TNT said authorization happened yesterday at the later of two meetings (Tuesday) when a live rate was given and Iraq posted it in the gazette. People holding SKR's (Safe Keeping Receipts) were to be taken care of first. Next in line were those who had purchased currency from the bank and then TNT. Tony said that the bank (presumably Wells Fargo) had told him that his group was going to get the high rates and their group would be completed within 5 days. The rest of us (4b) would receive notifications/appointments on Monday. He said he wasn't sure whether we would get the highest rates or not. As usual he has told his group there are only two "guru's" who are going to get the special first dibs on RV. No mention of Bruce, whose group dwarfs TNT. We are apparently to be treated as tier 5. Of course Tony has his group believing they are in a position of privilege. They are not. I would imagine DOGE might find any shenanigans having occurred in the RV. Careful TNT (and the bank employees on his payroll)