Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, which lasts until Easter. During this period, we commemorate that Jesus Christ survived 40 days in the desert and managed to resist all temptations.
Smoking, drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, ultra-processed foods and pornography are things that harm us and stop us from reaching our full potential. To serve our people, we must become the best version of ourselves. We can only demand from our people what we first demand from ourselves.
Addictions that provide short-term pleasure do not belong in the life of a healthy nationalist. It is better to focus on the long term, on the eternal, on things that give us lasting satisfaction, such as our faith, our people, family, sports and work.
However, it is sometimes difficult to take that step; sometimes you need a little push. Lent is an ideal opportunity for this. Millions of Christians worldwide will try to resist temptations. Set aside instant gratification and unhealthy habits for 40 days and see what the effect is. You will probably feel better and thus become a better servant to your family and people. It is also a good way to become more connected to our ancestors who have always practiced this centuries-old tradition. Good luck to everyone.