But yeah, some of the stuff in that video was creepy AF to me. I don't care if it's a psychological weapon aimed at making Muslims in the region uncomfortable... I don't like it.
But even still, I think I can see what he's doing.
In case anybody needs a reminder... Trump isn't a prophet, or any kind of religious leader. He's not your minister or preacher. God is doing a thing, and uses imperfect people as He chooses. Trump will do what he's meant to do, or another will take his place.
Historically, God did many things through the actions of Kings that often didn't even understand how their actions would end up playing part in larger plans... and they were not moral icons. One has already been provided for us to follow in spiritual matters, and He is the only Way, but forces nobody to come to Him.
Trump will be used to upset schemes and long term plans of some of our, and God's, enemies. The result will be a season of time where many of God's children experience MORE freedom than they would otherwise have had... Time to live their lives and learn to choose. Time to seek God in their lives. The fates of nations don't even matter over a long enough scale of time. It's ALL about God and His relationship with His children IMO.
A long time ago Lucifer tried to use Nimrod to enforce a one world government, culture, and language. God shattered those plans, and scattered the schemers. Today Lucifer came very close to extinguishing freedom, and enforcing AI powered social networks on the world. THAT has been exposed, and the powers that were trying to make it happen have been shaken. Many of the dark money industries they rely on have been broken. Many more will still be exposed as their networks unravel. Things hidden for centuries brought into the light.
An apocalypse is a revelation: seeing something which has been hidden. It comes from the Greek word, Apokálypsis, which means "lifting of the veil", or finding out something secret...