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Quantum Field, News & Things2 avatar

Quantum Field, News & Things2

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Останні публікації в групі "Quantum Field, News & Things2"

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Beware of the scribes avatar
Beware of the scribes

Most Magnetic Metal On Earth:Holmium; Atomic number 67
67 match: Water-Seraph-Ziku-Galzu-Soul-Alchemy-Alchemical

Holmium...they used to call it "Element X",matches:Blue Angels-Memory-Seraphim

Magnetism" is responsible for 100% of the visible universe
SIDE view of a magnet under a Ferrocell, showing the side view of the torodial magnetic field.
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Storage Unit 17 avatar
Storage Unit 17
back to the future
flux capacitor
"Watch the Water"

House of Mouse

Trump's V shaped recovery HYDRO-xychloroquine? - The Incommensurate nature of water - 🔻

"Water has memory, as if information is stored on magnetic tape. It's the universe's most malleable computer."
The STRUCTURE of water is what's important."
Do you know the Power of words > Frequency < on water - Prayer - & that your food is just compounds of water also?
There's Water & ENERGY all around us in the air > AER > Ether, that we literally breath in on a constant basis. WHY do you think that is? We're literal fish "out" of water...
AMAZING water documentary depicting the metaphysical properties of WATER, given everything in life is just compounds of HYDROgen.
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HISTORY avatar
Aether is the fifth element

Join us: HISTORY 📜
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MedBed avatar
Always use disCERNment & plz DYOR
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MedBed avatar
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Rob Cunningham | KUWL.show avatar
Rob Cunningham | KUWL.show

The long-awaited moment has finally arrived, US citizens are about to experience the groundbreaking power of Med Bed technology!

The deployment of Med Beds is not as simple as just placing them everywhere overnight. There are forces-both hidden and widespread, that work against this. We’re not just talking about the big players being taken down; we’re referring to the many smaller ones embedded within cities, towns, and rural communities across America. These are individuals who do not want this technology to be freely available. They act as miniature versions of DC, working in secrecy to halt progress and prevent access to life-saving advancements. That’s why Med Bed deployment requires a highly strategic and secure approach. It’s not as simple as distributing them like candy. The process involves precision: high-level security teams, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, and strictly controlled clean rooms to assemble and activate the technology properly.

“We’ve spent years designing an infrastructure to safely introduce Med Beds to the public. The primary goal is to reach those in dire need first, individuals battling life-threatening conditions, those given mere weeks to live, and those suffering from severe illnesses like advanced diabetes.

“We have a long list of individuals waiting, but we must proceed with extreme caution. A carefully laid-out plan is in place to ensure that as many people as possible receive this revolutionary treatment. The deployment will begin in select areas and gradually expand, ensuring that there are enough units to handle large numbers of patients simultaneously.

“If this technology were made public overnight, chaos would erupt. The demand would be overwhelming, and the situation could become dangerous. We’ve seen the dark side of human nature, people will stop at nothing to get what they want. If we were to announce open access without structure, it would lead to an uncontrollable frenzy. In an ideal world, people would wait patiently, but history shows that desperation leads to drastic actions.

“That’s why this must be done with the right people. We will call upon those with the right skills and intentions to step forward. The universe and the Creator will guide the right individuals into place so that we can fulfill this mission.

“One misplaced word could bring the wrong kind of attention. The organizations that have suppressed this technology for years are still watching, still working to prevent its release. That’s why secrecy and precision are essential in these next steps.

“Our ultimate belief is clear: No human should live in fear of disease or financial instability. These burdens should be eliminated entirely, and that time is coming. The world will soon shift away from constant stress over health and survival.

"This is not an overnight change-it won’t happen in mere months, but just as refrigerators became a standard household appliance, Med Beds will eventually be in every home.

“There will be no need for conventional doctors or hospitals as we know them today. The old system, which has treated humanity as disposable, will collapse. The truth is, the human race is far more capable, intelligent, and conscious than the ‘old guard’ wants to admit. We are entering an era where true healing, free from suppression and corruption, will be available to all.

“Some natural healers will remain for specific cases, but the traditional, fear-driven hospital model will be a thing of the past. Right now, hospital stays are the third leading cause of death in this country, even for routine procedures. The human race has been subjected to immense stress for far too long, yet we have survived. Now, the time has come to thrive.

Med Beds are not just an idea, they are the key to the next phase of humanity.
This is one of the most critical Humanitarian Projects in history, and it is happening NOW.
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The Sacred Blue Tent Channel avatar
The Sacred Blue Tent Channel
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Disclosure HUB avatar
Disclosure HUB
The significance of a Cube...
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il Donaldo Trumpo avatar
il Donaldo Trumpo
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Patriot Princess 777 avatar
Patriot Princess 777

Think Easter

Roll the STONE away


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Популярні публікації Quantum Field, News & Things2

"Watch the Water"

House of Mouse

Trump's V shaped recovery HYDRO-xychloroquine? - The Incommensurate nature of water - 🔻

"Water has memory, as if information is stored on magnetic tape. It's the universe's most malleable computer."
The STRUCTURE of water is what's important."
Do you know the Power of words > Frequency < on water - Prayer - & that your food is just compounds of water also?
There's Water & ENERGY all around us in the air > AER > Ether, that we literally breath in on a constant basis. WHY do you think that is? We're literal fish "out" of water...
AMAZING water documentary depicting the metaphysical properties of WATER, given everything in life is just compounds of HYDROgen.
Переслав з:
Beware of the scribes avatar
Beware of the scribes

Most Magnetic Metal On Earth:Holmium; Atomic number 67
67 match: Water-Seraph-Ziku-Galzu-Soul-Alchemy-Alchemical

Holmium...they used to call it "Element X",matches:Blue Angels-Memory-Seraphim

Magnetism" is responsible for 100% of the visible universe
SIDE view of a magnet under a Ferrocell, showing the side view of the torodial magnetic field.
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Storage Unit 17 avatar
Storage Unit 17
back to the future
flux capacitor
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HISTORY avatar
Aether is the fifth element

Join us: HISTORY 📜
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MedBed avatar
Always use disCERNment & plz DYOR
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MedBed avatar
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Rob Cunningham | KUWL.show avatar
Rob Cunningham | KUWL.show

The long-awaited moment has finally arrived, US citizens are about to experience the groundbreaking power of Med Bed technology!

The deployment of Med Beds is not as simple as just placing them everywhere overnight. There are forces-both hidden and widespread, that work against this. We’re not just talking about the big players being taken down; we’re referring to the many smaller ones embedded within cities, towns, and rural communities across America. These are individuals who do not want this technology to be freely available. They act as miniature versions of DC, working in secrecy to halt progress and prevent access to life-saving advancements. That’s why Med Bed deployment requires a highly strategic and secure approach. It’s not as simple as distributing them like candy. The process involves precision: high-level security teams, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, and strictly controlled clean rooms to assemble and activate the technology properly.

“We’ve spent years designing an infrastructure to safely introduce Med Beds to the public. The primary goal is to reach those in dire need first, individuals battling life-threatening conditions, those given mere weeks to live, and those suffering from severe illnesses like advanced diabetes.

“We have a long list of individuals waiting, but we must proceed with extreme caution. A carefully laid-out plan is in place to ensure that as many people as possible receive this revolutionary treatment. The deployment will begin in select areas and gradually expand, ensuring that there are enough units to handle large numbers of patients simultaneously.

“If this technology were made public overnight, chaos would erupt. The demand would be overwhelming, and the situation could become dangerous. We’ve seen the dark side of human nature, people will stop at nothing to get what they want. If we were to announce open access without structure, it would lead to an uncontrollable frenzy. In an ideal world, people would wait patiently, but history shows that desperation leads to drastic actions.

“That’s why this must be done with the right people. We will call upon those with the right skills and intentions to step forward. The universe and the Creator will guide the right individuals into place so that we can fulfill this mission.

“One misplaced word could bring the wrong kind of attention. The organizations that have suppressed this technology for years are still watching, still working to prevent its release. That’s why secrecy and precision are essential in these next steps.

“Our ultimate belief is clear: No human should live in fear of disease or financial instability. These burdens should be eliminated entirely, and that time is coming. The world will soon shift away from constant stress over health and survival.

"This is not an overnight change-it won’t happen in mere months, but just as refrigerators became a standard household appliance, Med Beds will eventually be in every home.

“There will be no need for conventional doctors or hospitals as we know them today. The old system, which has treated humanity as disposable, will collapse. The truth is, the human race is far more capable, intelligent, and conscious than the ‘old guard’ wants to admit. We are entering an era where true healing, free from suppression and corruption, will be available to all.

“Some natural healers will remain for specific cases, but the traditional, fear-driven hospital model will be a thing of the past. Right now, hospital stays are the third leading cause of death in this country, even for routine procedures. The human race has been subjected to immense stress for far too long, yet we have survived. Now, the time has come to thrive.

Med Beds are not just an idea, they are the key to the next phase of humanity.
This is one of the most critical Humanitarian Projects in history, and it is happening NOW.
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The Sacred Blue Tent Channel avatar
The Sacred Blue Tent Channel
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Disclosure HUB avatar
Disclosure HUB
The significance of a Cube...
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il Donaldo Trumpo avatar
il Donaldo Trumpo
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Patriot Princess 777 avatar
Patriot Princess 777

Think Easter

Roll the STONE away
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