I feel compelled to point something out this morning.
There are a lot of folks (not on this channel, but on many of the larger ones) who have turned in one set of constructs for a different set. And by this I mean that they are choosing to use a new set of rules to condemn other people and other groups, without really digging into the “why” of it all. Many of the signs, numbers and symbols that have people’s hackles up, are not necessarily bad although they are being interpreted that way. I think that many are just using them to avoid thinking for themselves yet again. Sorry, but I call it like I see it. That’s how I’m wired. .
You need to understand that these symbols have been hijacked. For instance, the swastika comes from Sanskrit (svasitka) and means wellbeing or good fortune. Yes, the Nazi’s perverted it, but are we really willing to give up that symbol to [them] by condemning it? People actually still use that mark for GOOD. Just like I’m not willing to give up my rainbows to an alter-agenda, I’m also not going to throw the baby out with the bath water on all the others.
Even the pentagram (yes, I said it) is not necessarily evil!
It is actually linked to the harmony of the five elements, the golden ratio, and other sacred geometry. Incidentally, the figure of a man within a pentagram does not necessarily signify sacrifice. It’s highlighting the magnificence of the human body and the way it was constructed! You see, it’s ALL been hijacked.
The number 33 represents spiritual illumination and reflection of self. It is not insignificant that Jesus was believed to be 33 at the time of his death, nor is it insignificant that we have 33 vertebrae and spiritual enlightenment occurs when one is able to raise their energy up the spine and culminate in the pineal gland. Obviously, the meaning of a 33rd degree Mason is derived from this as well. They USE that, they did not INVENT it.
(Added 21 Mar 2023– There is evidence to suggest that we have two factions of Masons in the world. The “good” ones working to protect the ancient knowledge, and the ones were infiltrated. Do you see how confusing all this gets?!)
In fact most occult symbols were taken from ancient wisdom. Occult actually just means hidden. It does not mean evil. That’s a designation that has been put on that level of knowledge in order to keep “the great unwashed” away from it.
Do you understand yet? Everything in our society has been constructed to keep you from understanding how things actually work. You police yourself because you’ve been told it’s bad to look, to investigate and to think.
Please stop! The sooner everyone stands on his/her own two feet and makes their own decisions, the sooner we can rise out if this mess.
We were created to be THINKING, FEELING beings. For my part, I’m not going to let anyone else tell me what or how to think. I trust God and the messages He gives me. That’s all I need.
@TruthRascalHQ ✨💕✨
—12 June 2021—