Trump must get the debt ceiling raised in order to apply ANY new tax cuts. The formula used by Congress implies that ALL TAX CUTS ARE ADDED DEBT bc (technically) they will reduce government revenues, and therefore lead to budget deficits & growth in government debt.
So much of Trump’s added debt ceiling number IS NOT actually “more debt” — it’s just how the government will factor Trump’s tax cuts into their crazy ass equation.
What they completely ignore, is the fact that lowering (or removing) taxes RAISES DISPOSABLE INCOME & allows consumers to SPEND MORE……which ultimately INCREASES the gross domestic product (GDP).
And we must also factor-in the billions in fraud & waste spending that ELON & DOGE will eliminate — which will lower the deficit instantaneously, once factored into their formula.
This proves that the numbers we are seeing right now are highly inflated….. they simply don’t go birds-eye view to show Trump’s LONG-TERM goals & plan.
Tax cuts reduce government revenues & create either a budget deficit or increased sovereign debt — which means President Trump (nor Congress) can officially include ANY of the promised tax cuts in ANY spending bills, EO’s or legislation until the debt ceiling is raised.
But I agree with a great point Jon @PatelPatriot made on his show today — SHUT IT ALL DOWN.
Then let Elon & DOGE (since they are now in charge of what funding is essential during a Government shutdown) decide what we actually need, & DON’T need, in order for our government to function properly!