The admins of this channel are NOT the initiators of this PEACEFUL MARCH. Rules: 1. NO MESSAGES INCITING VIOLENCE 2. NO HATE SLURS OR SYMBOLS 3. NO DOXXING OR SHARING OF PERSONAL INFORMATION @whitelivesmatterofficial
ORIGINAL POST | News Coverage The media responds to White Lives Matter Michigan activists who distributed White Lives Matter stickers in the Detroit suburbs, condemning them as "hate speech" for merely stating that White Lives Matter and Straight Pride.
If we warn of the Great replacement > its hate speech
If Islamo-Communoists call for the Great replacement > its "progressive"
Remigration is inevitable
We are going towards our fourth year of existence as an initiative with the same consistency: legal, anonymous, pro-White activism on every Saturday of every month.
We are grateful for being part of the most righteous of struggles: securing a future for our children. We are happy to see that other, formerly "country" focussed groups have now adopted an explicitly pro-White stance and that pro-White slogans are normalized.
We also want to thank our online and off-line allies who have set aside any differences and united behind the 14 words: @CIG_telegram, @PrivSecGoy, @friendlyfather, @frens_chan, @BellumActaNews, @europa_the_last_battle_blu_ray and others.
Our track record speaks for itself at @wlm_events. Please forward this on for all Whites to know!
The ADL is Anti-White! In September, the Anti Defamation League took a “Walk Against Hate” in Southfield, Michigan. WLM MI stickered the path the ADL would later walk. The ADL and the people of Southfield must know that it is the ADL who is hateful.
The time is NOW! Join The Fight Against White Replacement And Live Both Sets of Fourteen Words! Get Active TODAY! Get Vetted NOW!
There are many good sounding excuses to avoid real life organizing with others of Our People. The carrots and sticks of society are designed to make those excuses appear to be valid, rational objections to something that seems risky.
When examined from a Nationalist perspective those excuses amount to nothing more than the apathetic cowardice of atomized individuals. The reasons to NOT organize are many, but are nothing compared to the slow decline and fade from existence we will suffer if you don't start now.
The system has invested more resources than you could ever imagine into keeping you an isolated individualist with no sense of unity. That is because if we organize in large enough numbers, we will become the thing they've feared since they took power.
If your enemy shows you they fear something enough to make it the most socially taboo thing in the world, become that thing. Start to organize and become the thing they fear, start to resist or cease to exist.
Please enjoy with this pro-White, nationalist song in your celebrations: “Blood and Soil” sung to the tune of the New Year classic “For Auld Lang Syne,” performed by Byron De La Vandal.
We are going towards our fourth year of existence as an initiative with the same consistency: legal, anonymous, pro-White activism on every Saturday of every month.
We are grateful for being part of the most righteous of struggles: securing a future for our children. We are happy to see that other, formerly "country" focussed groups have now adopted an explicitly pro-White stance and that pro-White slogans are normalized.
We also want to thank our online and off-line allies who have set aside any differences and united behind the 14 words: @CIG_telegram, @PrivSecGoy, @friendlyfather, @frens_chan, @BellumActaNews, @europa_the_last_battle_blu_ray and others.
Our track record speaks for itself at @wlm_events. Please forward this on for all Whites to know!
THE FUTURE IS 14. @wlmcontactbot to get involved.
@WhiteLivesMatterOfficial X - follow us on twitter gab
Michigan activists spend December's Day of Action in Frankenmuth, Michigan, which is also known as Michigan's Little Bavaria, spreading holiday cheer by giving away candy canes with the pro-white message of "Everything Beautiful is White."
The time is NOW! Join The Fight Against White Replacement And Live Both Sets of Fourteen Words! Get Active TODAY! Get Vetted NOW!
ORIGINAL POST | News Coverage The media responds to White Lives Matter Michigan activists who distributed White Lives Matter stickers in the Detroit suburbs, condemning them as "hate speech" for merely stating that White Lives Matter and Straight Pride.
Kanalga egalikni tasdiqlash uchun quyidagilarni bajarishingiz zarur:
Kanal boshqaruvini oching
Telegram kanalingizni oching va “Kanallarni boshqarish” bo'limiga o'ting.”.
Adminlar tarkibini oching
“Administratorlar” ni bosing va “Administrator qo'shish” vazifasini tanlang.
Analytics botini qo'shing
Qidiruv maydonida tglist_analytics_bot izlang va bizning analytics botimizni tanlang.
Boshqaruv huquqini bering
Botga quyidagi huquqlarni bering:
“Xabarlarni boshqarish”
“Admin tayinlash”
Siz tekshirishdan muvaffaqiyatli o'tdingiz
“Tasdiqlash” tugmasini bosing
Telegram tarmoqlarining kompleks tahliliTelegram tarmoqlarining kompleks tahlili.
Tekshirilganlik belgisiAdministrator roʻyxatida bot boʻlgan kanallar TGlistda tasdiqlanganlik belgisiga ega boʻlib, boshqa kanallar orasida ishonch va obroʻ darajasini oshiradi.
Tezkor yangilanishlar va ilg'or tahlillarSamarali biznes qarorlarini qabul qilishingizga yordam beruvchi tezkor kanal yangilanishlari va ilg‘or tahlillar.
Auditoriyaning chuqur tahliliAsosiy tushunchalarni aniqlash va kontentni optimallashtirish uchun chuqur auditoriya tahlili.
Qulay kanal boshqaruviKanal faoliyatni samarali nazorat qilish va monitoring uchun qulay kanal boshqaruvi.
Telegram tarmoqlarining kompleks tahliliTelegram tarmoqlarining kompleks tahlili.
Tekshirilganlik belgisiAdministrator roʻyxatida bot boʻlgan kanallar TGlistda tasdiqlanganlik belgisiga ega boʻlib, boshqa kanallar orasida ishonch va obroʻ darajasini oshiradi.
Tezkor yangilanishlar va ilg'or tahlillarSamarali biznes qarorlarini qabul qilishingizga yordam beruvchi tezkor kanal yangilanishlari va ilg‘or tahlillar.
Auditoriyaning chuqur tahliliAsosiy tushunchalarni aniqlash va kontentni optimallashtirish uchun chuqur auditoriya tahlili.
Qulay kanal boshqaruviKanal faoliyatni samarali nazorat qilish va monitoring uchun qulay kanal boshqaruvi.
Telegram tarmoqlarining kompleks tahliliTelegram tarmoqlarining kompleks tahlili.
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Ko'proq funksiyalarni ochish uchun tizimga kiring.
Ko‘rish tajribangizni yaxshilash uchun cookie-fayllardan foydalanamiz. 'Hammasini qabul qilish' tugmasini bosish orqali siz cookie-fayllardan foydalanishga rozilik bildirasiz.