such men should be always burning with faith, humility and love”
St. John of Kronstadt

Novgorodian Slavic vikings (ushkuiniki), played an important role in breaking of the northern division of the Islamic Horde. It happened in 14th century, and since that time Christianization of the southern regions of Russia became possible.

The Great Canon is more astonishing than any other liturgical text encountered during Great Lent. It is a marvel of liturgical hymnography, with texts of amazing power and poetic beauty. The Church decided to call it the Great Canon not so much for its length (250 troparia, or verses), as for the quality and power of its content. St. Andrew, Archbishop of Crete, who composed the Canon in the 7th Century, also composed many other canons used by the Church over the course of the liturgical year.
The Great Canon consists of a conversation between the penitent and his own soul. The conversation begins:
“Where shall I begin to weep for the actions of my wretched life? What first-fruit shall I offer O Christ in this my lamentation? But in Thy compassion grant me forgiveness of sins.” – with what shall I begin to repent, for it is so difficult.
A marvelous troparion follows:
“Come wretched soul, with thy flesh to the Creator of all. Make confession to Him, and abstain henceforth from thy past brutishness; and offer to God tears of repentance.”
The words are astonishing, containing both Christian anthropology and asceticism: our flesh, an inseparable part of human nature and being, must also participate in our repentance.
The apogee of this conversation with the soul, its constant unremitting call to repentance, comes in the kontakion sung following the 6th canticle of the Canon:
“My soul, O my soul, rise up! Why art thou sleeping? The end draws near and soon thou shalt be troubled. Watch, then, that Christ thy God may spare thee, for He is everywhere present and fillest all things.”
The Great Canon consists of a conversation between the penitent and his own soul. The conversation begins:
“Where shall I begin to weep for the actions of my wretched life? What first-fruit shall I offer O Christ in this my lamentation? But in Thy compassion grant me forgiveness of sins.” – with what shall I begin to repent, for it is so difficult.
A marvelous troparion follows:
“Come wretched soul, with thy flesh to the Creator of all. Make confession to Him, and abstain henceforth from thy past brutishness; and offer to God tears of repentance.”
The words are astonishing, containing both Christian anthropology and asceticism: our flesh, an inseparable part of human nature and being, must also participate in our repentance.
The apogee of this conversation with the soul, its constant unremitting call to repentance, comes in the kontakion sung following the 6th canticle of the Canon:
“My soul, O my soul, rise up! Why art thou sleeping? The end draws near and soon thou shalt be troubled. Watch, then, that Christ thy God may spare thee, for He is everywhere present and fillest all things.”

Each time we start to doubt and be torn between sin or right thing to do, when we have a wish to avoid fasting or give in to “just a little sin which is barely a sin”, it is good to remember the following words and ask ourselves the following questions.
“These labors, which are such a burden to me and are so unaccustomed and vexing for me, will not last forever. They will end with my earthly life. And is earthly life long, even if it lasts a hundred years? All of eternity is the reward for life on earth, if it is spent in obedience to the Lord God. How can I not work diligently and wholeheartedly?”
Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov) of St. Petersburg
“These labors, which are such a burden to me and are so unaccustomed and vexing for me, will not last forever. They will end with my earthly life. And is earthly life long, even if it lasts a hundred years? All of eternity is the reward for life on earth, if it is spent in obedience to the Lord God. How can I not work diligently and wholeheartedly?”
Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov) of St. Petersburg

🌟☦️ The Lent is a good time to approach reading of the Book of one of the most enigmatic Saints, St. Daniel, and his great prophesies.
St. Daniel, pray for us!
St. Daniel, pray for us!

“Solomon says that the enemy 'hates the sound of steadfastness' (Prov. II:15. LXX), while the wandering of the mind is the first step towards sinning, as St. Isaac states.”
St. Peter of Damaskos, From Philokalia
Modern days are characterized by information overload so much, that these words of the Saint are especially relevant and timely for us.
We should pay great attention to this part of our life, finding time for silent reading and prayer without our thoughts wandering here and there.
We need to learn to focus on inner prayer and to discern what is important for our salvation, not giving in to all kinds of powerful streams of diverse information, consumption of which often replaces what we really need to do (reading the Scripture and Fathers, living true spiritual life).
St. Peter of Damaskos, From Philokalia
Modern days are characterized by information overload so much, that these words of the Saint are especially relevant and timely for us.
We should pay great attention to this part of our life, finding time for silent reading and prayer without our thoughts wandering here and there.
We need to learn to focus on inner prayer and to discern what is important for our salvation, not giving in to all kinds of powerful streams of diverse information, consumption of which often replaces what we really need to do (reading the Scripture and Fathers, living true spiritual life).

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to pray and what to say. God helps to them who wishes. And the Church has all means to make it easier.
If you wish to pray, you have need of God, 'who gives prayer to him who prays' (1 Sam. 2:9. LXX). Invoke Him, then, saying: 'Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come' (Matt. 6:9-10) — that is, the Holy Spirit and Thy only-begotten Son. For so He taught us, saying: 'Worship the Father in spirit and in truth' (John 4: 24). – from Philokalia
If you wish to pray, you have need of God, 'who gives prayer to him who prays' (1 Sam. 2:9. LXX). Invoke Him, then, saying: 'Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come' (Matt. 6:9-10) — that is, the Holy Spirit and Thy only-begotten Son. For so He taught us, saying: 'Worship the Father in spirit and in truth' (John 4: 24). – from Philokalia

☦️⚡️ The time moves towards the Triumph of Orthodoxy. It's a very important feast. It's about the true Faith. Which alone can lead the person to salvation, and it's impossible without correct faith. Heretics do not inherit the Kingdom of God (Gal 5:20-21).
, such things can be heard in the West, and it's anti-scriptural, specifically a late anti-scriptural heresy.
On the contrary, the Bible itself puts the Holy Tradition #1, and the fact they don't know it (a concrete verse) shows that they are heretics who don't have any right even to speak about our book. The Orthodox Church wrote the book (Bible means book) and only she interprets it the correct way.
On the contrary, the Bible itself puts the Holy Tradition #1, and the fact they don't know it (a concrete verse) shows that they are heretics who don't have any right even to speak about our book. The Orthodox Church wrote the book (Bible means book) and only she interprets it the correct way.
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