Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Padfa avatar
Padfa avatar
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Beautiful universe avatar
Beautiful universe
The sounds of Stars!🌟

Captured by Nasa ESA

✨ Good Night
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Millennial Woes avatar
Millennial Woes
When multiculturalism failed, the Champagne Socialist blamed the poor for not being open-minded enough. All the time, the poor were losing currency in her mind - her patience with them, her interest in them, her concern for them, were fast running out, because the foreigner was simply a better option for her.

The Archetype of the Champagne Socialist
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The Woodlander avatar
The Woodlander
Hit like, leave a comment and share if you can.. cheers everyone.

Sorry 😏🤣
The Mausoleum by Emile Corsi, 1855
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Bloody Pirate presents ☠ avatar
Bloody Pirate presents ☠

Starting the new year by watching Constantine because there’s nothing like watching a supernatural/gothic horror/detective film to get you in the mood for the coming year. 😉
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Vinnie Sullivan avatar
Vinnie Sullivan
Walking into the Tate Modern "art gallery"..
Poor Keir, all he ever wanted to be was a real boy like all the others. 😢 thankfully he had his uncle Jimmy to look after him as a child.
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Bloody Pirate presents ☠ avatar
Bloody Pirate presents ☠
Happy New Year my people 🙏
Just an FYI…
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Intel Republic avatar
Intel Republic
🇷🇺🇬🇧 BBC DISPLEASED AT PUTIN-ERA FREEDOM OF SPEECH: BBC's head of Moscow Bureau Steve Rosenburg came to Russia in 1997, but then the "glory days" of former Prez Yeltsin ended.

Unlike Russian media in the UK, Rosenberg has never been kicked out of Russia for his anti-Russian pieces - something he can't forgive Putin for!

Boost us here @IntelRepublic
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