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#Kryon #CircleOfTwelve #Esoteric #Meditation #SoulConnection #5D #ISBE

Wednesdays With Kryon
Episode 212

Is there a Method for Longevity?
January 22, 2025

Kryon poses the following question: Is there a method that allows for Humans to live longer? Yes, there are ways for the Human Being to live longer. Number one is food. Kryon states that there is not one correct diet that is for all. Every Human is individual with unique ancestral DNA that controls your metabolism and other functions of the DNA. Eating correctly for your ancestral DNA will allow you to live longer. Number two is a strong immune system. A stronger immune system will not catch colds and the flu and will keep you balanced. There are several ways to have a stronger immune system. Can you create it with consciousness? Yes. However, it’s difficult for most people. It takes one who can meditate and focus on the cells and the DNA and work together. The best and most efficient way is through your consciousness and daily affirmations. Supplements will also help. The three ways to help you live longer are food, consciousness, and supplements. Kryon concludes that your consciousness can either shorten or extend your life. If your consciousness is one where you are in fear and worry it weakens your immune system and shortens your life. Stay out of fear and worry, and get out of the habit of complaining.

Seven Angels from the Future

Kryon takes you to a beautiful space where you see seven figures coming towards you. Humanity is going into a new energy that has never been seen before. Help is available and it is within your Soul. Kryon asks you to sit in a chair and close your eyes. Seven angels from the future come to you and touch you and you start to feel the incredible energy that is going in to you right now. Do you give permission for this? If you said yes, let this healing begin. Let these angels imbue into you everything you need to accomplish victory over any fears or worries. Stay and enjoy what you deserve.

Join the discussion HERE!

#Kryon #CircleOfTwelve #Esoteric #Meditation #SoulConnection #5D #ISBE

Wednesdays With Kryon
Episode 209

Is the Future of Earth Going to Get Better or Worse?
January 1, 2025

Kryon states that the energy happening now is different from anything the planet has ever seen. The indigenous have always had predictions about this time based on their observations of the stars. What’s your spiritual prophecy? Many predicted Armageddon. What’s going to happen in your future? Is there reason to look at it differently than before? Your history has stayed in a loop because consciousness never got higher. Your history is filled with war after war. Kryon says there is a new energy that has never been here before carrying attributes that are not just hopeful but actionable. Kryon gives a metaphor of train on track in a circle, but suddenly in this new energy that circle breaks and there is a new track going somewhere else. That’s the track you have started to take. There is more light than dark. The snowball of light is rolling and it’s unstoppable. The Old Souls are receiving instructions for mastery and there are changes happening in many lives. You are on track.

Preparations for Your Future

Kryon takes you through a door and asks you to remain hidden so that you can peak at what’s happening without being seen. There’s a lot of preparation for future that’s happening. You are multidimensional and your guides and angels are always with you. This is the purity of who you are. As you watch what’s happening in the room you see dozens who are hard at work and are preparing for something. Kryon asks you to step out so you can be seen and everyone stops working. Everyone sees you and they start applauding and cheering. They are so enamored with you. One steps forward and says we didn’t know you could come visit us. You respond that you know them as they are parts of you. You ask what they are doing. They respond that they are getting ready for a future that you don’t expect. They are busy preparing so much for you. Will you allow this? Stay and enjoy what this means for you.

Join HERE for more!

#Book #Constitution #Law #Oath

No Treason, Vol. VI.: The Constitution of No Authority

by Lysander Spooner




* QUOTES BY LYSANDER SPOONER - "A man's natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, (or by any other name indicating his true character,) or by millions, calling themselves a government."

Murray N. Rothbard considered this essay by Lysander Spooner (1867) "the greatest case for anarchist political philosophy ever written."
Read by Matt Pritchard.

#Movie #Finance #Housing #Fraud #Crime

The Big Short (2015)

The Big Short approaches a serious, complicated subject with an impressive attention to detail — and manages to deliver a well-acted, scathingly funny indictment of its real-life villains in the bargain.

Apply the concepts contained in this film to the man made fires that destroyed L.A. and Lahaina (Maui).

Follow the money.
Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don't Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It

by Jay M. Feinman

Consumers buy auto insurance and homeowners insurance to be protected from financial disaster. If you are injured in a car accident you will suffer physical pain and emotional distress. If your house is inundated by water you will undergo aggravation and inconvenience. No one can do anything about that. But if you have insurance, at least your insurance company will protect you from the financial consequences of the unfortunate events. That is why you buy insurance: to cushion the blow of accidents and injuries. Your insurance company pays for your medical bills, the repairs to your house, and the other expenses you are entitled to under your insurance policy.

Too often, however, it doesn't work that way. The insurance company you trusted will delay paying for your loss, deny payment of part or all of your claim, and aggressively defend the lawsuit you are forced to bring to make the company live up to its promise. The reason is simple: The less the insurance company pays out in claims, to you and people like you, the more it makes in profits.

Delay, deny, Defend is a violation of consumers reliance on their insurance companies. It hurts people when they are at their most vulnerable and it erodes the trust that all of us put in insurance. This book explores where and how delay, deny, defend occurs in homeowners and auto insurance, why it has increased, and what can be done to stop it.

#Kryon #CircleOfTwelve #Esoteric #Meditation #SoulConnection #5D #ISBE

Wednesdays With Kryon
Episode 211

The Indigo’s are Here
January 15, 2025

You sit in a new year and Kryon is starting to tell us of a new future that involves the Indigo’s. Kryon reviews how the term Indigo Children was given to the planet in 1999. It originated from a woman named Nancy Tappe who saw colors around Humans due to synesthesia. Nancy saw a new color never seen before around children. The color was indigo and it represented children of a new consciousness. A book was released (by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober) called The Indigo Children and the rest is history. These Indigo Children have grown up and are taking positions within society where they are beginning to make changes. These Indigo Children grow up seeing dysfunction all around them and they have better ways of doing things. Indigo’s see dysfunction and as children they were frustrated by this and were seen as disruptive. The future is filled with the emergence of the Indigo’s. Have you seen any young people do podcasts that would surprise you? These young people are talking to other young people and are asking questions about spirituality. Indigo’s will begin to make changes within the school systems. It’s slow, but this is the future. What happens when Indigo’s are able to make noise in politics? The young people will be able to make changes. It’s coming. The Indigo’s have arrived.

A Love Wash for the Indigo’s

Kryon takes you through a door and onto a stage. You can clearly see the field of potentials. Kryon takes you into the past as many Souls come into the planet during the 1990’s. You see Souls coming in with a new energy. What if that was you? Did you have difficulties in childhood? Every Soul coming to the planet during that time was an Indigo. It’s the next level of wisdom where they know they will step into a dark place with a light that can’t really be seen. The first thing they experience is frustration because they carry a higher consciousness of awareness. Then some of those Indigo Souls had Indigo children. Now they are grown they are able to correct the things that were frustrating to them. It’s part of the evolution of humanity. Can you see the love that is there? This Circle of Twelve is so you can appreciate the love that is there for the Indigo’s. It’s a love wash for all us. There is a future that is filled with more hope than ever before because of the high conscious Humans who came in a generation ago to start another train on another track. Stay and appreciate all that has happened on the planet in light.

Join HERE for more!

#Border #Marines

24 January 2025

Heavily armed United States Marines have landed at the southern border to assist Border Patrol

One of the only times we’ve ever seen American troops defending *American* borders

#Book #Esoteric #Wisdom #TheGrwatAwakening

CODEX ESOTERICA: The Compendium of Hidden Human Knowledge

By: Tyler Engle


Childhood's End (2015)

Season 1 Episode 3

The Children

A new age dawns as children begin to exhibit advanced abilities. But what does this mean for the future of humanity?


#Book #Insurance

Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don't Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It

by Jay M. Feinman

#PsyOps #HumanBehavior #Psychology #Media #InformationWarfare

Manipulation Playbook: The 20 Indicators of Reality Control

16 January 2025

Are you being manipulated without even realizing it? In this video, we unveil the Manipulation Playbook—a detailed guide to recognizing the 20 indicators of reality control used by media, corporations, and even governments to shape what you think, feel, and do.

From fear tactics and emotional scripts to the overuse of authority and timing tricks, we break down how these strategies work and how you can spot them in real-time. Using the F.A.T.E. Model, we’ll show you actionable steps to resist manipulation, think critically, and stay in control of your perspective.

This isn’t just about uncovering the lies—it’s about empowering yourself with tools to stay grounded in a world full of noise and hidden agendas.

Stay informed....

#Kryon #CircleOfTwelve #Esoteric #Meditation #SoulConnection #5D #ISBE

Wednesdays With Kryon
Episode 210

Is it Possible for God to Tell Your Future?
January 8, 2025

Kryon asks if it’s possible for God to tell your future. The question is about future telling and it’s always difficult to explain because you live in a structure that has a past, present, and future. However, on the other side of the veil the concepts of past, present, and future don’t exist, because everything is in the now. You are seen by Spirit as one Soul and that one Soul has a journey that may encompass thousands of lives, and yet the only thing seen is the one Soul. Is it possible for God/Spirit to know the future? Yes and no. Pretend Spirit is in your dimension and Spirit sees all the decisions you make and the results. Now come to the dimension of Spirit and all the decisions you make with free choice are known. Spirit knows what you may do, since the future is in the now. Kryon introduces a term used in physics and it’s retrocausality where what you do now changes what happened in the past. How is this possible? As you become more multidimensional there starts to be a blur between the past, present, and future. As you move towards more mastery your future decisions can be changed. Spirit knows who you are and the decisions you might make, and gives you intuition to match your mastery.

An Angel of the Future – Creating a Peaceful Life

Kryon takes you into a room and you see majestic shadowed figures that are pieces and parts of yourself. Each piece wants to show you something and take you on a journey. This new year is different. Spiritual evolution and the emergence of the Indigo’s is before you. Kryon wants you to meet an angel who is designed to sit with you and help you through times of worry. What’s the future going to be like for you? An angel comes to work with you and asks, “What is the perfect life for you? How would you like to be out of worry and fear? Let’s wipe it out.” The angel projects an energy that goes onto the track of your future that creates a peaceful life for you. Let’s make the energy so great that wherever you step is peaceful and you have victory over fear and worry. You are in a new energy where peace is your habit.

Join the discussion HERE!

#Book #911

Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11 (1st Edition)

by Judy Wood

CODEX ESOTERICA: The Compendium of Hidden Human Knowledge

By: Tyler Engle

Codex Esoterica is a compilation of multidisciplinary knowledge. It is a fusion of many fields of science, esoteric wisdom, philosophy, and Ancient Spirituality. It is designed to transform a person into a Philomath, or lover of learning. Inside is knowledge acquired from in-depth study of the Spiritual Traditions of the Ancient and Modern world, the Sciences, the Occult, and everything in between. It is not intended to be a hard rule for how absolutely everything works. No mortal can know it, or the being would be all-knowing, or what humanity has traditionally referred to as god.

This is a compilation of my understandings from 4 years of University (BA in Computer Engineering, Minors in Physics and Mathematics), Sacred Texts (The Bible, The Quran, The Vedas, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Gnostic Texts, Emerald Tablets, Divine Pymader, & the Kybalion), years of world travel, independent research, psychedelic journeys, and the never-ending quest to peel back the layers of reality and expose what's underneath.

What's Inside:

* Sacred Geometry Unveiled: Codex Esoterica begins its journey by unraveling the secrets of sacred geometry, exposing the intricate design that governs the physical universe. Through profound insights, readers will gain a deep understanding of how these geometric patterns shape and mold the world around us.

* Forces of Energy and Their Dance with Matter: Navigate the complex fusion between the forces of energy and the material realm. Codex Esoterica illuminates the symbiotic relationship between energy and matter, comprehensively exploring the unseen forces that influence our everyday experiences.

* Consciousness as the Navigator: Embark on a transformative exploration of consciousness and its unparalleled role in directing the ebb and flow of energy. This section provides profound insights into the nature of consciousness, empowering readers to harness their awareness as a powerful force for intentional living.

* The Purposeful Incarnation: Uncover the mysteries of your existence as Codex Esoterica delves into the reasons behind your chosen incarnation on Earth. Gain clarity on the purpose that led you to this moment and understand the cosmic forces in your journey through time and space.

* The Human Body as the Vessel of Wisdom: In the final revelation, Codex Esoterica unveils the remarkable truth that the human body is a repository of this sacred knowledge. Learn how to operate your body as an instrument for conscious development, unlocking the potential for profound discoveries and the fulfillment of your life's purpose.

Codex Esoterica is a beacon of enlightenment for those seeking a deeper understanding of the hidden realms that shape our reality. Seasoned seekers or a curious novice will undoubtedly enjoy the profound journey into the heart of esoteric knowledge, providing the tools to navigate the intricate tapestry of existence. Crack the Codex, begin the expedition into the realms of hidden human wisdom.

As Graham Hancock famously said, Humanity is a species with amnesia. The purpose of forgetting, the reason for the amnesia, is to get us to focus on the matter. Focus on the matter creates a mission that must be accomplished with the time given here.

Time does not stop moving, whether you want to or not it forces us to make a choice. We cannot do all things because that would be another godlike quality.

What we decide to focus on either aligns with our true self and the desire for a certain experience, or a fake identity we manufacture to help someone else realize their dream.

My sincerest wish in writing this is that something within these pages will allow you to realize yours.

Recognize what is in your sight. That which is hidden from you will become plain to you.


Childhood's End (2015)

Season 1 Episode 2

The Deceivers

Now living in a golden age of peace, some humans begin to notice changes in their children that lead them to question the aliens' motivations.



Childhood's End (2015)

Season 1 Episode 1

The Overlords

An alien presence arrives on Earth with the intention to end all suffering and guide humanity into a utopia. But when the aliens refuse to reveal their appearance, some wonder if this dream is instead a nightmare.

Written by Arthur C. Clarke and hailed as a revolutionary work of science fiction since its publishing in 1953, Childhood’s End follows the peaceful alien invasion of Earth by the mysterious “Overlords,” whose arrival begins decades of apparent utopia under indirect alien rule, at the cost of human identity and culture.


#Psycholgy #Media #Manipulation #Crowds

The Most Dangerous Book in the World

00:00 Intro
00:43 Number 1: Simple Emotions
01:11 Number 2: Repetition
01:45 Number 3: Visual Symbols
02:08 Number 4: Prestige
02:43 Number 5: Leaders
03:12 Number 6: Crowds worship certainty
03:42 Number 7: Illusions


* The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
By Gustave le Bon

#Health #Rife #Parasites #Candida #Detoxification #MentalHealth

Are your cravings, habits, and thoughts truly your own?

What if the forces controlling your cravings, emotions, and even your thoughts aren’t entirely your own? In this video, we uncover the shocking connection between parasites and demons—two forces that thrive by manipulating your body, mind, and spirit.

Learn how these invaders work together with toxins to wreak havoc on your health, creating a cycle of addiction, fatigue, and disease. But here’s the good news: you can fight back. Discover the ancientes and modern solutions to cleanse your body, detoxify your mind, and reclaim your freedom.

This isn’t just about your health—it’s about taking back control of your life. Are you ready to face the truth and free yourself from the hidden forces pulling the strings? Watch now to begin your journey of cleansing, liberation, and empowerment.

*Topics Covered:*
🔍 How parasites hijack your body and mind
🔍 The connection between parasites and toxins
🔍 Ancient practices for cleansing and detoxification
🔍 How to reclaim your health and take back control

Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11 1st Edition

by Judy Wood

This book is a forensic analysis of what effectively is a crime scene. Ground Zero and the surrounding areas were photographed countless thousands of times, yet no one really assessed all of the phenomena found in these photographs. What is presented in this book is not a theory and it is not speculation. It is evidence. It is the body of empirical evidence that must be explained in order to determine what happened at Ground Zero.

Anyone declaring who did what or how they did it before they have determined what was done is merely promoting either speculation or propaganda. The popular chant, "9/11 was an inside job," is, scientifically speaking, no different from the chant that "19 bad guys with box cutters did it." Neither one is the result of a scientific investigation supported by evidence that would be admissible in court. Neither identifies what crime was committed or how it was committed.

The order of crime solving is to determine

1) WHAT happened, then

2) HOW it happened (e.g., what weapon), then

3) WHO did it. And only then can we address

4) WHY they did it (i.e. motive).

Let us remember what is required to (legally) convict someone of a crime. You cannot convict someone of a crime based on belief. You cannot convict someone of a crime if you don't even know what crime to charge them with. If you accuse someone of murder using a gun, you'd better be sure the body has a bullet hole in it. Yet, before noon on 9/11/01, we were told who did it, how they did it, and why they did it (they hate us for our freedoms); before any investigation had been conducted to determine what had even been done.

Many people have speculated as to who committed the crimes of 9/11 and/or how they did so. But without addressing what happened, speculation of this kind is nothing more than conspiracy theory. My research is not speculation. It is a forensic investigation of what happened to the WTC complex on 9/11.

#SealedIndictments #GrandJury



(+5,271 new since last update)

Source = Pacer.gov

Examine details at Bad-Boys.US
(See map of United States - non-mobile)



Top Total Cases by State
#1 (341591) - Texas
#2 (191088) - California
#3 (129378) - Arizona
#4 (57204) - New York
#5 (55663) - New Mexico
#6 (48833) - Florida
#7 (44664) - Pennsylvania
#8 (39557) - Ohio
#9 (29775) - Illinois
#10 (27802) - North Carolina
#Rife #Health #Covid #Virus #Frequency

Virus Destruction by Resonance

Auguste Meessen

Journal of Modern Physics
Volume 11, Number 12
Pages 2011-2052


28 December 2020


How to Activate Your GOD Given Power to Manifest Your Dream Life NOW - DR. ERNEST HOLMES

Unlock the hidden potential within you with the teachings of Dr. Ernest Holmes. Discover how to activate your God-gifted power to manifest the life you've always desired. In this video, we explore the divine force that resides in all of us and how you can consciously tap into this power to transform your reality.

Learn practical techniques to rewire your thoughts, shift your perspective, and bring your desires to life through spiritual conviction and experience. Whether you're seeking abundance, better health, or personal growth, this guide will help you switch on your inner divine light and navigate life's challenges with wisdom and strength.

Tune in to harness the infinite wisdom of the universe and activate your true potential today.Watch now to start your journey towards mastering the universe's hidden laws!


02:15 - Introduction to God-Given Power

07:48 - Ernest Holmes’ Discovery

12:32 - Flipping the Mental Switch Technique

18:09 - Understanding Divine Mind and Manifestation

22:58 - Visualization Techniques to Unlock Power

28:14 - Power of Daily Spiritual Practice

32:45 - Emotional Alignment and Manifestation

36:29 - Trusting Divine Flow and Surrender

39:17 - Strengthening Your Intuition



ERNEST S. HOLMES Audiobooks:

Creative Mind

📖 Creative Mind and Success

📖 How to use the Science of Mind
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