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John Fassbinder AFP avatar
John Fassbinder AFP
John Fassbinder AFP avatar
John Fassbinder AFP
Ko'rishlar soni


Repostlarni yashirish
I’d like to once again thank the IREHR for their tireless commitment to promoting my work. It’s truly touching how much time and energy they spend highlighting my efforts to free America from Zionist occupation. I know they like to think they’re attacking me, but let’s be real—they’re some of my biggest fans.

Their latest piece even gave me a new nickname—AFP mini-Führer. Not exactly original, but hey, I’ll take it. It’s always flattering to see how much thought they put into these things.

So, to the folks over at IREHR: We’ve been through a lot together. You write about me, follow my every move, and have even taken to giving me cute little nicknames now. I can tell you’re obsessed with me, and who could blame you? When your entire worldview is built on lies, it must be hard not to be drawn to someone standing up for truth. But I have to be honest with you. This… whatever this is—it just isn’t going to work out. You’re Zionist, anti-White, and your hatred for Our People is kind of a dealbreaker for me. I know, I know—it’s hard. But sometimes, you just have to accept that it’s not meant to be.

That said, I really do appreciate how much you talk about me, I’m glad we’re in this together—even if we’re on opposite sides.

~AFP mini-Führer
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Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
Wow Elon Musk is a piece of shit. Fedjacketing PF again to tens of millions of his followers, when he knows better.
Whether he’s Jewish, or as he puts it, “aspirationally Jewish”, Musk’s interests are rooted in preserving the Jewish stranglehold over Our People, and by extension obtaining the personal wealth that will be amassed from doing such a thing. The discerning Dissident need not be told this, but for those many people easily taken in by emotion, take this as further confirmation of his Jewish loyalty. It should not need to be said that one cannot serve Our People’s interests while supporting international Jewish capitalism or its peddlers.
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Patriot Front Sightings avatar
Patriot Front Sightings
@PatriotFrontSightings » Thomas Rousseau has been announced as an incoming guest on the Patriotic Weekly Review, hosted by Mark Collett. The interview will go LIVE tomorrow (Wed, Feb 5th) at:
- 2 p.m. Eastern
- 1 p.m. Central
- 12 noon Mountain
- 11 a.m. Pacific

The show will likely feature discussions about Patriot Front's recent actions and general philosophy, as well as audience questions and interactions.

⭐️ Watch it here:
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Blackpilled avatar
The devil in the details of Trump's EO on anti-semitism: It encourages the DoJ to press criminal charges against "anti-semites" and subjects individuals to criminal prosecution for speech. Also sets a precedent for using federal conspiracy laws against political dissent.
Anyone who feels that Trump will save us is completely delusional. His rhetoric is empty, his actions are loyal only to Jewish interests, and his follower base is a pro-Zionist cult. If anyone is still taken in by his lies, or tells you he might still be playing the long game, they should not be involved in any serious political activity. Remember their names, and avoid them at all costs.
Tomorrow night 2/23 at 9pm EST this channel will be having a livestream to introduce my upcoming Artist Spotlight series. I will be periodically having on one of our incredible Folkish artists/crafters for a little interview and a deeper look into the wonderful talent and personalities in our artistic community. I so hope you’ll join us! These livestreams will be recorded for those that can’t make it to listen to at anytime.
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Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
Elon Musk knowingly slings the shit against Patriot Front, and his followers call for their deaths, meanwhile they are banned from his "free speech" site and can't respond.

What if I told you... ELON MUSK IS THE FED 🤯
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Loom Woven avatar
Loom Woven
My friend Lord Wolfshield has faithfully compiled the best hits of the year on CD, yet again, and I highly recommend getting a copy. For just $1 you can get your CD full of unique music by talented artists in our sphere. We were honored to host WAC fest two years in a row at our former farm. There has been a lot of change in the past couple of years including the tragic loss of the founder of White Art Collective last year, but Wolfshield has pulled through for us all and brought the music once again. 🎶 LINK to purchase and listen to samples

This best hits compilation is a huge white pill and we will be happy to add it to our collection of Fedora Favorites.
Mr. Damigo is absolutely correct in his assessment, particularly when it comes to the necessity of building alternative, explicitly pro-White political parties. The American Freedom Party for instance is looking forward to greatly expanding our efforts at the ballot in the coming future.

Running for office at the state and local levels is a crucial step in securing real political power, and we do so unapologetically. Unlike the controlled opposition, we refuse to water down our message or make empty concessions. AFP candidates must be held to the highest standards—there is no room for weakness, no room for apologies. They must be unwavering in their commitment to Our People, standing proudly as pro-White advocates who will fight for the interests of White Americans without hesitation.

The future belongs to those willing to take bold action. We are building that future.
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Alek Yerbury avatar
Alek Yerbury
I often find myself wanting to bang my head off of the table when I watch the 'online right'.

It's like a competition to say the most 'based' or 'hardcore' thing, and the various parties, groups, leading individuals are constantly posturing to each other...

And because virtually none of what is being said or 'called for' is actually backed up by the slightest ounce of real work or effort, it makes everyone involved look like a clown as far as wider society is concerned. It's even worse when people don't even live or outwardly display the principles that they are demanding be imposed on society.

When someone outside the bubble looks in, what they see is relentless talk about mass movements, radical social and political change and revolutions, from people who are unlikely to even leave the house.

It's like collective insanity.

My advice to people is to do exactly what I've done, and what the National Rebirth Party is doing, and spend less time trying to look good on the internet, and more time trying to actually BE good in the real world.
The ADL loves to screech about anti-Semitism being on the rise, now claiming a dramatic 900% increase over the last decade. But let’s ask the eternal question: why?

The answer isn’t some irrational hatred springing from nowhere. It’s the inevitable consequence of Jewish behavior—of a people whose actions have consistently served to subvert and destroy the People and Nations they inhabit. When you monopolize industries, push for White replacement, ethnic genocide, open borders, and cultural degeneracy all while insulating your own communities and ethnostate from the chaos you create, you cannot be surprised when resentment grows.

Anti-Semitism isn’t some unprovoked phenomenon—it’s a reaction to the destructive influence Jews have exerted on Western civilization. They lobby for endless wars in the Middle East, but never for America’s borders. They champion multiculturalism, but only for our Nations—not for their illegitimate state of Israel. They flood our media, using the lying press, with anti-White filth, break down the moral fabric of society, and then feign shock when people push back. This isn’t “baseless hatred”; it’s cause and effect. As Jews continue to undermine the White societies they lurk in, the backlash will only intensify.

The ADL’s endless victim narrative is not an honest analysis—it’s a deflection, a strategy to silence any critique of Jewish power and actions. But Our People are waking up. The rise in so-called anti-Semitism isn’t a coincidence or a manufactured “hate wave.” It’s the result of a long-overdue reckoning, and the responsibility lies squarely with those who have spent generations dismantling Our Nations from within.
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Anti-Communist Combat HQ avatar
Anti-Communist Combat HQ
Yesterday: NoW tHaT pAtEl is In PaTrIoT FrOnT iS dOnE!

Today: Patriot Front is carrying out multiple organized actions around the nation.

Patriot Front is the future, the multiracial big tent conservative movement has one foot in the grave, it will die with the gullible boomers who make up its base.

The youth don’t want more empty promises, they want action. They don’t want to fight for GDP they don’t want to fight for Israel, they want to fight for their people.
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Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
"Kash Patel will expose PF as FEDS!" 🤪
Kanye West’s recent mental breakdown should be treated as nothing else. Don’t venerate schizophrenic insanity, regardless of whether it drags some talking points of our truthful ideology into its delusional ramblings.
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American Freedom Party avatar
American Freedom Party
Executive Director John Fassbinder of the American Freedom Party, in an interview with Nix Jeelvy, helps lays out the hard truth: No one else is coming to save us.

The election is over, and it never truly mattered who won. Neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris, nor any future Republican or Democrat front runner, is ever going to save us. The two-party system is a Jewish, anti-White machine designed to keep Our People persecuted and powerless. We must save ourselves.

If we want real change, we have to take control of our own destiny, this means regaining political power in our own Nation. That means building a real nationalist movement, including networking organizations such as NOVA, activist organizations such as Patriot Front, a true pro-White political party like the AFP, and many other great organizations with solid pro-White values. We may each have a different role as individuals in The Struggle, but we all have a duty to play our part. 🇺🇸

Join us. Build with us. Take back Our Future.
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Nathan Damigo avatar
Nathan Damigo

Executive Order of the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

“Within 60 days of the date of this order, the head of each executive department or agency (agency) shall submit a report to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, identifying all civil and criminal authorities or actions within the jurisdiction of that agency, beyond those already implemented under Executive Order 13899, that might be used to curb or combat anti-Semitism”
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Justice Report avatar
Justice Report
President Trump expected to sign an executive order instructing all federal agencies to identify civil and criminal authorities available to combat antisemitism

Including finding ways to deport pro-Palestine activists on student visas...

Links Here:

For more news subscribe to @justicereport

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Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
These people will get suspicious a guy is a fed because he is physically fit and carrying an American flag.

Meanwhile it never occurs to them that the guy BEING SWORN IN AS HEAD OF THE F.B.I. might be a fed. 👀 🔍
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American Freedom Party avatar
American Freedom Party

Nathan Damigo
Identity Evropa

The American Freedom Party is proud to announce the addition of a new speaker, Mr. Nathan Damigo. As combat veteran of the Iraq war, with undergraduate degree in social science from California State University, Stanislaus, Nathan Damigo has been an activist and political strategist for over a decade.

In March 2016 he created Identity Evropa, a North American based Identitarian organization dedicated to creating a better future for People of European Heritage.  His work has been published in Radix Journal and His activities as an activist have been reported by The BBC, CNN, NPRThe Los Angeles TimesThe New York Times, Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, ShowtimeReturn of Kings, Reuters, Rebel Media, Red Ice, Talking Points Memo, Newsweek, WIRED, Heatstreet, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Daily Stormer, The Daily Beast, The Young Turks, Mother Jones, Mondowiess, and Jacobin. He has been tracked by the most notable anti-White watch groups in America, such as the ADL, Cannery Mission, SPLC,

Following a hiatus in the aftermath of the now infamous Unite the Right rally, Damigo has returned with hard hitting commentary, offering lessons on Strategic Building and providing clarity to White advocates. He now works largely behind the scenes as an advisor for various projects, providing guidance and expertise for those building the institutions our future will rely on. 🇺🇸
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Nathan Damigo avatar
Nathan Damigo
New update on the legal front!

I am proud to announce that I will be represented by the Free Expression Foundation’s Glen Allen! The lawfare is not over yet, and I am raising funds for the final battle! This case will have implications for the other Sines v Kessler defendants. So, if you can contribute, you can do so online or by check or money order! Please ensure to note that the donation is for my case!


By mail:

Free Expression Foundation’s Glen
RE: Nathan Damigo
P.O. Box 65242
Baltimore, MD 21209-9998
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Nathan Damigo avatar
Nathan Damigo
Many seem confused at my criticisms of Trump and seem to think that I am saying it would have been better had Kamala won. That is not what I am getting at. Republicans/Democrats are two wings of the same Jewish, anti-White vulture. What I am saying is that we will not get what we want, nor what we need, until WE take power OURSELVES. This means YOU cannot just sit back now and think that all is fine and that Trump is going to fix everything. Even if you think that Trump was better for Whites than Kamala, YOU STILL HAVE TO START WORKING TOWARDS TAKING POWER YOURSELF. This means building up an alternative political party, running for office on the state and local levels under that explicitly pro-White banner, and building an apparatus of non-prophits and legal entities to buttress that party and disrupt our opponents. That is the only path to victory. Make it so.
If Musk is some secret pro-White advocate, then why was the American Freedom Party banned on X today for posting a clip of Thomas Rousseau? The previous excuse was that he was "riding out the storm" until inauguration, but this ban occurred on the very day of swearing in. Other such posts by the AFP that resulted in account restriction were such statements as “It’s Okay to be White” and “White Lives Matter”. Clearly, Musk disagrees with these sentiments.

If this administration is truly pro-White, why has it been actively persecuting and censoring dissident activists? Could it possibly be because we oppose Jewish power? An administration doesn't need to be entirely staffed by Jews or led by a Jewish figurehead to operate as a Jewish movement. The interests of Zionists, Judeo-capitalists, globalists, and universalists align perfectly against Whites, and this administration embodies all of these things and more.

Wake up. They are not here to save you.
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Anti-Communist Combat HQ avatar
Anti-Communist Combat HQ
Leftists claim that bigotry and racism stem from people being ignorant and not traveling.

I have read far more books than the average person, titles from the far left to the far right and everything inbetween. I have compared the content, juxtaposed it with what I have experienced in my own life and come to be a devoted nationalist.

They also say that travel will cure racism. I have traveled and lived among the peoples of the third world. The more I see of them the more convinced that we are different sub species, completely incompatible.

There is a defect in the person who prefers the company of racial aliens. We see this clearly as even shitlibs engage in White flight and pay extra to live among their own.
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