**Subscriber Notice!**
I am about to rebrand and refocus this channel on the factual occurrence of a global financial reset.
As my long-time subscribers know, I am singularly dedicated to the factual, logical explanation and breakdown of the steps showing that the current Fiat financial currency system is collapsing, and that there will be a total monetary and currency reset based on gold.
The collapse of the global fiat currency financial system is a mathematical certainty. It’s built into the system.
If you are here, expecting Hopium and predictions that this will happen tomorrow, and that you will be totally wealthy, well, this is not the channel for you.
For those that want GCR dates and rates, you are better off following the guru news network and their endless Hopium based “Intel“ and the promise that you will be rich “tomorrow“.
This is simply not reality.
If that is what you’re looking for, this is not the channel for you.
If you want to fully understand the changes happening in the global financial system, as it shifts towards a new, asset-backed paradigm, then this is the place you want to be.
I have not, nor will ever, tell you that this is happening tomorrow - and that you will be suddenly wealthy.
Still , there is a factual basis for a massive wealth transfer about to happen for those who have specific interests in various currencies and historical bonds.
I am not a GCR guru.
I do not sell products or have marketing affiliation for profit with other companies.
If you want the truth, and if you can handle the truth, then this is the place for you.
If anyone tells you that they know the dates and rates of the GCR, it is simply not true.
However, if you cannot recognize that there is a major reset plan happening in the global financial system at this time, then I do not know what to say.
Stick around, and you will be enlightened and educated as to how this is all happening.
Nuff said…